Monthly Archives: January 2006

Monday Press Release – Gung Haggis Fat Choy 2006: The legend grows and goes children friendly

for immediate release
January 16, 2006

 Gung Haggis Fat Choy:  

The Legend grows….

and goes children friendly?

imageclick on poster for larger immage

Gung Haggis Fat Choy:

Toddish McWong's Robbie Burns Chinese New Year Dinner

“Toddish McWong” (aka Todd Wong) finally invaded Scotland via radio waves on November 28th 2005 on BBC Radio Scotland. He was interviewed by host Maggie Shiels for the show Scotland

Maggie loved the concept of haggis stuffed won-ton, and even enticed
McWong to performed “The Haggis Rap” on radio – his rap adaptation of
Robbie Burns immortal “To a Haggis.”

Wong is a 5th
generation Chinese Canadian head tax descendant who champions the
Scottish-Canadian and Chinese-Canadian contributions to BC. So many
Scottish Canadians had married into the family, he felt he had to do
something to make them feel included.

The now legendary GHFC 10 course dinner menu
features Haggis Won Ton, Haggis Lettuce wrap, cross-cultural musical
fusion, and many surprises such as the Lions Bay Mayor reciting Robbie
Burns poetry, and the Vancouver Mayor  reciting poetry in Cantonese .

January 16th is the 3rd Annual Gung Haggis Fat Choy World Poetry Night,
at the Vancouver Public Library, featuring local poets such as Fiona
Tinwei Lam, Alexis Kienlin, James Mullin, bagpiper Joe McDonald and the
Burns Club of Vancouver.

The dinner event has inspired the Gung Haggis Fat Choy CBC telvision performance special,
and the Simon Fraser University recreation department has now extended
the Gung Haggis Fat Choy Canadian Games to three days January 25, 26
and 27.

Rick Scott & Harry Wong the
creators of 5 Elements children's cd and show, are very “Gung Haggis,” says McWong of the cd which combines both Cantonese and English.  Harry
Goh Goh
” (Harry Big Brother) is the “Raffi of Hong Kong” and is host of
“Bean Town” a chinese languarge children's television show that is
broadcast around the world. Rick is well known Canadian children's
performer with many cds to his credit. 
image imageimage
Joy Kogawa
the poet for the event, and is very honoured to be part of the show. 
Joy continues to be “amazed” by all the attention to her work through
the Naomi's Road, opera by Vancouver Opera and her novel Obasan's selection for the  One Book One Vancouver program.  Funds raised go to Save Kogwa House committee along with  Ricepaper Magazine and the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team.

Also featured are Joe McDonald & his band Brave Waves, and singer LaLa, both featured in the CBC television performance special Gung Haggis Fat Choy. They will be joined
by Sean Gunn singer /Songwriter/poet  and composer of The Head Tax Blues + film animator Jeff Chiba Stearns (What Are You Anyways?) and accapella singing group The Shirleys


What:  Gung Haggis Fat Choy:
           Toddish McWong's Robbie Burns
           Chinese New Year Dinner
When: 6pm, January 22, 2006,
            Sunday  Reception at 5:30pm
Where: Floata Restaurant
             #400 – 180 Keefer St.
             Vancouver Chinatown
Tickets: Firehall Arts Centre

Premium ticket price: $70 single / $700 per table.  Includes wine and Ricepaper Magazine subscription

Regular price: $60 single / $600 per table – includes Ricepaper Magazine subscription

Children are 50% – $35 premium seating, $30 regular seating – no subscription to Ricepaper

Media inquiries:
Todd Wong

Haggis and Chopsticks: Vancouver Storytelling Society features a Chinese-Scottish-Canadian theme

Haggis and Chopsticks: Vancouver Storytelling Society features a Chinese-Scottish-Canadian theme

Haggis and Chopsticks?
I have tried it.  It's best
mixed with rice in a bowl…  Bring the bowl to your mouth, and
scoop it in using the chopsticks.

No!  Not the food – the storytelling event!

Cric? Crac! is a non-profit organisation, dedicated
to the promotion of multicultural storytelling and run by volunteers from the
Vancouver Society of Storytelling enjoying their love of story and

Vancouver Storytelling Society presented an
evening of Chinese and Scottish storytellers on January 15th, 2005. Jan. 15, 7:30 pm, Hodson Manor (1254 W. 7th).

Fifty people filled the room, until there was standing room only. 
Usually 30 people attend.  Expectations and excitement were high.

