Tippy Agogo coming to Vanocouver's “Rime” on the Drive – July 21

Tippy Agogo coming to Vanocouver's “Rime” on the Drive

– July 21

Tacheles Cafe    Tacheles Cafe – Berlin, Nov/93

I have known Tippy Agogo since the mid-1980's when we “rocked” the Capilano Courier, the student newspaper at Capilano College.

Tippy is an amazing performer, frequently appearing a folk festivals, children’s festivals, punk festivals. 
He is known for his musical explorations utilizing commonly found items
such as tin cans and anything he can get his hands on.

From his web site www.tippyagogo.com

TIPPY AGOGO, the “One Man Orchestra” and
Mouth Musician, is known throughout the free world for making
beautiful, scary, heavy, and insightful music on reclaimed tin cans,
broken guitars, and racks full of technological gadgetry. He performs
for children, punk rockers, folkies, metal heads, high brows, low
brows, and all those in-between!

TIPPY has performed on albums with artists as diverse as Sarah McLachlan, SNFU, German Techno/Industrial Bands, Sun God, Aurora Sutra,
and a host of other famous people. He tours constantly. He wins awards
for his soundtracks for film and theatre projects. He makes his mother

Tippy sent me the following communication:

haggis rice man!  How are ya?  Comin soon in from Edm, and
fests!    See ya hopfully!   TIP



at RIME  9pm

Once again, the three brothers in musical explorations

are brought TOGETHER from Saskatoon, Edmonton & Vancouver,

for a fine evening at RIME, on the Drive.  All welcome!!


RIME 1130 Commercial Drive ($5-$10, yer choice)


ps  Album release slated for the Fall, assembled by

     Darryl Neudorf(Neko Case, the Sadies)…

Sincerely, D.A. Mark aka Tippy Agogo


please see:        www.tippyagogo.com

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