Monthly Archives: November 2006

Gung Haggis Fat Choy website down… apologies

Gung Haggis Fat Choy website down… apologies

This weekend the website,, went out of service.  My apologies.  Life gets busy, and somehow I missed a renewal message.

I was frustrated that I couldn't post my latest adventures or commentaries.  At the same time, I am amazed at how much posting articles and maintaining this website takes over my life.

My blog guru Roland Tanglao said “Your website's awesome.” is currently recieving 1300 to 1500 unique host visits per day.  About 800 visits are directly to the main page.  For the month of October the most popular categories were:

I have just added a new category:

Many people are asking when will tickets go on sale… hopefully this Friday
keep your fingers crossed. 

The website always gets a lot of hits around Robbie Burns Day and
Chinese New Year Day.  But just last month, we went over 2000 unique
host visits for the first time ever.  I don't know why.  Sometimes I
check the referer summary, and I am constantly surprised by where links
get posted.  Guangzhou China, Berkeley California, New Jersey,
Scotland, Windsor Ontario…. it's all there.  What a bizarre life I

Globe and Mail: Cancer: A day in the life – incredible stories of compassion, strength and sadness

Globe and Mail: Cancer: A day in the life
– incredible stories of compassion, strength and sadness

On Saturday Nov 18th, 2006, the Globe & Mail published  Cancer: A day in the life.

is a unique look at fifty Canadians living with, or dying from
cancer.  Fifty stories spread throughout the country, and
throughout a single day – June 15, 2006.  These stories are
incredibly moving.  Some are inspiring.  Some are sad. 

can personally relate to many of the stories that Globe & Mail
writer Erin Anderssen has collected.  From stories of chemotherapy
treatment to being strong for friends and relatives, from tearful
relapses to joyful recovery and accomplishing athletic endeavors. 
I lived through many of these experiences  with my family and
friends. These are stories that will tug your heart strings.
really comes through in the stories are the importance of partners,
family and friends.I don't know what I would have done without my
family and girlfriend at the time. There were times that felt very
lonely.  There were times when it felt good just to have
company.  There were times when family and friends really took
their own initiatives to help.  Some people could talk about it –
others couldn't.  The “C word” still really scared a lot of people
back in 1989.

It was
17 years ago
this month, that I had my last chemotherapy treatment.  It was a
very fragile time in my life.  My head was bald due to
chemotherapy, and because the drugs killed any fast growing cells in
your body, my finger nails had stopped growing, and my finger tips were
slightly numb due to the drug's effects on the nerve endings. 
Balance was wobbly, and I lost the abiltiy to hear certains pitches of
sound.  But the week before Christmas, I was swinging a badminton
raquet, wobbly on my feet – laughing and playing with my family.

21st, is always a special day for me.  That was that day in 1989,
when I
was diagnosed with a life-threatening concer tumor.  I had been
gradually becoming sicker for months after initially complaining of
back pain.  Little did I know it was one of the warning symptoms
testicular cancer.  Like in one of the stories… my doctor saw me
an athletically fit young man of 28 and did not think that behind my
breast bone, a tumor would grow to the size of a large
grapefruit.  The doctors later told me that if I hadn't had
treatment – my life
expectancy from that day would have been two weeks.  It was that
serious.  The tumor was pushing on my vena cava – restricting the
flow to my heart, and putting pressure on my lungs, which had then
filled half-way with fluid.

Upon reading the stories in the Globe & Mail, I thought back to what I was doing on June 15th 2006.  This year I was busy preparing the Gung Haggis Fat Choy
dragon boat team for the Alcan Dragon Boat Festival that weekend. I was
also getting my accordion ready to help send off the Head Tax redress
to Ottawa which would leave Vancouver on June 16th, and arrive in
time for the Government's offical apology for the Head Tax and
Exclusion Act on June 22nd.

