Our History is Still Being Written: The Story of Three Chinese-Cuban Generals

Our History is Still
Being Written:

The Story of Three Chinese-Cuban Generals

Vancouver Public Library, March 11 at 2:30;
the UBC Asian Centre, March 12 at noon

March 8, 2007      


Steve Penner – Our History Tour, Vancouver Organizer


expect a capacity crowd for the Sunday, March 11 meeting at the
Vancouver Public Library's largest venue, the Alice McKay Room, to hear
Mary-Alice Waters, the editor of Our History is Still Being Written:
the Story of Three Chinese Cuban Generals in the Cuban Revolution and a
panel of speakers.  Waters conducted interviews with the three
generatls over a period of four years to prepare the book..

Speakers at
Vancouver Public Library, Sunday, March 11,
2:30 pm

G r a c e   S c
h e n k e v e l d
: co-chair Head Tax Families Society
of Canada

T r e v  
S u e – A
– Q u a n
: author, Cane Reapers, Chinese
Indentured Immigrants in Guyana

S i
d   T a n
: Chairperson,
Chinese Canadian National Council

M a r y
A l i c e  
W a t e r s
: editor, Our
History; president, Pathfinder Press

Waters, is also the editor of 17 other books in teh Pathfinder Press
series “The Cuban Revolution in World Politics.”  That weries
includes Che Guevara's best known books such as Episodes of the Cuban
Revolutionary War.  Several of the books edited by Mary-Alice
Waters are being featured in a special display at the Vancouver Public
Library to promte the March 11 meeting.  The VPL is one of the
meeting sponsors along witht eh Association of Chinese Canadians for
Equlaity and Solidarity, the Vancouver and District Labour Council,
Pathfinder Books and others.

has spoken at meetings on the book from Cuba and Venezuela to meetings
organized by the Chinese Historical Society of San Francisco and the
University of California in Los Angeles.  She's also speaking at
UBC on Monday at noon.

Speakers at the
Asian Centre, UBC, Monday, March 12, 2:30 p.m.

A l e j a n d r
a   B r o n f m a n:
Associate Professor, Latin American
Studies, UBC

l l a n   C h o:

K a r i
n   L e e:
film-maker, Canadian
Steel, Chinese Grit; Comrade Dad

M a r y
A l i c e  
W a t e r s:
Editor, Our
History; President, Pathfinder Press

H e n r y   Y u:
Associate Professor: History, UBC; Asian American Studies,

E l e a n o r  
Y u e n:
Head, Asian Library UBC 

Armando Choy, one of the authors of Our History is Still Being Written who had
originally been scheduled to speak, is unable to come because of his pressing
responsibilities heading up the administration of the
Port of Havana .

For further information, to arrange interviews with any of the speakers, or for review copies of Our History is Still Being Written: the Story of Three Chinese- Cuban
Generals in the Cuban Revolution

please contact Steve Penner at 604-324-2671 or stevepenner @ telus.net


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