Dragon Boats visit the Jazz Festival on Canada Day weekend

Dragon Boats visit the Jazz Festival on Canada Day weekend

It was Sunday, the day after Canada Day.  The Sunday boaters were out in full force, but nary a dragon boat team on the water on Sunday afternoon – except us, the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team.

We paddled from the Dragon Zone dock, just south of Science World, and along the North shore of False Creek.  We are continuing to host 7 paddlers from the Filipino dragon boat team – PYROS (Philippine Youth Rowing Society).  We took out two boats with 12 paddlers each + steers.  The Filipino paddlers demonstrated how they paddle standing up.  Wow!  you could really see the boat take off with their big powerful strokes.

We gave them the tour of False Creek and went up to David Lam Park, where we could hear the Jazz Festival music.  We did a short sprint race up to Granville Street Bridget, then cruisded along the houseboats, then into Alder Bay, home of False Creek Racing Canoe Club, at the False Creek Community Centre.  We had a short break, then switched up teams so there were now PYROS and Gung Haggis paddlers in each boat, so we could have some close races on the way back to Dragon Zone.

As we came around Granville Island, we saw huge jets of water shooting up into the air at David Lam Park.  The emergency pumping station was spraying 4 jets of water about 5 to 7 stories into the air.  Maybe they were trying to help cool off the audience at the Jazz Festival, sitting in the hot sun at David Lam Park. 

Everybody stopped paddling in amazement.  We had never seen such huge jets of water shooting above False Creek before.  There were some small yellow kayaks that were just paddling out from under the water shower.  Our dragon boaters asked if we could paddle under the spray.  We took a vote.  People started chanting “Shower! Shower!

We lined the two dragon boats up and raced towards David Lam Park.  A huge roar rose from the spectators lining the shore, as our dragon boats came into the bay.  I steered one boat right under the water.  Deb steered the other boat, but took them to the side, missing most of the water.

Everybody LOVED it.  They had never paddled under a fountain before.  It really was like being a little kid, and jumping under the water sprinkler.  What a day…  I hope people took pictures of us.  Maybe they will find us.  Please send pictures to gunghaggis “at” yahoo “dot” ca .

Next dragon boat practice is Tuesday 6pm, at Dragon Zone.- just south of Science World.
Our recreation practices are Tuesday 6pm and Sundays at 1pm
We have now added Beginner practices on Wednesday 6:45pm.

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