Some people say “the cancer's gone – you're healthy now – get over
it.”  But I am always a cancer survivor, and the experience stays with
you for the rest of your life.  I try to watch my health, eat good
foods, exercise, reduce stress.  As a Terry's Team member, each year I
speak at
Terry Fox Run sites in the Greater Vancouver area, as well as
at elementary schools, serving as a living example that cancer research
has helped to make a difference.  Every now and then, people who experience health crises ask me for
guidance about recovery.  It's always good to talk to a walking success
story.  I guess that's what I am. 

After my hospital recovery, I tried to study lots of things about
health psychology and incorporated it into my studies at Simon Fraser
University.  I took classes in Behavorial Methods and Psychology
of Emotion (psychology), Health and Illness and Medical Anthrology
(anthropology/sociology), as well as Kinesiology, and Athletics. 
I had felt that I had effective used pyschological techniques such as
visualization, pain management, social support and
affirmations/self-talk, during my recovery from cancer, so I planned on
furthering graduate studies for Health and Sport Psychology.  But
life takes turns down paths you don't expect.  While I took one
graduate class at SFU in Health Psychology, I never did apply for
Psychology graduate school.

a picture of Todd Wong (me) with Doug Alward (Terry Fox's best friend)
and Terry Fleming (Terry Fox's high school basketball coach) at the
2005 25th Anniversary “Hometown Run” in Coquitlam. – photo Deb Martin

strange to think of the things that I would not have been involved in
if I had died of cancer 17 years ago.  But it's true…  The
Toddish McWong's Gung Haggis Fat Choy Robbie Burns Chinese New Year Dinner  would not exist. None of it's spin-offs would exist: the CBC television special “Gung Haggis Fat Choy”,  Gung Haggis Fat Choy World Poetry Night at the Vancouver Public Library or the SFU Gung Haggis Fat Choy Canadian Games.
There would be no Taiwanese Dragon Boat Races in Vancouver, since I was
the first to present the idea to the Taiwanese Cultural Festival and
the Dragon Boat Association. And there certainly would be no
Gung Haggis Fat Choy Dragon Boat team. 
I wouldn't have been guest speaker at the 1993 Terry Fox Run in
Beijing, China, nor at any of the Terry Fox Runs or elementary schools that I have spoken at since.  I wouldn't
have helped create the Asian Canadian Writer's Workshop's Pioneer
Community Dinners, nor the inaugural One Book One Vancouver program for
the Vancouver Public Library.  I wouldn't have been present on the
campaign to save historic
Joy Kogawa House
or Chinese Head Tax Redress campaign,

all have a life, and we make choices with how we live it.  I am
glad that I have been able to help enrich my community, and the lives
of people that I connect with.


The Globe & Mail is also doing some interactive stuff, for Cancer: A day in the life. They are inviting readers to join the Conversation and submit stories using the comment function on the left side of the page. They will publish here all the submissions that meet our guidelines. We will also choose a few stories each day to highlight at the bottom of this article.

They would also like to invite you to share your photos and images. Please e-mail them as attachments to

Here are some significant articles about my cancer experience and my experiences as a Terry's Team member.

on Sun 18 Sep 2005 06:01 PM PDT

on Mon 19 Sep 2005 10:55 PM PDT

on Mon 18 Sep 2006 11:42 PM PDT

on Sat 30 Sep 2006 11:58 PM PDT

Francophones celebrate Indian music with Kiran Aluwalia and Pandit Vithal Rao

It was a wonderful example of cross-cultural understanding. 
Alliance Francaise de Vancouver sponsored Pandit Vithal Rao and his
student Kiran Ahluwalia. 
The show was introduced in english, then in french to the mostly
South-Asian audience.  The only time I heard South Asian language,
was during the singing.

Kiran Ahluwalia was the host for the evening.  While a wonderful
singer in her own right of traditional ghazal and Punjabi folk songs,
as well as her own intercultural world music, Kiran was honoured to be
able to present her teacher Pandit Vithal Rao.  She explained that
she would be telling stories about her teacher growing up and
performing in India at the palace of a Prince.  She also explained
about the history of ghazals.  It was a great experience for
neophytes to Indian music such as myself.

