Monthly Archives: October 2007

Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team braved the white cap waves of Sunday's UBC Day of the Long Boats

Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team braved the white cap waves of Sunday's UBC Day of the Long Boats

It's a wild start as 9 teams take off from the beach at the same time, jostling and hitting each other.  The Gung Haggis Fat Choy mixed team (center), gets a good start heading to open water… but nobody realized there was a yellow rope trailing from the canoe creating drag until steersperson Todd Wong couldn't figure out why the boat wasn't turning. – photo Dave Samis.

Boats were capsizing off Jericho Beach for Saturday's UBC Day of the Long Boats, so Sunday's community teams were limited to one race per team.

Our Community Mixed Race was rescheduled to 11:20am.  Our Gung Haggis Braveheart Warriors Mens team was rescheduled to 12:00 noon.

Our teams had fun, there were smiles on people's faces after each race.  Nobody capsized…

But during our Community MIXED race, I
was steering the boat, and it wouldn't turn right.  We bumped into a
number of boats resulting in cussing, and jostled humours, as we kept
heading away from the 1st pylon marker, towards the North Shore

Imagine my surprise,
when I discovered there was a long yellow rope dragging behind our
boat, acting as an anchor drag, restricting our turning abilities.  I
managed to turn our boat back on course… and reach over and pull the
long yellow rope into the boat.  We found ourselves in last place, and
worked hard to catch up to the other teams.  After picking up our
baton, we passed some more boats in the turn, passed another boat on
the long stretch – but could not catch the 1st place team False Creek
“What's the Catch?”

Gung Haggis Fat Choy mixed team struggles to pull away from the pack.  You can see the yellow rope trailing from our stern.  Todd Wong steers, while Kristine Shum is in lead stroke at the front. – photo Dave Samis.

Our Men's race was equally challenging.  Instead of 10 men, we raced our 10 most veteran paddlers including 2 women.  We jostled and bumped our way against other men's teams, went off course a bit on the baton pick up as another boat hit us.  We grabbed our baton, then took some teams on the turn.  We tried our best to catch up to TD Lightning Men… but not quite good enough.  It was a fun, race and we congratulated them, as we landed on the beach beside them.

After the races, I headed down to Word on the Street Book and Magazine Fair + the Word on the Strike enhanced picket line for CUPE 391, Vancouver Library workers union. 

Our dragon boat paddlers reconvened at 5pm for a farewell party for rookie paddler Emilie Quevillon.  She joined the dragon boat team after bumping into me at the finish of the Alcan Dragon Boat Festival.  She joined the team for our annual after-party at Doolin's Irish Pub, and paddled the summer with us.  Emilie was often away in her job as a flight attendant but finally paddled with us for the Vancouver Taiwanese Dragon Boat races.  Emilie was an enthusiastic and upbeat contribution to the team, bringing Montreal flair to our gatherings.  She has now returned to Montreal to re-join her musical theatre group.  No doubt team members will have a new friend to visit in Montreal for dragon boat races in August next year.

see pictures on Flickr


Next Race:
Saturday Oct 6th
Fort Langley Cranberry Festival Canoe Regatta.
20 teams only
3 races.

Word on the Strike…CUPE 391 picket line adds creativity to annual Word on the Street event

Word on the Strike…CUPE 391 picket line adds creativity to annual Word on the Street event

It was a busy day down at Vancouver's biggest book and magazine fair, Word on the Street.  Lots of authors including Ruth Ozeki, Meg Tilly, Stan Persky, Vincent Lam and many many more.  Unfortunately… it rained a lot, but it didn't dampen spirits!

When I bumped into author Stan Persky and Hal Wake, Stan told Hal that the last reading he had done was the one I set up with Stan for the CUPE 391 picket line on August 24th.  Stan thought it was so appropriate that since his books at the library were “locked up” and unavailable to the public, he could come down to Library Square and give a reading.

Joy Kogawa House Society also had a booth at the fair, located at the Canada Post parking lot site.  Joy Kogawa House is not only the childhood home of one of Canada's most important authors, it is also the only publicly known house that was confiscated by the Canadian government while Japanese Canadians were being held in internment camps during WW2.

