Monthly Archives: July 2007

Norah Jones is stunning in Vancouver – plays electric guitar

Norah Jones is stunning in Vancouver – plays electric guitar

Norah Jones stepped onto the stage, quietly, and stood behind a microphone dressed casually  in jeans and a black and white striped top.  She was singing back up for opening act M. Ward.  The restless crowd didn't recognize her at first.  They were expecting to sit through an unknown opening act.   She disappeared after singing 3 duets with Ward.  Give Jones credit for drawing attention to the opening act.  This is Jones' style: understated, professional, warm and highlighting others.

When Jones finally came back as the main act, she stepped onto stage wearing a bright red dress, and a bright red electric guitar.  She strummed chords and sang the opening lines to “Come Away With Me – her big 2002 hit.  What? Norah not at the piano?  She looked like a lost party girl with her fluffy knee length dress and fishnet stockings.  Jones definitely challenged the audience with new renditions of her old songs.  Afterall, this was a jazz festival concert she was playing at.  She shared with the audience that her first performance in Vancouver was a Jazz Festival show.  She was a jazz nerd, and she was only 19 years old.  She tasted her first martini, and didn't like it.  The crowd clapped endearingly.

She moved from piano to electric piano to acoustic guitar, playing songs from her new album, “Not Too Late,” as well as her big selling “Come Away With Me” and it's follow up “Feels Like Home.”  The Handsome Band accompanied her, and I was impressed by its musicianship.  Everybody played at least too instruments.  Guitarist Adam Levy played some banjo, drummer Andrew Borger played marimba, Lee Alexander played electric bass, double bass (with a bow!) and guitar, Daru Oda played flute, electric bass, percussion, hurdy gurdy and even whistled on an acoustic guitar duet with Norah.  It's an amazingly musically diverse band playing jazz, pop, blues, dixie, country and western swing.  And of course the racial diversity is evident with Jones' mixed heritage by father Ravi Shankar, and Oda's Japanese-American heritage.

It was a wonderful concert in an intimate setting.  Jones played solo piano for the Hoagy Carmichael classic “The Nearness of You,” as well as her new political protest song “Election Day.”  I've been a fan of Norah Jones since 2002, when “Come Away With Me” came out.  I love the acoustic emphasis and the soft vocal inflections that sound as if she is singing only to you – from the other side of a table.  The first date I had with my girlfriend, she put on Norah Jones and Diana Krall on the stereo, while I cooked dinner for her.  Going to see our first Norah Jones concert was a perfect capping for my girlfriend's birthday week.

Georgia Straight: What do you remember about Roy Mah?

My friends George Chow, Wesley Lowe and myself were asked what we remembered about Roy Mah.  Also asked were Don Lee and Tung Chan.  I have known Wesley through his volunteer work with the the Chinese Canadian veterans Pacific Unit 280, and also the Chinese Canadian Military Museum.  Lowe recently completed his film biography “I am the Canadian Delegate” about Douglas Jung, WW2 veteran and the first Chinese Canadian elected to Parliament.  I know George through various community groups such as Anniversaries 07 Committee and his work as a City Councillor.  Earlier this year, George e-mailed me for some advice when he was asked to read a Robbie Burns poem for a Robbie Burns dinner.


Straight Issues

What do you remember about Roy Mah?

George Chow
Vancouver city councillor

read his magazines when I was younger. I think his contribution to the
community is that he spearheaded the English press in the Chinese
community and inspired Chinese Canadians who took up writing or arts.”

Todd Wong
Creator of the Gung Haggis Fat Choy intercultural celebration

wanted the best for everybody. You never heard him whine or say bad
things about people. He just worked quietly and created the kind of
world that he wanted to live in and for other people to enjoy.”

Wesley Lowe
Film producer and director

helped pave the way for a multicultural Canada. You and I wouldn't be
here if it wasn't for that. He was very proud of his role in helping
change the racist policies of Canada.”

Georgia Straight: Roy Mah strove to transend race

Here's a lovely article in the Georgia Straight about Roy Mah
There is also a companion piece What do you remember about Roy Mah? in which I am asked along with George Chow, Wesley Lowe, and Tung Chan.

Mah strove to transcend race

By Carlito Pablo
As a journalist, soldier, and organizer, Roy Mah (here with his niece Ramona Mar) fought for equality. Daryl Kahn Cline photo.

As a journalist, soldier, and organizer, Roy Mah (here with his niece Ramona Mar) fought for equality. Daryl Kahn Cline photo.

many years, Roy Mah was the face of Chinese journalism in Vancouver.
The long-time publisher of the Chinatown News was also a pivotal figure
in many of the equal-rights struggles fought by Chinese Canadians.

the past six decades, people of Chinese ancestry have enjoyed the right
to vote as Canadian citizens. They're free to pursue their dreams in
the various professions. And they owe no small thanks to Mah, who died
at age 95 on June 22.

The head tax on Chinese immigrants had been
in place for 33 years when Mah was born in Edmonton in 1918. He was
five when the federal government introduced a law that barred Chinese
people from entering the country. As a young boy, he attended a
segregated school.

During the Second World War, Mah and hundreds
of Chinese volunteered to fight for Canada, a country that didn't even
allow them to vote. They believed that recognition would come later.
Two years after the war, in 1947, the Chinese were finally granted the

“He was very proud of where the Chinese Canadian
community is at today,” Mah's niece Ramona Mar told the Georgia
Straight. “He looks around and they're everywhere in all professions,
and these are professions that used to be barred to him during his

a former CBC journalist, interviewed her uncle for a documentary
project for Veterans Affairs Canada. “I know that we can't have
everything we want in life, but we can always strive to achieve our
objective,” Mah said in that interview. “So I always want to fight for
a cause, especially for a just cause. Fight for civil liberty, fight
for equal rights, fight for a fairer society. It has become reality
now, you know, it's just a matter of daily life.”

Mah was also a
labour organizer. According to a profile drawn by the B.C. Federation
of Labour, he organized thousands of Chinese workers in Vancouver, from
the Fraser River to Hope, and throughout communities on Vancouver
Island. The same account noted that Mah was also the editor of the
Chinese version of the BC Lumber Worker, then the only Chinese-language
labour paper in North America.

In the early 1950s, Mah started
the Chinatown News, Canada's first English-language newsmagazine for
the Chinese community. Howe Lee, president of the Chinese Canadian
Military Museum Society, recalled to the Straight that the publication
was known as much for its coverage of society events as for Mah's
editorials and for the feature stories he ran about social issues such
as the need to end discrimination.

Mah edited and published the
paper until the mid-1990s. In 2002, the Asian Canadian Writers'
Workshop presented him with its inaugural Community Builder Award. In
his acceptance speech, Mah insisted that Asian Canadian writers can
compete with anyone because they're now “free from the racist barriers
imposed on earlier generations”.

Cultural activist Todd Wong was
among the writers who listened to Mah's speech. “At that dinner…he said
it would be wonderful if we were just known as the Canadian Writers'
Workshop,” Wong told the Straight. “It means that we should be able to
transcend race and ethnicity and all be recognized as oneness.”

activist Sid Tan was also present at that event. He has been an
advocate of compensation for all victims of the head-tax policy, a
position not shared by Mah, who had argued that government apology was

“I just wonder what life would have been like if Roy
Mah had joined me and said, 'We want a just and honourable redress for
all head-tax families',” Tan told the Straight. “It wouldn't have been
as much work as it is now. He has a lot of influence within the

A public memorial will be held for Mah on July 12 at the Chinese Cultural Centre.