Madeline Thien is reading at UBC Thursday!

Madeleine Thien, author of Certainty,  gives reading Thursday at UBC,

Thien burst onto the literary scene with her short story collection Simple Recipes.  It was nominated for Vancouver Book Award, and many others.  She had a wonderful little children's story, The Chinese Violin, that was also turned into a short animated film.  Her latest work Certainty, has also received many accolades.  Great for her first novel!

I first met Maddy a few years ago in 2002, when we recognized her as a past winner of the Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop Emerging Writer Award, at our first ACWW Community Builder's Dinner which honoured Roy Mah, Paul Yee and Wayson Choy.

There's going to be a Madeleine Thien reading at UBC this Thursday July
17 at 3:00-4:30pm.   Besides UBC staff and students, various community
groups will be joining us for this reading, too.  CCHS will be one of
them.  I hope you can join us!

Thursday, July 17, 2008 – 3:00pm – 4:30pm

The Lillooet Room (301), Irving K. Barber Learning Centre


The Irving K. Barber Learning Centre is located at
1961 East Mall, Vancouver BC
at the University
of British Columbia.

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