Pauline Wenn was the hostess of the
evening.  She opened by stating the theme of the evening was an
idea inspired by my own Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner and poetry
events of bringing together Scottish and Chinese cultures, with a slant
to Canadian adventures.  Cric? Crac! has been going on for 20
and regularly features multicultural tales. 
I was very pleased that Mary Gavan and Pauline Wenn invited me to
perform with them, and they had trouble containing their gushing

Pauline explained that she was born in Scotland, and while living in
Canada, she discovered that she needed to get in touch with her
Scottish roots.  Never having attended a Burns Dinner before, she
decided to host her own – filling her living room with rented tables
and chairs for 25 people.  Reminded me of my own first Burns
Supper where my friend Gloria Smyth filled her townhouse living room
with rented chairs and tables for 16 people.  Pauline shared her
realization that in Scotland, only men had attended Burns suppers,
because the women had stayed in the kitchen cooking the dinner. 
She explained that the “Toast to the Lassies” came about as a thank you
to the ladies for cooking the dinner.  (“The rebuttal by the
Lassies” is usually quite sassy.)

Next came a story about a Chinese buddhist monastery in Northern
Scotland was told by a father and  son team, Wing Siu Wong with young son Andy.
They followed up the
story by performing a duet on guitar and violin.  Then wife
Barbara joined in for a duet on guitar and violin.  This event
evoked such a warm and
folksy feeling, easily reminding me of my first Robbie Burns “Gung
Haggis Fat Choy” dinner, where we invited our guests to each share a
poem, song, or food dish for our event.

I am always amazed by what one learns about Burns, and the tale told by
Mary Gavan was no exception.  She told a very good story about
Burns posthumous adventures (don't ask).  It's a great story…
and really reveals much about the life of Burns.

Pauline Wenn with Toddish McWong at Cric? Crac!:  Haggis and Chopsticks story telling evening – photo Deb Martin.

Pauline introduced me as the final performance/story teller before the
intermission.  She encouraged me to tell the origins of Gung
Haggis Fat Choy.  I first explained about the tartan that I was
wearing – the Ancient Fraser, also known as the Fraser of Lovat. 
And of course I had to explain how a University came to be named after
Simon Fraser the explorer, and not the son of the Silver Fox, who had
lost his head after the battle of Culloden for supporting the uprising
of Bonnie Prince Charlie.  ( I did admit to first learning about
Prince Charles Edward from the back of a bottle of Drambuie). 
This was all my preamble to explain how a university built of
pre-fabricated concrete was able to adopt the traditions of Scottish
culture and the motto of the Fraser Clan – Je Suis Prets (I am ready).

And then I told the story of the origins of Toddish McWong, and the very first Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner.

I finished by reading two poems that I wrote.  The first was
inspired after listening to the Rick Scott and Harry Wong childrens cd
titled 5 Elements.  It is called 12 Animals of the Zodiac, and
explains how Buddha named the years of the Chinese Calendar.  The
second poem is titled “Gung Haggis Fat Choy” and was inspired during
the creation of the Gung Haggis Fat Choy CBC television performance.

A very lovely and friendly intermission filled with lots of treats
followed.  Mary Gavan's special haggis pate was served with
crackers.  Their were fortune cookies, rum balls, oatmeal cakes,
shortbread, and something like plum pudding – all served with Chinese

Robin Seto began the second half by reading Paul Yee's book “Roses
Singing on New Snow.”  Correction:  Robin didn't read it….
she performed it!  Brilliantly….  Paul would be proud. 

It was a pleasure to reconnect with Robin.  We had first met back
in the mid-80's through a mutual friend, and hadn't seen each other
since except recently bumping into her at the PNE.  Robin shared
that she had seen my pictures in the papers, had heard me on the radio,
and had followed the development of Gung Haggis Fat Choy into a grand
event.  She too, comes from a long line of head tax payer
descendants and spoke warmly of Gim Wong, who had served in the
Canadian army with her father.  It was very touching to hear Robin
say that she is proud of me.  Hopefully we will keep in touch and
she can attend some of the future Gung Haggis Fat Choy events.

Next up was a man in a kilt.  Ian  Cook (from Whistler) was born in
Scotland, and he told a wonderful tale of how the kilt was invented,
and how it involved an old woman named Agnes and three babies born at
the same time – all with red hair, and each named Angus.  But
before he started, Ian told some rebuttals to the quesiton “What is
worn beneath the kilt?”

