Joy Kogawa celebrated at Kogawa House and receives George Woodcock Literary Achievement Award

It was a wonderful busy busy day of celebration at Joy Kogawa House on April 25th.

3pm press conference, introduction of formerly anomnynous $500,000 donor (Sen. Nancy Ruth) + baby cherry tree planting


At 3:40pm, we sat inside the living room of Historic Joy Kogawa House and listened to CBC Radio One's Arts Report by Paul Grant.  Paul had interviewed Sen. Nancy Ruth, Bill Turner and Joy Kogawa for his story on how the house was saved, and how Sen. Nancy Ruth's formerly anonymous gift of $500,000 was important.  In this picture Hon. Iona Campagnolo, Sen. Nancy Ruth and Joy Kogawa.- photo Todd Wong

Hon. Iona Campagnolo (former BC Lt. Gov. speaks about importance of preserving culture and heritage represented through Historica Joy Kogawa house.  She stands next to Joy Kogawa, Bill Turner (TLC executive director), Senator Nancy Ruth, Ujal Dosanjh MP for Vancouver South, Ellen Woodsworth (former Vancouver City councilor) – photo Todd Wong

4pm VIP reception – where we sold 6 baby cherry trees that will be planted at designated public sites (I want to plant one at Government House in Victoria)


Joy Kogawa signs books for MP Ujal Dosanjh and Vancouver councilor Heather Deal – two of the politicians we first contacted in 2005 to find ways to save the house and ensure its heritage designations. – photo Todd Wong

8pm  Music and Poetry with Joy Kogawa and Friends, featuring poets George McWhirter, Heidi Greco, Marion Quednau, soprano Heather Pawsey, flautist Kathryn Cernauskas, pianist Rachel Kiyo Iwassa, and composer Leslie Uyeda.

Author Joy Kogawa reads to a packed house in her childhood home. Composer Leslie Uyeda stands 2nd from left.  Vancouver Public Library Community Programming director Janice Douglas sits in the front row, 3rd from left. – photo Todd Wong

Following the music, Joy was presented with the George Woodcock Lifetime Achievement Award from BC Bookworld Publisher Alan Twigg, Vancouver Public Library Community Programs Director Janice Douglas, and historian Jean Barman.

Alan Twigg speaks of Joy's acomplishments

Joy Kogawa accepts the award

Alan Twigg speaks of Joy's accomplishments         Joy Kogawa accepts the George Woodcock lifetime achievement award

This morning Joy Kogawa sent this email out to our Historic Joy Kogawa House Society

Dear Friends,
For a day of unalloyed happiness —
have had many many wonderful days in my life — but this one!  It was
the happiest. If ever I've felt at home…. Or felt the love that
underlies all…
My friend Heather Pawsey, soprano wrote:

Last night was one of the most beautiful and profound evenings of my musical life.  Heartfelt thanks to everyone behind Kogawa House.  May it continue to rise and spread its wings.

Pictures and more details to follow.

Kogawa House April 25 2008

Kogawa House April 25 2008

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