Gung Haggis Fat Choy media attention is heating up: Vancouver Sun today

No longer considered a cultural fusion hybrid event…
Food critic Mia Stainsby calls us tri-brid!

A list of really cool Burns Dinners and special food events came out in the January 23 Vancouver Sun today.  We accompany articles about a $1200 one ounce tasting from a 1795 bottle of cognac, and a $95 Burns Dinner at Boneta Restaurant….  pretty nice company for our little 10 course Chinese dinner with a “Vancouver special – deep-fried haggis wun tun”- Check it out:

ON THE BURNER – by Mia Stainsby

Haggis Fat Choy: This Scottish-Chinese-Canadian tri-brid event
celebrates its 10th year on Jan. 27 at Floata Restaurant. A 10-course
Chinese banquet includes a Vancouver special, deep-fried haggis wun
tun, as well as music (Blackthorn, a Celtic band; bagpipes ) and poetry
(poet laureate George McWhirter), and a sneak preview of the play, The
Quickie by playwright Grace Chin. The evening starts at 5:30 with a
reception and appetizers, with dinner at 6 p.m. Tickets are $64.50 for
adults; $54 for students; $43.50 for children 13 and under. Order
tickets at 604-631-2872.

Today was a busy Gung Haggis Day….

I took some table reservations, confirmed other seating arrangments, found out when Shaw TV's “The Express” will run tomorrow on Jan 24, and Robbie Burns Day on Jan 25th. 

Bagpiper Joe McDonald and I discussed a new arrangement for our rap version of Gung HAGGIS RAP Choy, for when we perform for CBC Newsworld on Friday.

I met up with a major distributor of fine spirits, for sponsorship an donations for our event.  I can't tell you anything now… but I have promised surprises for our 10th Anniversary.

I picked up 50 haggis (or is the plural haggisses or haggi?), from Peter Black & Sons – my favorite haggis maker, at Park Royal South.  Delivered them to Floata Restaurant in Vancouver Chinatown… and worked on some more arrangements for the big event!

Down the street at the Radha Yoga Centre, writer Alexis Kienlen held the Vancouver launch of her poetry book “She Dreams in Red.”  It was nice to Alexis who has been writing and editing in Grande Prairie AB.  She is a past literary editor for Ricepaper Magazine, and on her way to participate in the Canadian Cooperative Association's upcoming Study Mission to the Philippines where she will be responsible for documenting the trip, and writing stories for various Canadian media outlets.

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