On stage was Pandit Vithal Rao with his harmonium.  Next to him
sat Kiran.  Bookending them were a tabla player and a sitar
player.  I attended with my bagpiper friend Joe McDonald, and we
sat next to his friends Sunny and Meethu who also play tabla and sitar
in their own concerts as brother and sister, as well as the musical
fusion trio Vishwa with celtic violinist Max Ngai.  Sunny also
plays with Joe as Brave Waves.

During intermission, I bumped into several people I knew, and several strangers who commented on the kilt I was wearing.

“I just love Canada,” said a woman who was admiring my kilt – the
Fraser Hunting tartan.  She was francophone, and said she really
loved the mulitcultural flavour of Vancouver, and that she could go to
an concert of Indian music, and meet a Chinese man wearing a Scottish

“Oh… but I am 5th Generation Canadian,” I said.

more soon….

What is a Canadian? Joy Kogawa says….

What Is A Canadian? : Forty-Three Thought-Provoking Responses

In a year following the release of CBC TV's The Greatest Canadianand CBC Radio's BC Almanac's Greatest British Columbians
there is a book titled: “What is a Canadian? 43 Thought -Provoking
Responses.  Each of these essays begins with the words “A Canadian is .
. .”. Each one is very different, producing a fascinating book for all
thinking Canadians.

Here is an excerpt of Joy Kogawa's response… 

the other 42 responses including ones by Alan Fotheringham, Thomas
Homer-Dixon, Roch Carrier, Jake MacDonald, George Elliott Clarke,
Margaret MacMillan, Thomas Franck, Rosemarie Kuptana, Gérald A.
Beaudoin, Peter W. Hogg, George Bowering, Christian Dufour, Paul
Heinbecker, Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond, John C. Crosbie, Audrey
McLaughlin, Roy MacGregor, Charlotte Gray, Hugh Segal, Janet
McNaughton, Sujit Choudhry, Aritha van Herk, L. Yves Fortier, Catherine
Ford, Mark Kingwell, Silver Donald Cameron, Guy Laforest, Maria
Tippett, E. Kent Stetson, Louis Balthazar, Joy Kogawa, Wade
MacLaughlan, Douglas Glover, Lorna Marsden, Saeed Rahnema, Denis
Stairs, Valerie Haig-Brown, Guy Saint-Pierre, William Watson, Doreen
Barrie, Jennifer Welsh, Bob Rae – you will have to go buy the book!

Here's a picture of Joy Kogawa with RCMP officer and “Toddish McWong” (me), at the Canadian Club Vancouver 2006 “Flag Day/Order of Canada luncheon.  photo courtesy of Todd Wong

What is a Canadian?

(excerpt)  click here for full reponse posted on

  Joy Kogawa

A Canadian is a transplanted snail called James who sat down on a
brick.  A Canadian is a big fat street party on the Danforth in
Toronto, 2004.  A Canadian is hockey night in Canada on a small patch
of ice created by buckets of water in the backyard.  A Canadian is a
plane full of people from Vancouver flying to Quebec with signs
saying:  “WE LOVE YOU.”  A Canadian is the wind on the prairies that
who has seen.  And a red-headed girl in a green-gabled house on an
island with red soil.  And the Mounties who always always get their
man.  A Canadian trusts the law.  And since we generally rank either
second or third or fourth or whatever, we try harder.  But weren’t we
proud when Gorbachev said, “Look at Canada. They don’t kill people
there.”  Or something like that.  That’s because a Canadian is, if
nothing else, decent.  Isn’t that the adjective that most commonly
comes to mind?  We’re as decent as the day is long, are we
not–fair-minded, peaceable, not demanding guns to defend ourselves,
abhorring and resisting the culture of violence we are virtually
force-fed by the fee-fi-fo-fuming giant close by.  My Canadian friends
who travel a lot say we don’t know how lucky we are.  I think a lot of
us do know it.  I, for one, am a Canadian who loves Canada more than
words can say.

