Gung Haggis dragon boat practice SUNDAY 1:30pm, April 20

The sun is expected to peek out for Sunday – while the chance of flurries is also expected.

It's snowing on the North Shore right now, after some hail this afternoon.

Last Sunday was soooo much fun with two boats out, doing sprint races
side by side.  Expect more fun and practices like this as more people
come out.

Dragon Zone
Creekside Park @ Science World
bring your windbreaker and a cap… (for the sun 🙂

Next week is our video taping and special coaching session with Kamini Jain.  April 27th,

We have had 18 practices so far…

It is one month / 4 weeks until our first race at Lotus Sports Club Bill Alley Memorial Regatta, on May 17th,

we have practiced on Sunday afternoons, Tuesday Nights and Wednesday night

We have have been filmed by 2 news crews, Global TV News and City TV Breakfast Television.

have had 32 experienced paddlers out and at least 12 rookies…. and 3
signed up and paid veteran paddlers still missing in action.

Some paddlers are opting to skip Alcan Race, so we will have one good team for Alcan with a mix of veterans and a few rookies.

We are welcoming our new paddlers and will give them priority for our next races, as we continue to build a second team.  In the next few weeks, we would like to identify and prioritize our racers for each race.

It is 8 weeks until Rio Tinto Alcan
Dragon Boat Festival

Wednesday night, I attended the managers/captains meeting with Stephen Mirowski, Steven Wong, Stuart Mackinnon and Pash Brar.

will be no 50+ race.  It was dropped because there weren't enough
entries (they needed 6) Last year Gung Haggis & Friends entered and
came 4th, just a second out of 3rd place.

The actual Racer's
village and festival site is undecided because of construction, but the
race course will still be exactly the same, with boats finishing
towards the North East corner of False Creek.

Race format is the same as last year – 32 teams in Comp.  64 teams in upper Rec, and 32 teams in lower Rec/Novice.  

combined paddlers from CC Dragons and Gung Haggis Fat Choy + other
experienced paddlers + keener rookies, I see us improving over last
year's performance in the Lower rec/Novice division.  The boat feels
strong and smooth with the experienced paddlers.  The rookies are
learning fast. 

Let's get out and fill the boat for practices, and make it to the middle of the Upper Rec division.

See you SUNDAY!!!!


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