Monthly Archives: January 2006

Gim Wong's “Ride for Redress” featured in Vancouver Sun head tax story

Gim Wong's “Ride for Redress” featured in Vancouver Sun head tax story

I have known Gim Wong for a few years.  He served in the Canadian
Armed Forces during WW2 when Canadians of Chinese ancestry were
unwanted soldiers, and couldn't vote in the land of their birth. 
Gim is a sweetheart of a man, which is why it is hard to believe that
he would ride a motorcycle across Canada to draw attention to redress
for Canada's infamous head tax and exclusion act.

This past summer Gim drove from Victoria BC to Ottawa ON, to try to
meet with Prime Minister Paul Martin. Gim met head tax descendants
across the country and also with NDP leader Jack Layton.  But
sadly the PMO did not respond to any requests for a meeting.  When
the Paul Martin came to Vancouver to sign the ACE Agreement in
Principle, aggreeing to No Apology, and No Compensation to head tax
survivors, spouses and descendants – Wong was in the audience. 
But he still didn't meet with the Prime Minister.  Click on my
stories about Gim Wong's Ride for Redress

Gim's story is also featured in the Karen Cho documentary IN THE SHADOW OF GOLD MOUNTAIN which was recently shown on CBC Newsworld “Rough Cuts” on January 3 and 7th. 

Gim Wong's motorcycle diaries

Seeking an apology for the notorious head tax

that he still fits into his RCAF uniform,
Gim Foon Wong, 83, rode his
motorcycle to Ottawa to seek redress for the head tax.
Photograph by : Ian Smith, Vancouver Sun

Miro Cernetig, Vancouver Sun
Published: Saturday, January 14, 2006

It was, he admits, a truly nutty idea. Last summer, Gim Foon Wong
decided, with history weighing on his mind, that he'd ride his
motorcycle from Victoria to Ottawa to have a chat with the prime
Minister. He was a spry 82 and weighed just under 60 kg the day he
mounted his 315-kg Honda Goldwing and started heading for the nation's
political capital.

Now, when an octogenarian straps on his
motorcycle boots and travels thousands of kilometres across the country
to Parliament Hill on his hog, one too heavy for him to right when it
falls over, one might think the politicians might want to know what was
on his mind.

Some did take an interest.

New Democratic
Party leader Jack Layton, for example, met with Wong on Canada Day,
when he roared into the capital decked out in his Second World War
uniform with two carefully polished service medals pinned over his
heart. Toronto Mayor David Miller was moved enough by the old man's
trek to write Wong a letter of commendation that now sits on a shelf in
his modest home in Burnaby.

Prime Minister Paul Martin? Well, that was another story.

got within 15 feet of him,” says Wong, shaking his head ruefully at the
memory of his one-man effort to penetrate the prime ministerial bubble.
“We let his office know I was coming. But the RCMP pounced on me. I
never got to meet Paul Martin.”

Read the rest if the story Gim Wong's motorcycle diaries

Alexis Kienlen in the Vancouver Sun: Bedside Table + Readings

Alexis Kienlen in the Vancouver Sun: Bedside Table + Readings

Alexis Kienlen was featured at the Gung Haggis Fat Choy World Poetry reading, Jan 16 2006. – photo Todd Wong.

Alexis Kienlen is featured in Bedside Table column for Saturday's
(January 14) Vancouver Sun (page G2).  It is a regular colunm
featuring literary types describing their reading habits.

“I'm a voracious reader who tends to whip through about three books
every 10 days,” she introduces herself.  “I devour novels,
non-fiction and young-adult literature.  Like every passionate
reader, I'm looking for things that speak to me and my experiences.”

Kienlen lists as her recent read interests” “In Praise of Slow: How a
Worldwide Movement Is Challenging the Cult of Speed,” by Canadian
journalist Carl Honore; and young adult novel “Girls For Breakfast” by
David Yoo.

“As the literary editor of Ricepaper magazine, I read a lot of books
about Asian Canadians and Asian identity,” says Kienlen who points out
that a friend recommended the David Yoo book.  “It's the story of
Nick Park, who is unfortunate enough to be the only Asian of his age in
a sall Connecticut town.”

“The humour in the book helps raise issues about male/female
relationships and identity issues.  At times, I cringed and became
frustrated with Nick's utter foolishness, but ultimately I found the
character to be a believable depiction of a rather perverted teenage

Kienlen is also listed on page C2 for Readings in the Books section.

