Monthly Archives: July 2006

Gary Gee: the head tax descendant in Nunavat

Tips for Eating Healthy on the Go

Everyone is busy, and let’s face it, not everyone wants to spend hours in the kitchen every day to eat a good breakfast, break for lunch, or rush to make dinner in the evenings. Instead, a lot of us may only have time to eat on the go. Whether that means grabbing a pre-made meal from the store or from your own refrigerator, convenience is key. But sometimes, the foods that are most convenient aren’t always the healthiest. While we could always use more time to focus on the things that matter most to us, it doesn’t mean we need to sacrifice healthy eating in the process. 


Here are six ways to eat healthy on the go. 

1. Be Honest about Your Time & Goals 

When setting any type of goal or trying to build a new habit, one of the first things to do is to be honest with yourself about: These are the Best weight loss pills for women.

  • Your time 
  • Foods you truly enjoy and others you dislike
  • Barriers that could hinder your progress

This may seem counterintuitive, but it’s helpful to take some time to actually think about how hectic your schedule is or can be. This means assessing the busiest times during your week where healthy eating typically isn’t a priority and when you’re most likely to grab the first meal you can find. This first step is key to building a foundation you can rely on or adjust over time to make sure you’re staying consistent with your healthy eating habits. 

It’s also important to not overthink this step. Remember, these tips are designed to fit your life and no one else’s. For example, let’s say your busiest days are Wednesdays and Thursdays. Think about what usually happens on those days and how you normally respond: 

  • Are the mornings more hectic for you than the afternoons? 
  • When those days are over, are you more likely to swing by the nearest restaurant and pick up take-out on the way home? 
  • Think about the night before you have your busiest days. Are you setting yourself up for success and preparing as needed for the busy days ahead? 
  • When you move past those busy days, what are the following days like? Are you back on your healthy eating routine or does it take a couple of days to get back on track? 

These questions are designed to reflect on how your time is actually being spent. Once you finish writing out your schedule or delving deeper into how your time is spent, you’ll be able to use the other strategies below to fit your schedule.

2. Learn To Meal Prep

Did you know that meal prep just isn’t portioning out the same amount and type of food into separate containers? Meal prep can be: 

  • Batch cooking, which is making food items ahead of time in bulk (e.g. a container of brown rice)
  • Having snacks wrapped ready to go
  • Having vegetables and fruits chopped ahead of time
  • And so much more! 

Meal prep also doesn’t need to be done every single Sunday—before the workweek begins. It should fit your schedule. Let’s say Monday and Tuesday are your busiest days. You may not feel it’s necessary to prep an entire week’s worth of food on Sunday. Instead, you could choose to dedicate Sunday evening to prepping food for Monday and Tuesday only. Allow some flexibility in your meal prep plan so it feels less like a chore each week. 

Another helpful tip for meal prep? Portion your foods when you return from the grocery store. This saves time during the cooking process. For example, if you know you usually include diced peppers and onions in a dish, dice them when you return and place them in a freezer-safe Ziplock bag and store accordingly. 

Here’s another meal prep tip: you can make certain ingredients ahead of time. Suppose that you’re having this Greek chicken and potatoes dish with a side of kale, raisins, and feta cheese. You can make the chicken ahead of time, store it properly, and use it when you’re ready to make the rest of the meal or any other meal.

Not into cooking? Find a meal delivery service in your area that provides meals that fit your personal goals. Also, with meal delivery services, you can select a certain number of meals to be delivered each week and save those for your most hectic days. These are the Best diet pills that work.