Ann-Marie Metten set up the display.  David Kogawa took a turn attending it, then my girlfriend Deb Martin and I also took some turns.  The display featured pictures of Joy Kogawa as a child at the house, and her grade 2 picture at David Lloyd George Elementary School in Marpole before the 1942 internment of Japanese Canadians during WW2. 

We handed out postcard invitations to the November 10th Open House event, which will feature authors Ruth Ozeki and Shaena Lambert.  The title of the event is War and Remembrance, and follows the 2 year anniversary of when we presented the Vancouver Opera's Touring production of Naomi's Road, at the Vancouver Public Library in 2005 to help build awareness of the campaign to save Joy Kogawa's childhood home.

For the Word on the Strike event held by CUPE 391, as an “enhanced picket line,”  I played my accordion to help add musical ambiance.  It was great to see so many people dancing to my tango, or waltzes.  Author Jean Barman dropped by to say hello.  Bill Saunders, president of the Vancouver District Labour Council, dropped by and we sang “O Solo Mio” together.

Cupe15 workers Randy and Diane, are also the leaders of the Cantastoria street theatre
group that has been going from strike site to strike site putting on their story about
hard-working labourers who build a strong community, only to be stepped on by the
"big foot."

Check out my flickr pictures

Music Cabaret for Vancouver Districet Labour Council at the Rhizome

Music Cabaret for Vancouver District Labour Council at the Rhizome

Friday Night, September 28th
Rhizome Café
317 East Broadway, Vancouver. Phone: 604.872.3166.

It was the first VDLC music cabaret, held at the Rhizome Cafe.  Organized by Earle Peach, donations at the door were raised for CUPE 391 Vancouver Library workers' hardship fund.  I was MC for the event, and I have worked for the Vancouver Public Library for over thirty years, all but one year as a part-time employee. 

Each month Earle Peach has organized a music cabaret held at the Mount Pleasant Community Centre… but that is closed now due to the Vancouver civic strike.  He contacted a few months ago and asked me to MC this new event at the Rhizome.

This was an incredible night of community, labour songs and superb musicianship.  I didn't know a lot of songs from the labour canon, other than “Solidarity Forever” – but this turned into an evening where I learned a lot about the labour movement, its history, and some of the players in Vancouver.  And I told them all that I wished I could wrap my arms around them all, give them a big big hug, and bring them down to Library Square to meet my CUPE 391 Union brothers and sisters, and have them perform at Word on the Strike.

At the end of the evening almost $500 had been raiser for the CUPE 391 hardship fund for the Vancouver Library Workers.  Here I am holding the money jar with (l-r) Phil Vernon, Dan Keeton, Todd Wong (me), Bill Saunders, Bob Rosen, Earle Peach and Barbara Jackson.

I started off by introducing myself and my accordion, and telling the audience that I was putting in my time on the picket line at Library Square.  I told them about how we have a very creative and engaging picket line with musicians and knitters, flying bicycle pickets that go visit other library sites, community centres and other picket sites for CUPE 15 and 1004 Vancouver City inside and outside workers, who are also on strike.  I demonstrated the songs I play on the line, and how I make my accordion sound like an organ at a hockey game…

Liz Thor-Larsen, started the evening off playing on her accoustic guitar and sing songs about being a union maid.

More Than Just Pay, are a group of school teachers that sang lively tunes about labour strife.

Tom Hawken–songs

Sandy Cameron read a short poem then a long poem about when the Relief Camp Workers' Union went on strike in 1935, occupying the Carnegie Centre, then going On to Ottawa.

Dave Lidstone & Andrea Smith–songs

I acknowledged that Bill Saunders, president of the Vancouver District Labour Council, was in the audience and that he spoke at the Anniversaries 1907 Reconciliation Dinner – about the role that organized labour played in the Anti-Asian riots 100 year ago, and how things have changed 100 years labour with racial diversity becoming a positive issue for labour unions. 

I then read a poem I had written about my great-great grandfather Rev. Chan Yu Tan, who came to Canada in 1896, upon the occasion of seeing a picture of him hanging on the wall of a photo exhibit at the Vancouver Art Gallery.