Alexis is one of our featured poets for Gung Haggis Fat Choy World
Poetry Night, along with Fiona Lam, James Mullin, Burns Club of
Vancouver, bagpiper Joe McDonald, and Yan Yan with Chinese
dancers.  This event takes place Monday, January 16th, at the
Central Branch Vancouver Public Library.  7:30pm

Last year's GHFC WP night featured Governor General Award winner Fred
Wah, whom Alexis really related to.  Wah read his poems about
growing up 1/4 Chinese, 1/4 Scots-Irish and 1/2 Swedish, on the
Canadian prairies.  Kienlen describes her self as multi-racial
with 1/8 Chinese and 1/8 Scots heritage mixed with German and other
cultural ethnicities.  In my books, Alexis is 100% Canadian, and I
was really happy to include her for the GHFC WP evening.

Janice Wong's Book CHOW at Vancouver Public Library January 18th + Panel Discussion

Janice Wong's Book CHOW at Vancouver Public Library January 18th + Panel Discussion

Wednesday January 18
7:30 pm
Peter Kaye Room, Lower Level
Central Library
350 West Georgia Street

Janice Wong presents her book, Chow from China to Canada: Tales of Food and Family.
A collection of over 50 traditional Chinese village dishes, it contains
early photographs, immigration documents, 1940s restaurant menus and
handwritten recipes from some of Canada's first ethnic restaurants.

, a Vancouver-based artist and daughter of a Chinese restaurateur,
has assembled her father's recipes and her family's history in this
unique cookbook;

Panel Discussion on Chinese food and Chinese Restaurants:
Janice is joined by by: 

of the Chinese Canadian Historical Society
Todd Wong of the creator of Gung Haggis Fat Choy
Stephen Wong, celebrity chef

Here is the inside story on the event

Janice is my 2nd cousin-once-removed.
We are descendants of Rev. Chan Yu Tan, who arrived in Canada in 1891.
  And I only met her earlier this year when she announced that her
book was coming out.  We immediately bonded, and I have enjoyed
helping her promote her book.  We did a panel discussion together
with Larry Wong at the West Vancouver Library and had so much fun, we
decided to do it for Vancouver.

Welcome to the Gung Haggis Fat Choy World Poetry Night – January 16th at Vancouver Public Library

Welcome to the Gung Haggis Fat Choy World Poetry Night –


  Joe McDonald Bagpiper – Todd Wong Accordion – photo Jamie Griffiths

January 16th, 7:30pm
Vancouver Public Library
Central Branch
Alice Mckay Room

Co-produced byWorld Poetry Reading Series, Gung Haggis Fat Choy, and Vancouver Public Library

Hosts are: Todd Wong, creator of Gung Haggis Fat Choy, and the team of Ariadne
Sawyer and Alejandro Mujica-Olea – hosts and creators of World Poetry
Reading Series at VPL, and the World Poetry program on Co-op Radio.

Q: When Chinese New Year meets Robbie Burns Day…  what happens?

Q: When Scottish poets meet Chinese poets… what happens?

A: They write poetry… and they have babies called Canadians!

Enjoy our 3rd annual event combining poetry, music and now…. dance!

A litte bit of China + a little bit of Scotland = Canada

The Burns Club makes its first appearance for Gung Haggis Fat Choy World Poetry Night.
Fiona Tinwei Lam is a Chinese Canadian poet born in Scotland – Her
first poetry collection Intimate Distances was nominated for 2004
Vancouver Book Award.
Bagpiper Joe McDonald, born in Canada, is a singer/songwriter and leader of bands Brave Waves and The Mad Celts.
Alexis Keinlen is a multi-racial writer (including equal parts Chinese and Scottish), and also is Literary Editor for Ricepaper Magazine.

The evening starts with
welcomes… then goes back in time to recognize Robbie Burns and
Chinese dancing….  We progress to contemporary Scots with Joe
McDonald (born in Canada) and Fiona Tinwei Lam (born in Scotland).

The singalong Loch Lomand calls people back to the room.  We introduce
contemporary Canadian poets James Mullin, Todd Wong and Alexis Keinlen
– progressing from Scottish-Canadian to 5th Gen Chinese Canadian to
multi-gen, multi-racial.  We finish with a dance, a song, and Auld Lang

It will be a fairly quick moving show with quick turnarounds – We have lots of performers for our GHFC WPRS – variety show!

 Agenda for GHFC and WPRS.   Jan. 16th.  