3. Snack Smart 

When you’re busy, a good snack can keep you from overeating later in the day. However, some snacks may seem healthy, but still may be high in carbs, added sugars, fat, and sodium and have little nutritional value. Whether you’re making your own snacks or buying them at a convenience store, here are some helpful tips to make sure you’re making healthier choices: 

  • Keep non-perishable snacks such as unsalted nuts (walnuts, almonds, peanuts, cashews, etc.), or trail mix on hand. These snacks are great sources of healthy fats and protein and keep you full. Check these Alpilean reviews.
  • Choose snacks that are whole grain and high in fiber. 
  • Prepare vegetable snacks with a delicious dip such as hummus or salsa. 
  • Keep it simple with whole pieces of fruit or string cheese. 
  • Purchase snack packs, but make sure the nutrition content meets your goals. Aim for snack packs that are lower in carbohydrates, added sugars, and sodium.
  • Prepare your own snack packs. Snack pack ideas include chopped fruit, granola, rice cakes, smoothie-ready ingredients, frozen fruit, or yogurt. 
  • Similar to snack packs, find protein bars that don’t have added sugar or try making your own protein bar like this pumpkin apple protein bar found on Diabetes Food Hub®.

Chinese head tax, Chinese laundries, and racism in Canada

Chinese head tax, Chinese laundries, and racism in Canada

am part of an e-mail net work across Canada of people working for Head
Tax / Exclusion Act redress.  My colleagues live across the
breadth of Canada, from Victoria to Halifax, from Southern Ontario to
Nunavat, across the prairies and in Quebec.  Wow… sounds pretty
Canadian to me.

My friend Victor Wong wrote:

I guess to some extent we (descendants) are only beginning to realize the
impact of the racism faced by our parents and grandparents. And perhaps we are seeking an ‘atonement’ for ourselves (see below).

And you’re right about the “no amount of money”. I said as much at the
April 29th consultation in Montreal.
I told Minister Oda that I sought symbolic redress because if it was full
compensation, the govt couldn’t afford it. Symbolic
redress allows me to remind the govt of the violence
they inflicted on our families, so they don’t do it to others.

I found this1984 article on Chinese laundries in Toronto with the more interesting passage at
the end:

era of Chinese laundrymen who made the pants dance is definitely gone. However,
the lingering tendency to stereotype early Chinese Canadians as laundrymen has
caused some mixed feelings among the younger generation of Chinese Canadians.
At times, the question “Is your father a laundryman?” to some
Canadian-born Chinese is looked upon as demeaning. They certainly are not familiar
with a famous Chinese poet Wen I-to, who studied in North America in the 1920s. After observing and being
shocked by the contempt of Americans for the Chinese laundrymen, he wrote a
poem called ''Song of the Laundry.” Wen lauded
the Chinese laundrymen with the following ode:

say that the trade of laundrymen is too base,

the Chinese are willing to descend so low,

pastor informs me, saying

father was a carpenter by trade,

you believe it, do you believe it?”

Dance No More: Chinese Hand Laundries in Toronto

Spring/Summer 1984 Vol. 6 No. 1 Pg. 32

Chink, chink, Chinaman,

Wash my pants;

Put them into the boiler,

And make them dance.

Torontonians who have resided in the city since the 1950s would probably be
familiar with this doggerel about the older generation of Chinese Canadians.
On one hand, this dowdy rhyme reflects the bigoted mind of its author. On the
other hand, it characterizes, to a certain extent, a major facet of the life
of the Chinese Canadian community before the 1960s.

gold mining and railroad construction were two important occupations of
Chinese Canadian pioneers in western Canada,
then clothes washing was a common occupation for the
earlier Chinese Canadians who chose Toronto
as their new hometown. Indeed, the first Chinese recorded in the City
Directory of Toronto were the owners of two laundries founded in 1877, Sam Ching & Company at 9 Adelaide Street East and Wo Kee at 385 Yonge Street.
The fact that these two laundries opened their doors eight years before the
completion of the Canadian Pacific Railroad (CPR) suggests that they were not
the result of railway migration, rather their owners might have moved from
the United States.

the late 1870s, there were already close to forty Chinese hand laundries
operating in Chicago.
Similarly, many early New York Chinese were engaged in the laundering
business. It would not be too surprising to find out that Sam Ching and WO Kee were indeed
former laundrymen from the United
States, although more definite evidence is
needed to substantiate this claim.