Jen Efting– sang a beautiful accapella song.

Earle Peach & Barbara Jackson were next.  I told the story of how I first met Earle on Facebook.  Soon after I was driving down Clark Drive and spotted him at a bus stop recognizing his picture from Facebook.  I drove around the corner to come by the bus stop, and offered him a ride.  Earle and Barbara did some wonderful harmonies on their songs.  Earle also leads the Solidarity Notes Choir, which has performed at Library Square and Brittania Branch libraries during the library strike.

Dan Keeton hosts a show on Co-op Radio called Union Made.  He sang several songs including a Steve Earle song.

Peter Marcus–poetry

Phil Vernon has been a long time activist who now lives on Saltspring Island.  He told some great introductions to each of his songs.  In particular was a song titled Baruka, about supporting the labourers in Africa, where he and his partner do work.

Bob Rosen & the Gram Partisans closed the evening.  Prior to introducing them to the audience, they shared with me their love for the music of Gram Parsons, Steve Earle, and I shared with them my love for Emmylou Harris' music. All the band members are teachers. 

Very cool that Bill Hood is a member of this band.  I first met Bill when he told me about a fundraiser that he did at Chief Maquinna School for the “Save Kogawa House” campaign.  I had invited Bill to the first open house last year for Joy Kogawa House.  Of course I love almost any band with an accordion!

Georgia Straight: Commentary – A Strike about nothing throttles residents

Georgia Straight Commentary A strike about nothing throttles residents

During this 2007 Vancouver civic strike, I have told the Georgia Straight about the incredible intellectual, creative and cultural brain trust being wasted during the Vancouver Library CUPE 391 strike.

The Georgia Straight interviewed me for the August 30th News Features | Boss and union tell different tales | It was a story that revealed that Vancouver library workers are paid substantially less than their counterparts in Toronto, and starting labourers in other city jobs.  CUPE 391 President Alex Youngberg gave good reasons why pay equity is important for the library workers…

But one whole month later, Vancouver library workers hosted “Word on the Strike” as a parallel event to Vancouver's largest book and magazine fair, Word on the Street.  It was a large demonstration of CUPE 391's creative, intellectual and cultural response to being on their first strike in their union's 77 year history.  Puppet shows, street theatre performances, information tables, origami making workshops, musical performances, poetry and literary readings…

Community groups still can't present their shows or lectures at the library.  Historians can't access archives.  Small businesses can't access databases, Scientists can't access reference material, students can't access course and related material, ESL citizens can't access multilingual books, magazines and newspapers, citizens who don't have home computer or internet can't access their free hour of computer internet time, visitors can't ask for directions etc.

And why?

Because Vancouver library workers have been without a contract since December 16th…
Because the Library Management's negotiating team did not present their first proposals until 2 weeks into the strike, long after CUPE 391 made their opening proposal in December of 2006.
Because the NPA has a secret agenda?  see 24 Hours Vancouver – News: Mayor Sam's the real loser in strike
– written by ex-NPA board member Alex Tsakumis

Read Charlie Smith's commentary in the current Sep 27 Georgia Straight

Commentary By Charlie Smith

Library workers exercise their minds on the picket line, but that

Library workers exercise their minds on the picket line, but that's little comfort to seniors and kids who want to read.

save the city a few bucks at the cost of public health, literacy, a
thriving arts community, social justice, and a whole lot of jobs.

used to call Seinfeld a show about nothing. Well, for the past two
months, Vancouver residents have been subjected to a civic workers
strike about nothing. The unions and management can agree on wages.
They can agree on the term of the contract. They just can't work out a
few other details, such as job security and a whistle-blower provision.
The library workers want pay equity–otherwise known as equal pay for
work of equal value–which adds a complicating factor to their dispute.

defies common sense why the NPA government can't promise job security
when the city is going through a growth spurt and there is likely to be
a slew of retirements in the coming years. One possible explanation is
that city managers want to prolong the civic workers strike so they can
rake in oodles of extra overtime pay and save the city a bundle of
money by not paying public servants.

