24 Hours – Burns Fete Looks to the East


Who says there's no free lunch?
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Haggis, Scotland's national dish, was served yesterday to all
comers at Simon Fraser University's Robbie Burns Day celebration on
Burnaby Mountain.

Scotland's national poet, born Jan. 25, 1759, inspires annual
ceremonies worldwide with pipers, dancers and the traditional Address
to a Haggis ritual. SFU's had a unique made- in-B.C. flavour, thanks to
Todd Wong.

Wong's 10th annual Gung Haggis Fat Choy banquet, celebrating
Burns and the coming Chinese lunar New Year, is Sunday at Chinatown's
Floata restaurant. Yesterday's second annual Gung Haggis Fat Choy
Highland Games featured human curling and dragon cart races.

“The first solitudes of Vancouver and B.C. were not English
and French, they were Scottish and Chinese,” said Wong, a
fifth-generation Chinese-Canadian and proud kilt-wearer known as
“Toddish McWong” at this time of year.

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