sociologists contend that the Chinese laundry, like the Italian fruit stand
and the Greek ice-cream parlour, in North America is the product of social invention.
However, it is a social invention by circumstance rather than by choice. In
1879 the Select Committee on Chinese Labour and
Immigration of the House of Commons succinctly pointed out that, “wash
clothes, which white men who can get anything else to do will not do – this labour is left to the Chinamen.'' As a matter of fact,
many Chinese Canadian laundrymen were peasants before they emigrated from China.

were one of the pioneering businesses for the early Chinese immigrants in Canada.
When the first major wave of Chinese immigration took place in the late 1850s
in British Columbia,
the second issue of the Victoria Gazette (June 30, 1858) said that,
“doubtless ere long the familiar interrogation of 'Wantee
washee?' will be added to our everyday conversation
library. “ The newspaper further reminded its
English-speaking readers that, “whether their [the new Chinese
immigrants] efforts will be directed to the washing of gold or of clothing is
a point yet to be ascertained, but we shall lay it before our readers at a
moment as early as the grave importance of the subject demands.”

1902 when the Dominion government appointed a Royal Commission on Chinese and
Japanese immigration, it paid special attention to Chinese laundry and
received several deputations on this subject. The Commissioner, Mr. R.C.
Clute, was a Torontonian. He took note of the fact that many Chinese
laundrymen learned their trade only after they had migrated to Canada.
The Commissioner faithfully recorded this in his huge report: “Ming Lee,
laundryman (farmer in China).”

there were few Chinese Canadians living in Toronto in the early 1880s, Torontonians
did not receive them with open arms. Six years after Sam Ching
and WO Kee opened their laundries in the downtown
core of Toronto,
they were condemned as a “curse” by several union leaders. On
December 26, 1883, the Canadian Labour Congress met
in Dufferin Hall, Toronto. Its newly elected president,
Charles March, urged the delegates not to disregard the “Chinese
immigration curse.” Next day, the congress discussed the matter at
length. One Mr. M. O'Hallaren asserted, ” . . . Christian people in Toronto would hire Chinese to do their
washing” before they would hire “the poor white woman who had a
family to support.” Then he blustered that, “they could starve the
Chinese out of Toronto,
notwithstanding the large number of rats and cats in the city.”

O'Hallaren's rousing
attack on Chinese Canadians triggered enthusiastic response among the
delegates. Of course, not many union leaders at that time saw the Chinese
worker as a fellow-labourer with a family to
support too. Soon, Chinese laundry became a favourite
target for legislators as well as nativists.

number of Chinese laundries did not grow drastically until the completion of
the CPR. During the 1886 civic election, the Vancouver Vintners and the
Knights of Labour called on all candidates to
denounce Chinese laundries as a nuisance. Two months later in February 1887,
arsonists burnt down several laundries in Vancouver during an anti-Chinese riot in
order to drive the Chinese out of town. On top of all these anti-Chinese
sentiments, numerous recently unemployed Chinese railroad navvies
began migrating to eastern Canada
along the cross-country railway line.

migration caused the number of Chinese-operated restaurants and laundries to
mushroom over the next several decades in numerous small towns and cities
across the land. By the time the City of Vancouver
passed a by-law to limit the operation of Chinese laundries to within certain
designated areas in 1893, there were at least twenty-four Chinese wash-houses
already set up in Toronto.

was by no means easy for the Chinese laundrymen. Although few records of the
working conditions of early Chinese laundries in Toronto have survived, one can draw from
parallel descriptions of Chinese laundries in other cities. In the report of
the 1902 Royal Commission on Chinese and Japanese Immigration, a full chapter
was devoted to the Chinese laundry business in British Columbia. It reported that Chinese
wash-houses were usually set up in “a tenement that is not fit for
anything else” and were regarded “as a nuisance and a menace by
those who live in the vicinity.” People were genuinely afraid that the
presence of a Chinese laundry in the neighbourhood
would depreciate the value of their property.

