CCNC launches 150 Years Culture Online Project – celebrating Chinese Canadian history and culture

Chinese Canadian National Council has launched the Chinese Canadian 150 Years Culture Online Project:

150 years is a short time for a culture that spans five thousand years,
but it is a long time when compared to a country that is only 141 years

Chinese Canadian history is not all about gold seekers, railway workers or the head tax.  It is also about adventure, endeavor and suffering – all universal experiences of every immigrant group to Canada.

The following is from the webiste at

The Chinese Canadian National Council is proud to present the Chinese
Canadian 150 Years Culture Online Project (CC150). This exciting new
online project showcases writers, musicians, videographers and artists
in the Chinese Canadian community. CC150 brings together a special
collection of exceptional work, based on the theme of 150 years of
continuous Chinese community in Canada with many submissions from

Through this community-based effort, we hope to provide a venue to
share our experiences and our stories and to instill pride and cultural
understanding. We encourage the public and Chinese Canadian communities
to connect, interact and to build understanding and respect for
Objectives of the Chinese Canadian 150 Years Culture Online Project:

  • To showcase Chinese Canadian perspectives and experiences from across the country
  • To enrich and educate everyone about the diverse Chinese Canadian cultures and histories
  • To be welcoming of youth participation
  • To build stronger relationships between communities and groups across Canada and abroad
  • To celebrate 150 years of continuous Chinese community in Canada

Features of the Chinese Canadian 150 Years Culture Online Project:

  • A special anthology of stories written by or about Chinese Canadians
  • A unique music and short video collection by Chinese Canadians
  • A showcase of Chinese Canadian artists
  • A one-stop resource page of relevant events and websites
This project was made possible with the support of the Chinese
Canadian National Council, Department of Canadian Heritage through
Canadian Culture Online and the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

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