Origami to “bend the mind” found at the Pacific Coast Origami Conference held in Vancouver

Origami to “bend the mind” found at the Pacific Coast Origami Conference held in Vancouver

Todd Wong marvels at a Tyranosaurus Rex paper folded origami creation, at the Origami Masters exhibition at the Pendulum Gallery, organized by the Pacific Coast Origami Conference. – photo T. Wong collection

What is it about origami paper folding that inspires people to cult-like fanaticism?

a) beating human heart b) dragon c) dragon d) mask

It could be that is the act of creating something complex out of a simple sheet of paper, that “bends the mind” of people who can't fold paper!

a) dancing spirit bear b) dragon c) hippocampus d) origami creatures e) origami display

Pacific Coast Origami Conference was held in Vancouver Nov 9-11, at the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver.  Classes were held to teach brand new creations – not published in books.

IMG_0307Volunteer Fulton Tom poses with origami insects!

I walked into the exhibition room of origami creations on display to discover my friend Fulton Tom.  Fulton's young teenaged son Harrison was one of the youngest participants at the conference.  Every last Saturday of each month, Harrison usually attends the PALM (Paperfolders Association of the Lower Mainland) meeting held at the Oakridge Branch Library in Vancouver.

IMG_0323Yukiko Tosa and Joseph Wu stand in front of Saturday's Vancouver Sun article about the Pacific Coast Origami Conference.

Yukiko Tosa and Joseph Wu are two of the many organizers that made this wonderful conference and exhibition happen. Joseph organized the Origami Masters Exhibition at the Pendulum Gallery at the HSBC building on 885 Georgia St.  You have to go see this exhibit… it is exciting… it is incredible.  You won't believe what can be done with paper.

IMG_0318 Eric Joisel's work is fantastical.  They resemble sculptures.

The conference brought many Origami Masters from around the world such as Eric Joisel from France, Robert Lang from USA, Yamaguchi Makoto from Japan. Eric Joisel folds incredible figures that resemble sculptures.

IMG_0342 Eric and Yukiko Tosa enjoy a joke and a laugh – exemplifying the friendly spirit of the conference.

Yukiko said that on Friday night, conference participants had been up
until 2am Saturday morning folding – such was their enthusiasm for
learning new folds.

Here are my pictures on Flickr

Origami at Pacific Origami conference in Vancouver Nov 9-11

Origami at Pacific Origami conference in…

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