Salute to the Veterans by 78th Fraser Highlanders at BC Place Nov 3rd, during the BC Lions half-time show

Salute to the Veterans by 78th Fraser Highlanders at BC Place Nov 3rd, during the BC Lions half-time show


Musket smoke flares in BC Place, as the 78th Fraser Highlanders honour guard fires a “Salute to the Veterans” – courtesy photo by Vincent Chan at 

Guns, muskets firing, marching men in kilts, veterans and Remembrance Day ceremonies and beer in a football stadium… what could be better?

I have never been to a military tatoo at Edinburgh Castle, but after watching the video of the 78th Fraser Highlanders “Salute to the Veterans” at BC Place, during the Nov. 3rd BC Lions half-time show… and feeling the stirring sounds of bagpipes… I could well imagine.  I shoulda been there!!!

Maybe if I buy a new Roland electronic accordion with MIDI bagpipe simulations – I could join the 78th Fraser Highlanders.  Except my kilts are the Ancient Fraser of Lovat and the modern Fraser Hunting Tartan.

My friend Louise Lindgard, Vol. Sgt with the 78th Fraser Highlanders sent me the following account:

β€œThe 78th Fraser Highlanders
participated last Saturday (Nov. 3, 2007) in the BC Lions Salute to the Veterans
which was held during the half-time show at BC Place Stadium.  The
half-time show was a tribute to our veterans and serving Canadian Forces

The Hon. Greg Thompson, Minister of Veterans Affairs,
joined 1,000 people (veterans, cadets, Canadian Forces personnel, massed bands,
pipes and drums) to march on the field at half-time for a performance honouring
our veterans and Canadian Forces personnel.  The cadets unfolded a giant
Canadian flag and veterans who were unable to march were driven onto the field
in vintage cars.”

The attached video was made predominantly for the 78th Fraser
Highlanders as a promotional video as our Honour Guard fired some musket
volleys during the performance, which is always a crowd-pleaser.  Please
feel free to include it if you think it is appropriate and, if so, please give
credit to Paul Keenleyside as he shot the video.  Thanks.

The video
by Paul Keenleyside can be viewed at the following link:

I also attach four photos
of the 78th Fraser Highlanders courtesy of Vincent Chan at – so please
also include his name and website in the credits for the photos, if you use

Louise Lindgard

Vol. Sgt. – 78th Fraser Highlanders

Fort Fraser Garrison

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