CCNC Delegates Ride Redress Train – Redress in Ottawa – simulcast ceremonies in Toronto and Vancouver

CDM dividing line

For background information about the head tax, visit


Subject: (Redress) CCNC Delegates Ride Redress Train

 For Immediate Release 

June 21, 2006


CCNC Delegates Ride
Redress Train

 Toronto/Vancouver – On Thursday, June 22nd, 2006, the
Government of Canada will issue a formal apology to the head tax families and
Chinese Canadian community for the injustices of the Head Tax and Chinese
Exclusion Act.

Members of the Chinese Canadian National Council (CCNC) delegation led
by Colleen Hua, CCNC National President, will be joining the Redress Train as
it departs Toronto
this morning:

Depart from Toronto (VIA Rail Train 42) on Wednesday,
June 21, at 9:30 a.m. EDT. Delegation to meet in Toronto Union Station at VIA
Rail’s Blue & Silver Lounge at 8:00 am EDT;

Arrive in Ottawa Wednesday, June 21, at main VIA train
station (Tremblay Road)
at 2:04 pm EDT.

The CCNC delegation in Ottawa
includes Dr. Joseph Wong, Victor Wong, George Lau and Gary Yee. There will be
simultaneous satellite broadcast of the Ottawa
proceedings in Toronto and Vancouver on Thursday.

Westin Harbour Castle
at 3:00 pm (EDT)

CCNC Spokesperson:
Cynthia Pay


Fairmont Hotel Vancouver
at 12:00 noon (PDT)

CCNC Spokesperson: Sid

CCNC – Ottawa will host a banquet
after the events on Parliament Hill at the Chu Shing Restaurant at 691 Somerset Street West
in Ottawa on
Thursday, June 22
(6 pm). The contact person is Ms. Willy Lee at (613) 738-8888.

CCNC is a national human rights organization with 27 chapters across Canada.
CCNC and other redress-seeking groups across Canada have pressed successive
Federal Governments since 1984 to provide redress for the Chinese Head Tax 1885
-1923, Newfoundland Head Tax 1906 – 1949 and the Chinese Exclusion Act 1923 –



For more
information, please contact:

Colleen Hua (647)

Dr. Joseph Wong,
(416) 806-0082

Sid Tan, (604) 783-1853

Victor Wong, (416)
977-9871 or (647) 285-2262

Cynthia Pay, (416) 531-2411 ext 228


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