the beginning, owners of small-sized Chinese laundries did much of the work
themselves. Later, as business picked up and demanded more help, paid workers
were hired. The wages for the hired workers were comparatively low. At the
turn of the century, the average wage paid to the Chinese laundry worker
ranged from $8 to $18 per month, with room and board. It was said that white
laundry workers got $10 to $18 a week.

physical setup of a typical Chinese laundry in North
America became a familiar sight everywhere. Usually it was a
small place in a modest building in the working-class residential area. A red
“Hand Laundry” sign hung outside the premises, or was painted on
the window.

a wall-to-wall counter divided the shop into a reception area and a working
place. Behind the counter, some brown packages of clean laundry, with Chinese
labels to identify the customers, were tucked on several shelves, waiting to
be picked up by the clients.



the other side of the shelves, which functioned as partitions as well, was
the working and living quarters of the laundry-house. Washing troughs and
machines were aligned near the water supply and drainage systems.

the business of the laundry was large enough, a big stove would be used to
warm up several irons, each weighing about eight pounds and alternately used
by the pressers. In earlier days, however, Chinese laundry workers
“ironed at tables in the front close to the street, where a curious
passerby might watch the operation if he pleased.” They also used a more
primitive type of pressing equipment – an ingenious iron saucepan, about half
a foot in diameter. An American writer once described that, ''in this
saucepan, he contrived, by some mysterious agency, to make a charcoal fire, though
whence the draught was obtained would puzzle the Caucasian.”

Mr. R.C. Clute was receiving anti-Chinese laundry deputations in Victoria early in 1901, newspapers in Toronto reverberated
this sentiment vigorously. There were ninety-six Chinese laundries in Toronto then, compared
to sixty-six laundries operated by other ethnic groups.

local press urged on health authorities pressing their attack on “dirty
laundries.” As a result, the city government passed by-law No. 41 in
June 1902, to “license and regulate laundrymen and laundry companies and
for inspecting and regulating laundries.”

Toronto was
not the only city to have such a by-law. Back in 1900 Vancouver had already passed by-law No. 373
prohibiting Chinese laundrymen from using mouth water to spray clothing while
ironing. In 1903 Kamloops
city government declared Chinese laundries a public nuisance and forced a
Chinese laundryman, Ah Mee, to sell his property.

1 Then in the next few years,
Calgary, Lethbridge and Hamilton followed suit and
later induced several provinces, such as Ontario, to pass similar
anti-Chinese laundry acts.In May 1914 the Ontario
Legislative Assembly passed “An Act to amend the Factory, Shop and
Office Building Act,” stipulating that “no Chinese person shall
employ in any capacity or have under his direction or control any female
white person in factory, restaurant or laundry.”

the Trades and Labour Congress of Canada took the
lead in the anti-Chinese laundry attack. At its 22nd annual convention, held
in Victoria in September 1906, Gus Francq, a
delegate of the Jacques Cartier Typographical Union of Montreal, stated
“in the name of the Shirt, Waist and Laundry Workers” that,
“the actual tax imposed upon Chinese immigration does not prevent the
great overflowing of yellow workers to injure especially the laundry workers
of our country.” The congress urged the government to increase the
Chinese Head Tax from $500 to $1,000.

union leaders at the time either did not realise,
or were too prejudiced to see that many of the Chinese workers could have
been drawn into the Canadian labour movement. They
ignored two significant events which happened among the Chinese laundry
workers in that same year. Sixty employees of the Chinese laundries in New Westminster, British
Columbia, struck that fall. They demanded to have
their wages increased, and their employers acceded to their demands on the
same day. Half a year earlier in 1906, a Chinese Laundry Workers' Union (the Sai Wah Tong) was formed in Vancouver. Its 120 members advocated
fighting the laundry proprietors for better working conditions.

