Help CBC Radio Vancouver move to the FM Dial!

Gung Haggis Fat Choy LOVES CBC Radio….

We would love to tell everybody to follow the instructions below and help CBC Radio One move from 690AM to the FM Dial.

Why does Gung Haggis Fat Choy love CBC Radio?

CBC Radio hosts Margaret Gallagher, Sheila Rogers and Priya Ramu have helped to co-host past Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinners.

Back in 2002, Bill Richardson interviewed Toddish McWong about Gung Haggis Fat Choy Robbie Burns Dinner.  In 2004, Sheila Rogers interviewed Todd.  Margaret Gallagher has also interviewed Todd for her 690 to Go slot on the Early Edition.

CBC Radio has also run stories about the Save Joy Kogawa House campaign in 2005 and 2006. 

Many of our friends have had spots on CBC Radio including Adrienne Wong, Charles Demers, Henry Yu, Joy Kogawa, Jennifer Sookfong Lee, Paul Yee, Qiu Xia He and Silk Road Music, Brandy Lien Worrall, the Chinese Canadian War veterans, Larry Wong, Jim Wong-Chu, etc etc etc…
We LOVE CBC Radio….  please help.

CBC Vancouver has
the unique opportunity to move Radio One from the AM dial to the FM
dial in the Greater Vancouver area, therefore vastly improving the
sound quality and coverage of our Radio One service!


application to the CRTC has been approved for public hearings and we
have just two weeks to show enormous support from listeners in the
Lower Mainland in order to convince the CRTC to give us the FM signal.


Why move to FM?  There are two main reasons.  


AM reception is very poor in many parts of the Lower Mainland,
including the heart of the city in the West End.  CBC did a survey of
Radio One listeners in Vancouver that told us that almost 40% of
respondents experienced poor reception either at home, at work or in
their cars.  Making the move to FM is the only way to ensure that all
of the people of Vancouver are able to receive Radio One's unique and
distinctive service.


Tuning to the AM dial is in decline and has been for years.  Four out
of ten Vancouver radio listeners do not listen to the AM dial at all. 
Making the move to FM is an investment in CBC Radio One's future.  It's
about being relevant and staying connected to everyone living in Metro


How can you help?


sending your written support by email, fax or mail to the CRTC by
January 23, 2008.  The message doesn't have to be long, but it
does have to be individually written.  The CRTC dismisses the “cut and
paste” copying of form letters.  A few sentences explaining why you
value Radio One's programming and how you would like it to be on the FM
dial so you can hear it consistently wherever you are in Metro
Vancouver is all that's required. 


To email your support:

Go directly to the form on the CRTC website at and click on the button #2007-18.
Then, check the box beside #200714239 (in the list, this is the second CBC application) and go to the bottom of the page and select Next
Follow the instructions to complete your letter of support.
And please remember to also send a copy to CBC of your e-mail at REGULATORYAFFAIRS@CBC.CA


We also have a Facebook page which you can link your own Facebook page to if you'd like, at 


order to be successful, we will require hundreds of letters of support,
so please pass this information on to everyone you know who values
public broadcasting in Greater Vancouver.  Again, the deadline is less
than two weeks away – January 23, 2008.


We have been trying to get Radio One moved to FM in Vancouver for ten years, and now a dial position has become available.  This is a very rare and unique opportunity long overdue so we welcome your support!  If you have any questions, please let me know.




Sheila Peacock

Specials Producer

CBC Radio


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