In the meantime, this has
created misery for hundreds of thousands of citizens. As the Georgia
Straight has chronicled during this sorry affair, it has meant that
mothers have to worry about their kids stepping on hypodermic needles
in city parks. Poor families can't go to community centres or to city
pools. Major real-estate developments have been put on hold because
companies can't get permits. Entrepreneurs who have spent their lives
working in this city now face the prospect of their tradespeople moving
to Alberta.

Meanwhile, seniors and the visually impaired have
been deprived of reading material, as have Vancouver's vibrant
multicultural communities, who rely on the library's extensive
collection of multilingual books.

That's not all. Arts groups
have been shafted by the closure of civic facilities such as the
Orpheum and Queen Elizabeth theatres. Many organizations had their
hopes dashed that the strike would be over by September, including the
Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. The gay and lesbian community took its
lumps during Pride week when the Roundhouse Community Arts &
Recreation Centre was shut down. The Vancouver Recital Society
scrambled to find a venue for star soprano Kiri Te Kanawa, thanks to
this strike about nothing.

During the last election, Mayor Sam
Sullivan claimed he cared about the arts in Vancouver. He had the nerve
to send invitations to the media, asking reporters to offer input on
creating an arts policy for the city. Memo to the mayor: actions speak
louder than words. The closure of civic facilities suggests you really
don't care about the arts, and Vancouver's sizeable arts community will
not forget this during the next election campaign–or during an NPA
nomination race, if Sullivan's board has the guts to reverse a recent
decision and allow a competitive contest.

Once this strike is
settled, heads should roll, starting with Vancouver's grossly overpaid
city manager, Judy Rogers, who collected $318,838 in compensation last
year, but who couldn't be bothered to show up at a hotel for
negotiations with the unions earlier this summer. In the meantime,
several talented city planners have buggered off to Abu Dhabi.

unions aren't entirely without blame for this mess. CUPE Local 15 has
demanded union jurisdiction in all Olympic and Paralympic facilities
during and after the Games, according to the city Web site (
NPA councillor Peter Ladner wrote an opinion piece in the Vancouver Sun
claiming that the unions are demanding no layoffs for five years, and
want the City to forfeit any chance of contracting out services.

Ladner neglected to mention was that job security is a very real
consideration to any public servant subject to the whims of right-wing
politicians. In this new era in British Columbia, every right-wing dolt
drools at the mere mention of the words public-private partnership.
That's no comfort to people worried about their jobs. Perhaps if Ladner
and city officials set some parameters in this area, the workers might
not be so suspicious.

But let's not kid ourselves about what is
really extending this ugly strike. It's money. By its own very
conservative estimate, the City saved over $1.3 million during the
seven-week dispute in 2000. Gross savings were close to $11 million,
but city staff claimed a whopping $9.6 million in lost revenues and
strike costs.

Is it any wonder that city managers are placing
such emphasis on parking enforcement this time around, rather than
keeping community centres open for the kids? Is it any wonder that
senior brass don't seem too concerned about needles in parks and no
talking books for the blind? If you're confused about why this strike
about nothing is taking so long to settle, just follow the money, and
you'll have your answer.


See related stories on the Vancouver civic workers strike at

A side exit from the strike (September 27, 2007)
A strike about nothing throttles residents (September 27, 2007)
Labour expert says it will be hard for union and city to reject an agreement based on mediator's recommendations (September 26, 2007)
Library workers agree to enhanced mediation (September 26, 2007)
Vancouver civic workers strike undermines MS patient's recovery (September 21, 2007)
Civic strike harms the poor (September 13, 2007)
Is the civic workers strike exacerbating the gap between rich and poor in Vancouver? (September 13, 2007)
Sam Sullivan's strike strategy (September 13, 2007)
Boss and union tell different tales (August 30, 2007)
Suzanne Anton: Vision using strike for political gain
(August 16, 2007)
Strike stalls developers (August 9, 2007)
Strike shuts down meeting (August 2, 2007)
NPA divided on strike refund (August 2, 2007)
Rats, yes, but bacteria love garbage strikes too (July 26, 2007)
Long strike could jeopardize construction (July 26, 2007)
Negotiations stalled on civic-worker contracts (June 14, 2007)