Advance Price for Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner extended to January 22st

Advance Price for Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner extended to January 22nd

We have extended the advance pricing for the 2007 Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner to Monday, January 22nd. 

Regular seats $60 + $5 service charge
Premium seats $70  +  $5 service charge (closer seating + 2 bottles of wine at the table) children 13 and under 50% off.

After January 22nd
Regular seats $70 + $5 service charge
Premium seats $80  +  $5 service charge (closer seating + 2 bottles of wine at the table)
children 13 and under 50% off.

Call Firehall Arts Centre for Tix
Monday to Friday 9-5pm

increase price of $10 from last years reflects the increase price of
food and the increased quality of food.  We have an amazing array
of talent for our show + great door and raffle prizes.  People
have always said we offer incredible value and fun!

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