My love is not cheap.  It’s been tested, and it
endures.  I can thank my parents for this.  And I can thank the
community from which I came, and which was destroyed by the particular
brand of racism in my childhood.  I can thank my Grade Two Highroads to
Reading that I practically memorized when we were living in that
once-upon-a-time space called Slocan (British Columbia).  Books were
precious and few.  I can thank the CBC that I listened to when we were
finally allowed to have radios again, after we were moved east of the
Rockies. That’s when a Canadian became the Green Hornet, the House on
the Hill, Share the Wealth, Terry and the Pirates and Johnny Wayne and
Frank Shuster and Rawhide, and that beautiful blonde skater, Barbara
Ann Scott.  Other Canadians from my community who were exiled missed
out on all that.  A Canadian is a group of more than four thousand
people who were exiled for no crime.  Oh sweet democratic country that
I love. Some people are tired of this drum-beat….

for more click here for full reponse posted on

The Fountain: spiritual love odyssey through time, space and philosophy

The Fountain: spiritual love odyssey through time, space and philosophy

November 22
Granville Cinemas
Vancouver, BC
pre-screening event

(view trailer)

Darren Aronofsky has
written and directed an incredibly beautiful movie about love, death,
spirituality, and eternal life beyond death.  This movie ties
together metaphysics, ancient Mayan beliefs and
juxtaposes them against the physicalities of life and death in the
early 21st Century.  This movie belongs to the category of spiritual drama that inclu
des What Dreams May Come, and Peaceful Warrior.  Many people will not understand this
movie, and simply shake their heads and mutter words like
“bizarre.”  But life is not linear nor a monoculture. 

Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz
star as lovers in the present time.  He is a medical research
surgeon doing brain tumor research.  Ironically, she is dying of a
brain tumor.  Ellen Burstyn plays a research colleague or senior advisor.

In a past life sequence, Rachel Weisz was Queen Isabella of Spain,
during the time of the Spanish Inquisition.  Hugh Jackman was a
conquistador who travelled to the New World of America in search of
“The Fountain of Life” or in this case… “The Tree of Life.” 
Queen Isabella says that the bible tells of two trees:  The Tree
of Knowledge from which Adam and Eve ate the apple, and the Tree of
Life.  Jackman's conquistador is sent to the Mayan jungles from
which he is discover for the glory and savior of Spain.

In a spiritual sequence, Jackman is travelling through space in a small
globe containing the Tree of Life.  He meditates
in the lotus position.  This is probably representing his “soul”or
eternal being.  Bald, Hugh Jackman looks like Ken Wilber,
the prolific transpersonal pscyhology author, whose work I have read
since 1990.  It is too much of a coincidence that Wilber's wife
Treya died of a brain tumor, documented in the book Grace and
, which detailed their Buddhist spiritual beliefs.

The Fountain doesn't really go deep into explaining the ancient Mayan
beliefs of life and death.  The opening scenes are in a jungle as
conquistadors are attacked by Mayan warriors.  In present time,
Weisz's character Izzy, explains to her husband Tommy (Jackman) that
the Mayans believed a specific star constellation was home to the Mayan
underworld.  Some of the beliefs are explained when Tommy reads
Izzy's manuscript that she is writing, titled “The Fountain.”

This is definitely an art movie. The editing and sequencing between the
three time-lines flow in themes rather than linear story telling. 
The special effects are wondrous and beautiful, specifically the scenes
where the meditating Tommy and the “Tree of Life” are travelling
through space to the star constellation. The movie Brainstorm
came to mind because of the spiritual aspects of life beyond death
combined with special effects that try to translate the unknowing to
the audience. 

The Fountain is a brave movie that attempts to share spiritual wisdom
through the telling of a story. It balances three story lines that
challenge the notions of time, or the division of past, present and
future.  Everything blurs into a “now” as there are many scenes that are
repeated later in the movie which give
the viewer a more insightful understanding to the actions and context. 

