Monthly Archives: August 2007

What are the real issues in the Vancouver Civic strike? The Georgia Straight finds a political spin between Vision Vancouver's Raymond Louie and the NPA's Suzanne Anton.

What are the real issues in the Vancouver Civic strike?
The Georgia Straight finds a political spin between Vision Vancouver's Raymond Louie and the NPA's Suzanne Anton.

The Georgia Straight has just printed an
interesting story about the Vancouver Civic strike, finding an NPA vs
Vision Vancouver angle.  Both city councillors Raymond Louie and
Suzanne Anton have attended and loved my Gung Haggis Fat Choy: Toddish
McWong's Robbie Burns Chinese New Year Dinners.  And they are both
well-respected figures in the community.

Suzanne was one of the first politicians we called on for help with the Save Joy Kogawa House
campaign when she was a parks commissioner, as was Heather Deal.  I've known Raymond since
just before he was elected city councillor, and our family histories
were both included in the Three Early Chinese Canadian Pioneer Families exhibit at the Chinese Cultural Centre's Museum and Archives back in 2002.

By accident (or fortune) I bumped into Suzanne Anton last week, while
on picket duty at Library Square.  Suzanne was on her way to a meeting
at Library Square and recognized me, but she hadn't been aware that I
worked for the library.  We had a short friendly chat about some of the
issues regarding the strike.  At the city hall rally last week on
Friday I bumped into Vision Vancouver councillor George Chow, whom I
also know.  George was the only city councillor to come outside and
talk with city workers to find out their issues and feelings were.

Check out the Georgia Straight article below… then read my comments

Suzanne Anton: Vision using strike for political gain

News Features By Carlito Pablo
Vision Vancouver’s Raymond Louie rejects Coun. Suzanne Anton’s claims, suggesting instead that Mayor Sam Sullivan’s inaction extended the strike.

Vancouver’s Raymond Louie rejects Coun. Suzanne Anton’s claims,
suggesting instead that Mayor Sam Sullivan’s inaction extended the

There's more to
Vancouver's civic strike than just the question of wages and benefits,
says a member of Mayor Sam Sullivan's Non-Partisan Association caucus.

far as NPA councillor Suzanne Anton is concerned, the job disruption is
being orchestrated by CUPE locals and the opposition party Vision
Vancouver as a disguised political action against Sullivan. “There's a
huge political agenda going on here,” Anton told the Straight. “It's
interesting that the non–NPA councillors seem to very closely related
to CUPE. They don't support management, they support CUPE, [and] they
certainly don't support the mayor at all. It appears to be suiting
their political agenda to have the strike continue.”

to the strike, Anton told the Straight that she is supporting the
mayor's bid for reelection in 2008. Anton said that the language being
used by locals of the Canadian Union of Public Employees and by Vision
Vancouver to describe the strike is a giveaway.

interesting that both [Vision councillors] Heather Deal and Raymond
Louie and CUPE like to call this 'Sam's strike',” Anton said. “Why are
they doing that? That's obviously 100 percent politics. That's not
about trying to get a good settlement for CUPE members. That's about
promoting a political agenda. Councillors Raymond Louie and Heather
Deal are on the same page politically as CUPE–and that is, they hope to
take shots at the mayor.”

An ex–union organizer, Louie has
often been touted as a future mayor by former mayor Larry Campbell.
When sought for comment about Anton's political reading of the strike,
Louie told the Straight that Sullivan has only himself to blame for the
labour mess. He said voters will decide if it's a “political hit”
against the mayor.

“But clearly voters are unhappy with the
strike and the mayor's inability to solve this,” Louie said. “The
inaction of the mayor to solve this is what is driving the displeasure.”

see more:  Suzanne Anton: Vision using strike for political gain


Todd Wong plays accordion on the CUPE
391 picket line – sharing his talents and helping to make the strike
environment a more culturally stimulating and beautiful place.

But while the media spins intrigue about the hidden agendas and
the roles of the GVRD labour relations bureau, and the Wilcox Group…
shouldn't the real issues include that the workers want to get back to
work, and provide the service that city taxpayers want to receive???

CUPE 391 has NEVER been on strike before, not in our 77 year history!

The library strike is getting lost in the shuffle!!!  We are being
treated just as if we are the same as CUPE 15 and CUPE 1004.  We are
NOT!  We did not go on strike in 2000, and we have often worked without a contract while our union and employer bargained.