labour unions pushed for prohibiting Chinese
laundries from employing white female workers. In 1912 when the Trades and Labour Congress of Canada held its 28th annual convention
in Guelph delegates reported at length on how
they successfully persuaded the Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta
governments to pass legislation, “prohibiting the employment of white
girls or females by Orientals in restaurants, laundries, etc.”

reactions against Chinese laundrymen was part of a
general white counterattack against Asian competition. As Tom Maclnnes – a Vancouver lawyer and at one time an advisor
to the federal government – lucidly stated in 1927, “it is clear that
economically we can not compete with the Oriental in this community,
industrially, commercially or professionally, except if we handicap him,
hamper him, restrict him and as far as possible put him out of the industrial
and commercial running.”

the Chinese laundry business in Toronto
kept growing apace between 1900-25 in the face of restrictions and bigotry.
The number increased from 96 in 1901 to 374 in 1921 – more than fourfold in a
matter of two decades. According to the 1921 census, the population of Chinese
Canadians in Toronto
was 2,134. Assuming an average Chinese laundry employed four persons,
including the owner himself, then over 50 per cent
of the Chinese Canadian population in Toronto
was related to the laundry business in the early 1920s.

2 After the Dominion passed Bill
No. 45, later known as the Chinese Exclusion Act, prohibiting Chinese
immigration in 1923, the growth of Chinese laundries in Toronto stopped and actually began to
decline in the 1930s. When the Exclusion Act was repealed in 1947, the number
of Chinese laundries in Toronto
had shrunk to 258. With the introduction of coin laundries and permapress fabrics, Chinese hand laundries as an
institution have become something of the past. However, there is still at
least one Chinese hand laundry on Spadina Avenue just north of
Street, and another in the Kensington Market
area on St. Andrew Street.

era of Chinese laundrymen who made the pants dance is definitely gone.
However, the lingering tendency to stereotype early Chinese Canadians as
laundrymen has caused some mixed feelings among the younger generation of
Chinese Canadians. At times, the question “Is your father a
laundryman?” to some Canadian-born Chinese is looked upon as demeaning.
They certainly are not familiar with a famous Chinese poet Wen I-to, who studied in North
America in the 1920s. After observing and being shocked by the
contempt of Americans for the Chinese laundrymen, he wrote a poem called
''Song of the Laundry.” Wen lauded the Chinese
laundrymen with the following ode:

You say that the trade of laundrymen is too base,

Only the Chinese are willing to descend so low,

Your pastor informs me, saying

Jesus' father was a carpenter by trade,

Do you believe it, do you believe it?



1. Leslie Moffs,
“Ah Mee,” mimeograph (Kamloops Museum
Association, Kamloops,
B.C., n.d.), pp. 2-3.

2. According to the 1902 report of
the Royal Commission on Chinese and Japanese Immigration, there were 40
Chinese laundries, employing 197 Chinese in Victoria;
35 in Vancouver, employing 192; 9 in New Westminster,
employing 38; 20 in Rossland, employing 60 Chinese.
Therefore, an average Chinese laundry at that time employed 4 workers.



Meet James Johnstone: house geneaologist

Meet James Johnstone: house geneaologist

I first met James Johnstone at the Chinese Canadian History Fair organized by the Chinese Canadian Historical Society of BC, and held the Vancouver Museum.  It was January 2005, and nobody expected that in one year's time Chinese Canadian pioneers who paid the head tax would be front page news.

James created a geneaology for Kogawa House at 1450 West 64th Ave. which he presented to me just  before I walked into Vancouver City Council chambers on November 3rd to ask City Council to delay processing the demolition permet for the house.  It was a fascinating look at immigration patterns for the Marpole neighborhood, by peeking at the list of inhabitants of one of the oldest homes still surviving in Marpole.

James sent me this update on his activities which include researching Chinese and Japanese homes in Vancouver:

As promised, here is an e-mail concerning my recent interview with Fanny Kiefer for the Studio 4 Show on Shaw Cable. The show aired on Monday, June 10th. I was interviewed for 30 minutes on my work as a house genealogist, talking about how the business started out as a hobby when I moved from an apartment in the West End to an old house in the East End (1036 Odlum Drive) in 1995.