While through many different cultures, there are many stories of the
after-life and of how we are actually spiritual beings having a
physical experience, rather than physical beings in quest of a
spiritual experience… it is difficult to explain to non-believers
what lies outside their belief structures.  The Dalai Lama was
once asked the question about his belief in reincarnation.  His
reply was a laugh, asking how could one not believe in
reincarnation.  It is like air.  We breathe it but we cannot
see it or touch it.  It simply is. 

Vancouver Opera: Can Cultures Merge? – Whenever did cultures stop merging?

Vancouver Opera: Can Cultures Merge?
– Whenever did cultures stop merging?

NOVEMBER. 8, 7:30-9:30 PM
Opera Speaks @ VPL: 
“Can Cultures Merge?”
Alice MacKay Room, Vancouver Public Library
A free public forum

Opera is an art form that has borrowed from many cultures near and
far.  There is a tradition of “East meets West,” demonstrated as Puccini's
Turandot is set in China, Bizet's The Pearl Fishers is set in Ceylon,
and Saint-Saens' Samson and Delilah is set in Gaza.  And even
Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado alludes to “something Japanese” but
is really a parody of English custom and pretension.

It was only a matter of time that the Vancouver Opera should set one of
Europe's most famous operas smack dab in the middle of the Pacific
Northwest First Nations culture.

Last week, magnificently costumed opera singers performed two excerpts from Mozart's Magic Flute
opera, but they were dressed in Northwest coast First Nations
inspired designs.  The young male bird catcher character of
Papageno has now become himself a bird – a hummingbird to be
precise.  The Queen of the Night has become the mythic wild woman
of the woods – T'sonokwa.

Fantastic?  Definitely.  Absurd?  Maybe.  Cultural appropriation?  Debatable…

Chris Creighton Kelly, noted artist and cultural critic, moderated the discussion which featured panelists such as anthropologist Wade Davis, Magic Flute stage director Robert McQueen, First Nations writer and filmmaker Loretta Todd, and Marcia Crosby, professor of First Nations Studies at Malaspina University-College. 

The Vancouver Opera website states the questions:

Can artists find common ground through artistic endeavour?  When does
exploration of another culture become exploitation and appropriation?
When and how does mere ‘inclusion’ became true collaboration? This
forum will explore how creative artists and performers collaborate
across cultural lines, and what importance such collaboration may hold
for the future of humankind.

The evening began slowly as each of the panelists explored the reasons
and questions to why they were on the panel.  McQueen explained
how the Vancouver Opera set about to invite and find collaborating
First Nations artists to work with them in creating an “impossible
idea.”  By relocating the Magic Flute, which was originally set in
Egypt and full of Masonic ritual, to the Pacific Northwest – it had to
be adapted to fit First Nations culture and mythology.  First
Nations writer/filmmaker Loretta Todd and professor Marcia Crosby, felt
it was also necessary to address how culturally sensitive or
appropriate it was to adopt First Nations culture.  On the other
hand, they also pointed out that they didn't know that much about
opera, and neither admitted anthropologist Wade Davis. 

But did this matter?  If more people become interested in opera, or
become more interested in exploring First Nations culture and stories,
then this is a good thing.  Davis explained that our world is
losing cultures on an astonishing rate.  Cultural diversity is
important for us to see things and issues from different perspectives. There used to be 500 Aboriginal Nations in North America before the arrival of Europeans, many have disappeared or become assimilated.

Crosby asked the question “When did cultures stop merging, so that we
had to ask the question 'Can cultures merge?'” This raised an important
point, because I personally feel that culture is like a river.  We
don't see where it starts high in the mountains… and it never is the
same when we walk through it again (to paraphrase Plato or Heraclitus)
and it ends in the large globally shared oceans.

The evening really picked up when the audience challenged the panelists
with questions and statements.  Issues addressed were
appropriation of culture and also ethnic minority issues in a white
dominated culture.  Creighton-Kelly summed it up aptly when he
said we are just beginning to scratch the surface before he wrapped up
the evening.

