Alvin Tolentino's “BODYGlass” getting interesting and rave reviews

Alvin Tolentino's “BODYGlass” getting interesting and rave reviews

Alvin Tolentino is one of Vancouver's (and Canada's) most interesting and exciting dance choreographers.  I've known Alvin for a number of years… ever since he first walked into the Vancouver Public Library computer lab to do some word processing, when he first started up his company.  Wow! years ago. 

His new performance “BODYGlass” has been getting good press.  It is playing at Centre A, International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art, as part of the Dancing on the Edge Festival.

July 11-14th
Centre A
2 West Hastings Street @ Carrall St.

Centre A / Exhibitions / BODYGlass

Alvin Tolentino and Peter Chin, choreographers Jeina Morosoff, glass artist translucence and solid state of glass in relation to the body and soul.

Company Erasgas Dance

Dancers: Alvin Erasga Tolentino, Peter Chin, Deanna Peters, Billy Marchenski, and Chenxing Wei. Music: Ted Hamilton Glass: Jeina Morosoff

Arts Features | BODYGlass shatters stage barriers |

Alvin Erasga Tolentino (left) and Peter Chin explore fragility and balance There's definitely a connection between glass and the body.”

Dance work reflects spirituality of glass

Alvin Erasga Tolentino, however, sees a connection. and reflective quality of glass, Tolentino sees a relationship to the body's spirituality. – 55k – CachedSimilar pagesNote thi

The Dancing on the Edge Festival July 5th thru 14th, 2007

Alvin Erasga Tolentino/Peter Chin Vancouver, BC/Toronto, Ontario translucence and solid state of glass in relation to the human body and sensation.

Dancing On The Edge Brochure 2007 copy

Alvin Erasga Tolentino. Peter Chin. Vancouver, BC/Toronto, Ontario. Premiere. BODYGlass of glass in relation to the human. body and sensation. Glass

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