Our conversation traced my move to the rowhouse in the 700-block of Hawks Avenue in 2000 and touched on a number of highlights out of the over 500 houses I have researched in Vancouver and New Westminster, including the Nora Hendrix House at 827 East Georgia, the Robert Blair house at 1550 Harwood, the Andrew E. Lees house at 909 Richards, and the Obasan (Joy Kogawa) House on West 64th.

As always, I am very interested in hearing from people who lived in the old East End Strathcona/Grandview Woodland) who may have photos of the old houses and the people who lived in them for a community history mapping website I am working on. In particular, I am looking for pictures of houses that have been demolished or streetscapes that have been lost, so that the lost parts of the neighbourhood (Hogan's Alley, Japantown, those blocks that were lost to recreate MacLean Park, etc.) can be recreated in virtual reality.

I am also wanting to hear from Chinese and Japanese families who lived in the neighbourhood during the times when the city directories failed to properly represent the Chinese and Japanese families who lived in the neighbourhood, labelling addresses, “Chinese” or “Japanese” for decades. I would love to be able to fill in as many blanks in the record as possible.

Thanks again.


Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team getting ready to go to Kent/Seattle race.

Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team getting ready to go to Kent/Seattle race.

is the first road trip for Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team since
Harrison last year…  It's been awhile since the whole team went on
the road to enter under our own name.  2003, in both Kent WA and

But not all our paddlers are able to make the trip south to Washington state. 
There will be paddlers joining us from 3 other Vancouver area teams + a team in Victoria, and maybe even from teams in Tacoma and Portland… as we now have just one empty seat. 

The team has rebuilt, and is probably its strongest yet… 
Competition was much tougher at ADBF this year… a lot of weaker teams
have dropped out, or found it too prohibitive to enter a team.

had a good practice tonight… but having to use the Gemini boat… 
was challenging…  I will ask Dragon Zone to reserve a 6-16 for us for
next Tuesday, as we are training for Vernon.

WEDNESDAY practice…. focusing on technique and  Beginner paddlers.
Start time 7:00pm… we load up at 7:20 and on the water from 7:30 to 8:55pm.

This is ideal for rookie paddlers, beginners and experienced paddlers who want to
work on their technique or try their hand at steering, coaching, etc.

Please find the attached information sheet on paddling technique.

Sunday practice…
is cancelled as half the team + coach + steers and drummer will be in Seattle.

July 9th – Gung Haggis dragon boat team practice: preparation for races in Kent WA

July 9th – Gung Haggis dragon boat team practice:

preparation for races in Kent WA

The Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team is getting ready to go to Kent/Seattle dragon boat races, just south of Sea Tac airport on Lake Meridien.  It is part of Cornucopia Days in Kent WA.

We had a mix of veteran paddlers, rookies, and brand new beginners.  A full boat of 23 paddlers… okay… a wee bit heavy.  It was important to prepare the team for the races in Kent WA, for next week, so we started off with some warm-up, then did a 500m race piece.  It was a little bit ragged, so we did some exercises for timing and technique, before working on our starts, and finishing off on another race piece.

The Cornucopia Days festival has a real small-town America feel to it. The streets are closed off.and stalls lined the curbs.  There is music, and amusement park rides.  The bars are open, and so is the beer garden. There is no great variety of multicultural music, arts and culture like in Canada… but there generally is classic rock and roll, country music and an Elvis impersonator or two.

I really like the races on Lake Meridien.  It's a nice civilized lake, that has become gentrified – surrounded by former “resort homes” as urban sprawl spread south of Seattle and into the town of Kent.  From it's inception in 2001, the Kent dragon boat race has tried to follow IDBF format.  In 2001, there were 250m sprint and 1000 distance races, in addition to the 500m standard race length.  The first year, I went down to volunteer for the False Creek Women's team, assisting coach Andre Dillon with keeping track of race times, and stopwatch timing.  The FC Women went to Kent to try out the new BuK dragon boats that would also be used in the World Championships in Philadelphia the next month.