I was one of the people who spoke to the panel, and I was surprised at the clapping for the recognition of the name “Gung Haggis Fat Choy” when Vancouver Opera marketing and development officer Doug Tuck introduced me to the audience as he handed me the microphone.  But then “Gung Haggis Fat Choy” is getting more well known as a blending of Scottish and Chinese traditions and cultures.

“I love what the Vancouver Opera is doing,” I stated to the audience,
and spoke of the impact that the Vancouver Opera touring production
Naomi's Road” had on sharing the Japanese Canadian internment
experience with thousands of school children.  “It is a sharing of
Japanese Canadian culture with White mainstream culture, so yes…
cultures can merge. Author Joy Kogawa told me that in Tofino, people in
the audience were crying.  Japanese Canadians were very touched to
see their culture portrayed on stage.

“The real benefit is that we are talking together in forums like
this.  We can share and listen to each other's stories, and our
cultures are merging now.  And it will continue. 

“I really want to know how the school children across BC are receiving the touring version of Magic Flute today in the schools.”

Vancouver Opera general director James Wright responded by saying that
while it is still early, the students at the schools are responding well, and are
interested in learning about First Nations culture – some are not.  I expect that
many First Nations students will take pride in seeing their culture and traditions represented.  At the same time, I expect there to be critics
of cultural mis-appropriation.  In the end… discussion is
good.  Sharing is good.  More people witnessing and
experiencing these events and issues is good. And in the end, First Nations culture is recognized as an integral part of Vancouver and BC culture and history.

Next Opera Speaks is Wednesday Night at Vancouver Public Library.
Opera Speaks @ VPL: “Power and its Abuses”
A free public forum about Verdi's “McBeth”

CBC Radio’s Mark Forsythe
as he moderates a discussion about the nature of political power and
its abuse, in both Shakespeare’s day and in our contemporary society. 
Panelists include UBC global issues expert Michael Byers, SFU criminologist Ehor Boyanowski and SFU Shakespeare scholar Paul Budra.

November 15, 2006 7:30pm
Alice Mackay Room
Vancouver Public Library, Central Branch

Alliance Française de Vancouver brings Kiran Ahluwalia and Pandit Vithal Rao to Vancouver

Alliance Française de Vancouver brings Kiran Ahluwalia and Pandit Vithal Rao to Vancouver

I have learned that the ancestry of bagpipes goes back to India… but
I haven't quite learned the cross-over history of the French and
Indians yet.

This announcement was sent to me from Alliance Française.  I think
they heard that I speak better french than I speak

Kiran Ahluwalia is great! 
While she specializes in traditional ghazal and Pujabie folksongs, she
has also done a world music cross-over album titled “Beyond Boundaries.”

I first saw her in the jazz opera Quebecite, written by George Elliot
(Afro-American-MicMac First Nations Canadian) and D.D. Jackson
(Afro-American-Chinese-Canadian).  Incidentally, George and D.D. are writing a new jazz opera about Pierre Trudeau!


The Alliance
de Vancouver is proud to announce the first
Vancouver appearance of one
of the grand masters of Indian vocal tradition

Vithal Rao

by Juno Award-winning singer Kiran Ahluwalia,

p.m. Thursday, November 16, at the Roundhouse Community Centre
Roundhouse Mews, Yaletown, Vancouver .

Award-winning singer Kiran
Ahluwalia presents an evening of
exquisite Indian vocal music, featuring her guru Pandit Vithal Rao, a grand master of the ghazal, romantic poems set to

Born in 1930, Vithal Rao spent his early years as a
court musician in the palace of the last prince of
Hyderabad . Kiran will act as host ,
sing a duet or two with her teacher, and lead a Q &A session after the
performance. She will also tell stories from the extraordinary and colourful
life of Vithal Rao, one of the jewels in the crown of Indian culture, who is
visiting Canada
for the first time in 32 years.

At the
Roundhouse Community Centre, Yaletown,

Thursday, November 16.       8 p.m.

Tickets $22 in advance ($25 at door)

Banyen Books, Sophia Books, Zulu, Highlife, and
Alliance Française.

Also by phone at 604 231 7535 or online at

More info at