CUPE 391 made their opening offer in November 2006.  Why did it take 9
months later for “the employer” to make their opening offer, after CUPE
391 was already on the picket lines for 2 weeks?

Watch a video about Vancouver Library workers on DAY 15.  See me playing accordion!

We are creative, intellectual, literate, cultural, and dedicated to the community… why would we want to be on strike? 

Unless we knew it was in the best interests of our fellow workers, our public patrons, and the City of Vancouver…

A tremendous brain trust and community resource is being squandered. 
Community programs are not being presented.  Businesses can't access
information.  Academic researchers can't find their information. 
Children are cut off from summer reading programs.  Cultural groups and
sporting organizations can't access information or promote their
events.  Nobody wins.  Everybody loses.

When former city librarian Madge D'alto first came to the Vancouver
Public Library, she remarked what a wonderful resource and institution
that the Vancouver Public Library was.  And that if she was an invading
army, the first thing she would do would be to close down the
libraries, to cut off the access to information.  That is how important
libraries are.

We don't want a War Room as advertised on the Wilcox Group website… Library workers want peace.  We would rather the money spent on a PR firm be better spent on a mediator.

I am proud of the good work that I have done in the city libraries. Last year I received my 30 year service pin at the Vancouver Public Library,
and was also thanked by VPL board chair Joan Andersen for my community
work too.  She was wonderfully surprised to be able to present me with
my service pin, because she is more aware of the community and cultural work I have
done through my involvements with the CBC – both radio and television,
as I am often asked for interviews or for resources.  These are the kinds of workers we have at the library – resourceful, community-oriented and dedicated.

on Thu 27 Apr 2006 12:05 AM PDT

The Tyee: Endless Summer – a great in depth story about Vancouver's civic strike

The Tyee:  Endless Summer – a great in depth story about Vancouver's civic strike

Monte Paulsen has written a nice in depth story about Vancouver's civic strike.  He examines and compares each of the sides…  the City's, the Union's, the GVRD Labour Relations Bureau, and the role of the Wilcox Group – a PR firm.

Check it out:

Endless Summer (Strike)

Ten other cities have settled with civic workers. Why can't Vancouver?

By Monte Paulsen

Published: August 16, 2007

The City of White Rock reached a tentative deal with its employees
on Wednesday, the tenth such agreement struck in the Lower Mainland in
recent weeks. But the City of Vancouver isn't even talking to the two
CUPE locals that represent most of its workers, and both sides are
warning that this summer's strike could continue well into September.

Each side has its own explanation as to why “Sam's Strike” will go
on. The union claims highly paid strike-breaking consultants have
guided employer strategy. City hall claims the union is out to deal
Mayor Sullivan a mortal blow.

But the divergent explanations do more to illustrate the chasm than to illuminate negotiations…..

Read the rest at  Endless Summer (Strike)

Also read:

'Bottleneck' Blamed for Strike

GVRD employers' rep overloaded, slow, says union.

By Tom Sandborn

Published: July 27, 2007

As municipal strikes in B.C.'s Lower Mainland grind toward the end
of their first full week, questions are being raised about the role
played by a little known body of regional bureaucrats, the Greater
Vancouver Regional Labour Relations Bureau.

The bureau is an umbrella group for municipal employers that is
supposed to make labour bargaining more efficient. But the only
significant progress so far during July's escalating labour disputes
came in Richmond, a municipality that has opted out of the bureau.

Cities like Vancouver, still locked into what is portrayed by some
as a bottlenecked process, are not even back at the table negotiating…..

Read the rest at : 'Bottleneck' Blamed for Strike

Civic Strike: send a letter to Mayor Sam Sullivan and city council

Civic Strike: send a letter to Mayor Sam Sullivan and city council

The Vancouver civic strike is affecting many aspects of life in Vancouver.  From community centres, garbage pick-up, permits, parking, city business and of course libraries!

This is the first strike in our union's 77 year history!!!  In previous years, we have worked without a contract to ensure the smooth operation of library services.  But now.. the process is turned upside down.  The Library board is not in charge of negotiations. 