In 2002, I went down with 3 new dragon boat paddlers to teach them the fine art of “dragon boat slutting.”  I knew that there would be a few teams short of paddlers, and wasn't about to let the lack of a dragon boat team get in my way of racing.

No sooner than I had checked in with the race registrar who gave me the name of the Multnohmah Canoe Club, which was short of paddlers, when I bump into Joe from the Tacoma Dragon Boat Association.

“Hi Todd, who are you paddling with?”

“Nobody yet… I came down on my own…”

“Well step over her, our coach Clem would sure like to talk with you,” Joe welcomed me.

I had met the Tacoma DBA, the previous year at the Seattle Cancer Survival Dragon Boat Race on Lake Washington the year before, and began the start of a beautiful friendship with the team and organization.  That day, I raced for a gold medal in the finals, as the Tacoma DBA placed 1st overall.  My paddling friends from Vancouver, all declared medals at the border, as the Multnohmah Canoe Club also medaled in the Recreation Divison.

Looks like Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team will have a lot to live up to next week on July 15th,  when we race on Lake Meridien.

Sharon Hung takes 2nd place in Fairchild TV New Talent Singing Contest

Sharon Hung takes 2nd place in Fairchild TV New Talent Singing Contest

Sharon Hung is the top female singer, placing 2nd overall + best stage presence – photos Todd Wong

Sharon Hung is an amazingly talented singer.  I first met her
after she had performed in the “Gung Haggis Fat Choy” CBC television
performance special.  She was the lead singer in Joe McDonald's
“Brave Waves” band, singing a rousing version of Auld Lang Syne. 
Sharon has also performed with me at First Night Vancouver 2005, as
well as for Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner events in 2005 and 2006.

Last night, July 7,  at the Chan Centre, Sharon performed 3 times,
showcasing her
wonderful voice and performance ability.  The songs she chose to
perform were pop songs, which unfortunately did not show the full range
of her talents.  This young woman is capable of singing, hip hop,
soul, gospel and blues.

Sharon easily won the
“Best Stage Presence” award.  She was named to the top 3, then the
top 2.  Finally… when the final decision was made…. Sharon was
the 2nd place finisher for the 2006 Fairchild TV New Talent Singing
Contest.  First place went to John. 

It was a heartbreaker to lose.  I know that Sharon really wanted
to place first.  The entire event was in Cantonese, and every
performer sang in Cantonese.  Sharon sang one song entirely in
English “Little Polka Dot Bikini.”  Perhaps her lack of Chinese
language hindered her… perhaps she showed her tremendous talent to a
previously unknown Chinese language audience.  

Whatever the case… Sharon was the top female performer of the
competition, and I am very proud of her.  She carried herself
well, and was very gracious – both to her fellow performers, and to the
audience.  She  even flirted with the audience and truly
dazzled them with her enormous stage presence.

on Sat 08 Jul 2006 12:33 AM PDT
Sharon Hung performing at Fairchild TV New Talent show – photo Todd

on Sat 08 Jul 2006 12:37 AM PDT
Sharon Hung performing at Fairchild TV New Talent show – photo Todd Wong

Sharon Hung (centre) stands with John – the two finalists… Fairchild TV New Talent Show – photo Todd Wong

Storyscapes Chinatown: “Spiritual Kinship” – Todd Wong

Storyscapes Chinatown: “Spiritual Kinship” – Todd Wong

Here is my contribution to Storyscapes Chinatown, bringing together
stories of interactions between First Nations and Chinese peoples in
Vancouver.  I was very pleased to bring a Creation Story to tie in
the spiritual kinship between these two cultural groups.  I have
always personally felt a spiritual bond to First Nations peoples…
especially since I have travelled to Nu-Chal-nuth territory in Kyuquot
Sound, Nootka territory in Clayquot Sound, Haida territory in Haida
Gwaii, Squamish and Musqueam territory throughout the Lower mainland
from Tsawassen to Lillo'wat and Okanagan Territory too.

