Iris Chang The Rape of Nanking: movie screenings are a benefit to BC Alpha

Iris Chang The Rape of Nanking: movie screenings are a benefit to BC Alpha

BC Alpha is an organization that has been a strong advocate both for the WW2 Korean comfort women, and the atrocities of the Japanese Army in China – including the rape of 80,000 Chinese women in Nanking.

Thekla Lit is president of BC Alpha.  I met her when she joined the Chinese Head Tax Redress campaign.  Thekla played an important role in speaking to Chinese Language media.  She is an avid human rights activist and respected by many people in the community.  Now she is continuing her campaign to raise awareness about “comfort women” and the “rape of Nanking.”

Check out Theckla's 2000 talk The Path to the Reconcilation and Peace for the New Millenium.

Iris Chang The Rape of Nanking is being shown in Vancouver as a series of benefit screenings for BC Alpha, at the Ridge Theatre, 3131 Arbutus St. (at 15th Avenue).

A film by Bill Spahic and Anne Pick

Iris Chang The Rape of Nanking is a moving and powerful
film on the story of Iris Chang who almost single-handedly brought this
forgotten Holocaust in Asia during WWII to the
awareness of the western world. Her book The
Rape of Nanking- the Forgotten Holocaust of WWII
made the best
seller list of New York Times for over 5 months when it was published in 1997. 
Until her untimely death in 2004, Iris had continued to be voice for the
voiceless victims, despite vicious vilifications from revisionists. 
Iris’ legacy for us all is the ray of hope, justice and peace.  This new
feature docudrama (105 min) in HD is a produced by Real sot Reel Productions
based in Toronto .


“You are going to find that we live in a world in
which international law has much less to do with actual justice than
international politics and money.  A world in which those who have power often
believe they are above the truth.  My greatest hope is that a few of you in
this auditorium today would actually serve as crusaders for truth, beauty and
justice in future.  People like that are needed to create a better world for
the next generations of humankind on this planet and to ensure the survival of
our civilization”
—- Quote of Iris Chang from the Movie

Venue: Ridge
Theatre – 3131 Arbutus
Street (at
15th Avenue )

Benefit Screenings:

November 15, 2007 (Thu)*
           7:15 pm $15  &

November 17, 2007 (Sat)
*            4:00 pm
$15  &  VIP$50

November 22, 2007 (Thu)
            7:15 pm $15

November 25, 2007 (Sun)
            4:00 pm $15

November 25, 2007 (Sun)
            7:15 pm $15

’s parents and actress Olivia Cheng
will be present for Q&A from the audience following the screenings on Nov
15 & 17.

are available at Ridge Theatre &
or call 604-247-0738

Let your friends know about this wonderful movie.  Attached please find the leaflets for more information. 
Proceeds from the benefit screenings of the movie go to support the works of
ALPHA such as:-

˙      Peace and
Reconciliation Study Tour for Canadian Teachers to Asia to learn about the
history and issues related to atrocities committed during WWII in

Working to get the
“Comfort Women” Motion 291 passed in the Canadian House of
Commons.  This Motion supports redress for former “comfort women”. 
Four survivors of Japan ’s
military sexual slavery from 4 different countries have been invited to bear
witness in Canada
in late November 2007.

Come to see a good movie and support ALPHA’s work! 
Please circulate this email to your contacts as broadly as possible.  Thank

Thekla Lit
President of
Co-chair of Canada
Learning & Preserving the History of WWII in Asia)
604-436-3002 or 604-313-6000 (Cell)
Fax: 604-439-7738

P.S. For World Premiere of this movie in
Toronto , please visit

Check out Motion 291 – a Canadian Parliamentary motion asking Japan to apologize to “comfort women” and provide redress.

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