City Hall's human resources is directing it with the GVRD Labour Relations Council, with the aid of the Wilcox Group – a PR firm hired to handle labour disputes, crisis management as well as VANOC.  Why has the city hired a PR firm to create political spins on contract negotiations instead of hiring a mediator to find resolution.  Why hire a PR firm that advertises a “War Room” on their website, when we should be seeking “Peace”…. I thought that Vancouver's nick name was “City of Peace.”  Check out the information found by CUPE 15, released through a Freedom of Information application:

For information about the strike please check:

Main issues are pay equity, respect and bargaining fairly… not asking for more concessions!

Here is a letter that you can download, and send to Vancouver city council and your friends. It reads:

August, 2007
Vancouver City Council
Vancouver City Hall
453 West 12th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Y 1V4

Dear Mayor Sullivan and Council,

As someone who lives/works in Vancouver, I value the services provided by city outside, inside and library workers.
Our workers deserve much better than the treatment they've recently received. I am particularly upset by:

Please direct your staff to bargain in good faith with our city and library workers, and address the issues that they are bringing to the table. At the very least, our workers deserve:


Community support for CUPE 391 Vancouver library workers from Author Terry Glavin and Dr. Fred Bass – former city councillor

Community support for CUPE 391 Vancouver Library workers from Author Terry Glavin and Dr. Fred Bass – former city councillor

Author Terry Glavin speaks about the important role library workers have in aiding authors for their research – photo Todd Wong

Renowned author, columnist, journalist and UBC faculty intructor –  Terry Glavin came by to give words of support to striking Vancouver Library workers.  Former city councillor Dr. Fred Bass also attended and gave words of support too!

Glavin says he probably spent a year of his life on the picket line, during 15 years of work including 3 strikes at Pacific Press when he was a writer for the Vancouver Sun.  His first union strike experience was 30 years ago for pay equity at the Daily Columbian newspaper where he discovered veteran female workers earning far less than brand new male workers.

Aliza wrote on the CUPE 391 blog:

Most interesting was his very first strike in the early eighties when
he and his colleagues at the “Columbian” went out in support of their
fellow female workers for pay equity! Twenty-five years have gone by
and here the members of 391 stand outside the doors of our libraries
fighting for the very same thing. It’s not right. In a civilized and
modern culture, gender discrimination should have no place.

Glavin is a self-admitting fan of Gung Haggis Fat Choy and wanted to interview me for a piece he is writing about diversity.  Earlier this year, he recommended me to a German Public television company ZDF TV, which is making a travelogue about multiculturalism in Vancouver.  It will be aired in Europe in December.  Hopefully we can have Terry as a featured Canadian writer of Irish-Celtic descent at a Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinne in Victoria one day.

Read Terry's blog at
or check out his new column in The Tyee :: Views ::

Dr. Fred Bass came by give Todd Wong some support on the picket line
and listened to Terry Glavin speak – photo Peggy Watkins/Todd Wong

Dr. Fred Bass, former City Councillor also came by to say hello and give support to the striking Vancouver Library Workers.  By coincidence, Bass' daughter Jennifer works for the library too – we've worked beside and known each other for years…  Fred even had some words to say how Mayor Sam Sullivan likes to operate in city council. 

Even Doug Perry, perennial provincial and federal Green Party candidate for Vancouver Fraserview and Vancouver South, asked to address the crowd to give words of support.

Dr. Fred Bass, former Vancouver City councillor talks with Vancouver library workers on the strike line – photo Todd Wong

In the morning, our union executive came by with Jim Gorman.
Aliza wrote on the CUPE 391 blog

Jim gave the crowd a quick overview of the
five days we spent last week in bargaining and then he and the members
of the committee answered some questions.

 The one of everyone’s mind was probably “how long can this go on?”
The City of Vancouver spokesman was quoted as saying six to eight
weeks. A frightening thought, but I can assure you that the bargaining
committee will do everything it can to end it sooner. If it should last
that long, it is because that is how the city wants it. Regardless, the
members of CUPE 391 will stand strong together.

In the afternoon… Vancouver Library workers moved en masse to Georgia Street to wave to cars drawing supportive honks from many rush hour commuters.  A City TV camera crew captured the scene and told me that it was great action to film and witnessing the interaction between the striking workers and the general public.  The mood was positive and lots of cars, buses and trucks honked their horns receiving uplifted cheers from the library workers.

CUPE 391 Vancouver City Library workers wave to cars in the Tuesday afternoon rush hour – photo Todd Wong

Other strike issues can be found on