Ron Macleod report: Gaelic Society presents Youth Celidh + Scots News

Greetings a reminder and a note re GlobalScot. Regards, the other Ron

1. The Gaelic Society presents:
WHAT: Youth Ceilidh featuring the Fraser River Fiddlers, the Stave
Falls Dancers, the 78th Highlanders Pipe Band and singers Kevin Louden,
Leah Fields and Ainsley MacCallum-Reid.
WHERE: Hebridean Room, Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson St,
Vancouver, B.C.
WHEN: doors open 7 PM and Concert starts 8 PM, Saturday, February 4th
COST: $12.00; 12 years and under free
OTHER: Tea, coffee and snacks included; bar service; door prizes
CONTACT: Maureen Lyon at 604-536-1367
For those who enjoy fiddle music, you are in for a treat with these

2. Courtesy Bob Fair:
GlobalScot reports the appointment of Michael Corish as Scottish
Development International’s Manager for Canada. Michael has a B.A.
(Honours) in Marketing from Strathclyde University and extensive work
experience in the field of marketing in Britain.
Michael will be headquartered in Toronto. He expects to move there with
his family sometime in April or early May.
Contact: Isobel Bell at or,

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