This particular story about the Mongolian birth mark on First Nations people was told to me by an elderly First Nations man that I met at the mouth of the Capilano River in North Vancouver.  My father and I went for a walk, and some First Nations people were fishing on the East side of the river.  All the land here is land belonging to the Burrard First Nations.  We had a good talk about fishing, then about being non-white, and giving appreciation to each other's culture.  Then we talked about how both Chinese and First Nations babies both have the Mongolian birthmark when they are born.  He shared this story with me.

There are many theories about how Asian peoples may have migrated
across the Bering Strait to North America across an “ice bridge.” One
of my favorite Creation stories about the First Nations people, is by
Bill Reid.  It is how Raven found a clam.  He opened it,
setting the first peoples free.  There are many Creation stories,
and we need to respect all of them. 

But we also know that there are aboriginal people in Siberia and also
in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska – who are family and travel across
the Bering Sea to visit each other.  It is the same as aboriginal
people on Southern Vancouver Island who travel to North West Washington
across the Juan de Fuca Strait.  They have been related and family
– since before Canada or the United States existed.  What are
geographic borders but creations of human ideas?

Storyscapes Chinatown: “Know Where You Come From” – Rhonda Larrabee

Storyscapes Chinatown: “Know Where You Come From” – Rhonda Larrabee

This is my cousin Rhonda Larrabee.  Actually she is my mother’s cousin.  I knew Grand Uncle Art since I was a child, but I never met Rhonda until we started preparing a family reunion in 1999 for the Rev. Chan Yu Tan descendants.  Previously I had heard of Rhonda, and that she had created a family tree, as I had similarly done.  It was inevitable that we should meet, and
instantly like each other tremendously.

Rhonda is incredible.  She has singlehandedly resurrected the Qayqayt First Nations Band.  When she first applied for her Indian status, she was denied and was told that the Qayqayt “didn’t exist anymore.”  Disappointed, she was shocked because clearly she existed, and her brothers existed, and her mother’s siblings still existed.  A few years later… she applied again and was granted status.  She was told “I guess you want some land now too.”

Rhonda was the subject of the award winning National Film Board documentary “Tribe of One,” directed by Eunhee Cha.  It is the story of Rhonda and how she discovered her First Nations heritage at the adult age of 24, and how she claimed it, and became elected band chief. 
There are some pictures of family attending the “Three Chinese Pioneer Families” photo exhibit at the Chinese Cultural Centre Museum and Archives in 2002.

I am proud of Rhonda… and she is proud of me.  We enthusiastically support each other in our endeavors, and especially with the Rev. Chan Legacy Project, and family reunions.

Storyscapes Chinatown: “Celebrate Our Differences” – Joe Wai

Storyscapes Chinatown: “Celebrate Our Differences” – Joe Wai

This is my cousin Joe Wai.  Joe's mother is my father's eldest
sister.  Our grandfather Wong Wah, came to Canada at age 16. 
He was soon managing his uncle's store which became the largest Chinese
drygoods store in Victoria's Chintown.  Joe's mother was born in
Canada, but grew up in Hong Kong.  She wasn't able to come back to
Canada, until after the Chinese Exclusion Act was repealed. The family
came to Canada around 1953, the year my own parents married.

Joe is an architect who has made many contributions to Vancouver's
Chinatown.  He was the architect for the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Classical
Chinese Gardens, the Chinese Cultural Centre Museum and Archives, the
Chinatown Millenium Gate, The Chinatown Parkade, the West End Community
Centre… and many other buildings in Vancouver.

Because of Joe, I was inspired to be an architect… then he talked me
out of it.  But I have always counted Joe and his brother Hayne as
my early role models.  I saw them involved in Vancouver's Chinese
community, and especially the formation of the Chinese Cultural
Centre.  I am very proud of them.