Media Advisory: April 20, 2007
“Mr. Prime Minister, are you listening?”
Head Tax Families Begin Community TV Initiative
Vancouver BC
– “Mr. Prime Minister, are you listening?” is an opportunity for
citizens to express publicly their concerns to the Prime Minister. The event is
organized by Head Tax Families Society of Canada who are asking participants to
contribute new and used (clean) bedding items (blankets, sheets, pillow cases,
etc..) and toiletries (soap, shampoo, towels, face clothes, etc..) to the
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre homeless shelter.
When: 1:00pm Saturday, April 21, 2007 (taping starts at 1:30pm)
Where: Carnegie Community Centre, Main Auditorium,
401 Main St. at Hastings,
Vancouver BC
The video recording of public comments for up to two minutes will be
scheduled for broadcast on the cable community channel on Shaw cable 4 as well
as delivered on DVD to the Prime Minister's Office. The Association of Chinese
Canadians for Equality and Solidarity Society (ACCESS TV) is providing
personnel, equipment and broadcast time.
– 30 –
Contact: Sid Tan – 603-783-1853