1.       Opening Welcome from Library.
2.       Entrance with bagpipes – follow piper Joe McDonald
3.    Welcome by Todd Wong.
4.       Welcome by Ariadne and Alejandro.
5.       Singalong: Scotland the Brave
6.        Poem by Ariadne with guitarist Sigit Murdawa.
7.        Dance 1. Yan Yan and friends.
Poet 1, Burns Club.
Music: Joe McDonald (song)
10.    Poet 2. Fiona Lam
11.    Dance 2. Yan Yan and friends.
12.    Intermission

14.   Singalong:
Loch Lomand (You take the high road)
15.    Burns Club 2
16.    Poet 3 James Mullin.
17.   Music:  Todd Wong – “My haggis lies over the
18.   Poet 4 Alexis Keinlen
19.   Dance 3. Yan Yan and friends.
20.    Music and end joined circle dance.
21.   Singalong : Auld Lang Syne




TORONTO - January 13, 2006 - The Chinese Canadian National Council (CCNC) and the
Ontario Coalition for Chinese Head Tax Payers and Families
(OCCHTPF)today re-released
a copy of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, July
9th 2001, ruling that there is no legal liability
for head tax redress but
astrong moral responsibility.

"The desperate last ditch efforts to
mislead voters are getting tiresome," said Avvy Go legal
counsel to the Ontario
Coalition, "So we're printing a copy of the court's decision to settle
theissue once and for all."

This Superior Court decision was upheld by
the Court of Appeal Ontario in September of 2002.
A leave to appeal was
dismissed by the Supreme Court of Canada in April 2003.

Minister of State (Multiculturalism) Raymond Chan continues to point to the potential legalliability
if a formal apology is given for 62 years of legislated
racismunder the Head Tax and Chinese
Exclusion Act.

"This is a good reason
why the head tax issue should have been assigned to the Ministry of Justice"
said Susan Eng co-chair of the Ontario Coalition, "I doubt that this
kind of misinformation would have gone on for this long."


Chinese Canadian National Council
Christine Li, National Executive, (416) 977-9871

Ontario Coalition
Susan Eng, Co-Chair, (416) 960-0312
Avvy Go, Legal Counsel, (416) 971-9674


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  January 12, 2006



VANCOUVER – The Land Conservancy of British Columbia (TLC) announced today that it has successfully negotiated an option to purchase the culturally-significant childhood home of Canadian author Joy Kogawa. Since launching the campaign in December, TLC has been negotiating with the owner to purchase the house so that it can be protected from re-development.  Now that those negotiations have been successful, the only task remaining is to raise the funds needed to buy the property.

“This is the one and only chance we have to save this piece of British Columbia’s heritage,” says Bill Turner, Executive Director of TLC. “The owner has given us this opportunity to raise the funds for the purchase and we need the public to act now and make a contribution to this significant historical site.”

TLC and the Save Kogawa House Committee have until March 30th to raise the $1.25 million required to complete the purchase of the house and property, fund required restorations, and establish an endowment to continue maintaining the property. Vancouver City Council has agreed to delay approval of a demolition permit only until March 30.

Once protected, Kogawa House will be a used as a home for a writers-in-residence program, enabling a new generation of “writers of conscience” to be inspired both by the connection with Joy Kogawa’s literary legacy as well as by the historical significance of the house itself.  

It will also stand as a symbol, helping to educate the public about the internment of Japanese-Canadians during the Second World War. Following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, 21,000 Canadians of Japanese descent were forcefully evacuated from their homes and placed in internment camps. Their homes and businesses were expropriated. Author Joy Kogawa was one of the many children born in Canada to have their homes seized during this time. Years later she captured her experiences in the award-winning book, Obasan, a novel that describes her happy pre-War memories at the Kogawa House. As a result of the book, the house has become a significant representation of the forgiveness of historical wrongs.

“Thanks to the pre-existing work done by the Save Kogawa House Committee a lot of inroads have been made and members of the public are very supportive of the project,” says Turner. “The preservation of the Kogawa House as a cultural landmark is everyone’s first choice for the future of the property.”

If TLC is successful in raising the necessary funds, Kogawa House will be protected in perpetuity. “This is a call to action to individuals, businesses, community groups and governments who want to make a difference in the community and help reconcile past wrongs and bring hope to future generations,” says Turner.

Donations can be made to TLC through their website at or by calling (604) 733-2312. Donation forms can also be picked up at select bookstores throughout Vancouver.
TLC The Land Conservancy: Bill Turner (250) 213-1090; Tamsin Baker (604) 733-2313
Kogawa House Committee: Ann-Marie Metten (604) 263-6586; Todd Wong (604) 240-7090; Anton Wagner (416) 863-1209

Reading from a the Singalong program – Jan Wall and Todd Wong in front, rear – Tom Chin, David McIntosh, Heather Pawsey, Alex Chisolm, Veera devi Khare, LaLa, Carmen Rosen, Karen Wong, Zhongxi Wu, Joe McDonald, Nealamjit Dhillon, Chris Wong – photo Ray Shum GHFC 2005