“Nothing is worn beneath the kilt…..  everything is in perfect working condition!”

This topic had been raised because at the end of my performance, I had
been asked by a comely Asian-Canadian lass, “For the benefit of the
lassies, what does a multicultural Asian Canadian man, like yourself,
wear beneath the kilt?”

“The proper answer to your question, is that the knowledge of what
is worn beneath my kilt is the sole privilege of my girlfriend.”

The evening closed with a story about the Great Wall of China, told by
Leilani Harmon, who shared that she has Chinese, British and some
German bloodlines.  We had a nice chat that included her young
son, and I invited them to some of the future Gung Haggis Fat Choy
events and to meet our multi-racial writers of Asian Canadian Writers'
Workshop and Ricepaper magazine.

It was a fun evening.  I will go again. I will recommend it to
friends.  Next month's Cric? Crac! will honour Black History Month.

Below are links to the cd created by
the Vancouver Society of Storytelling.  It's a very cool cd. 
My friends Yukiko Tosa (Children's librarian at Vancouver's Central Branch Library), Andre Thibault and Qiu Xia He (Silk Road Music) are all involved on the project.

How Music
Came to the World

and Other Stories

This Millennium
Project of Britannia World Music and the Vancouver Society of Storytelling
is a three CD set with 12 traditional and original stories about
musical instruments from around the world, including China, Japan,
India, Vietnam, Ireland, France, Canada, U.S., Andes, Mexico, North
Africa and the Ivory Coast. Local storytellers and world music artists
bring the stories to life. A feature is the enhanced disk with text,
photographs and video clips showing the instruments in performance.
The disk runs on both IBM and Mac and requires QuickTime 4.0 or
higher. Order the CD set for $22 through Lesson

Listen to
samples from several stories on this CD:

Clay Flute
(Nan Gregory & Andre Thibault)
Magic Fiddle
(Yvon Chartrand & Sheila Allan)
The Drums of Noto Hanto (Yukiko
Tosa & Uzume Taiko)

here to view video from the CD


Signing Ceremony – “Candidates in Support of Chinese Head Tax Redress”



Signing Ceremony
–  “Candidates in Support of Chinese Head Tax

The BC Coalition of Head Tax Payers,
Their Spouses and Descendants is organizing a media event – “Candidates in
Support of Chinese Head Tax Redress”.  Candidates of all parties running in
11 Lower Mainland ridings with significant Chinese population are invited to
participate in a signing ceremony to declare their support for the demand of a
just and honorable Chinese Head Tax Redress.  Seniors of the
Coalition and the media are invited to witness the signing. Attached is the
Support Statement to be signed.

The objective of the event is to let
the general public know which candidates support the redress demands and who do
not.  This information will serve as one of the important considering
factors in their voting.

Date: Jan 16, 2006 (Monday)

Time: 10:30 a.m. –

Place: Chinese Christian Mission Canada Centre (CCM Centre), Crystal Mall, 4533 Kingsborough Street, Burnaby



Toddish McWong about town – Jan 15, 16, 18, 22, 2006

Toddish McWong about town – Jan 15, 16, 18, 22, 2006

Todd Wong appears in 4 different events listed this week in the Georgia Straight's Time Out section.


Storytelling Society presents an evening of Chinese and Scottish
storytellers, including Todd Wong of Gung Haggis Fat Choy fame. Jan.
15, 7:30 pm, Hodson Manor (1254 W. 7th). Tix $3 members/$4 nonmembers at the door.


Todd Wong, Ariadne Sawyer, and Alejandro Mujica-Olea host a celebration
of both Chinese New Year and Robbie Burns Day, featuring readings by
poets Fiona Lam, James Mullin, and Alexis Kienlen; Chines dancing by
Yan Yan and friends; bagpipe music by Joe McDonald; and surprise
guests. Jan. 16, 7:30 pm, Vancouver Public Library (350 W. Georgia). Free admission, info 604-526-4729.


Author reads from her book Chow From China to Canada: Tales of Food and Family,
with guests Larry Wong of the Chinese Canadian Historical Society and
Todd Wong of the Asian Canadian Writer’s Workshop. Jan. 18, 7:30 pm, Vancouver Public Library (350 W. Georgia). Free admission,

and of course don't forget about….

GUNG HAGGIS FAT CHOY: Toddish McWong's Robbie Burns Chinese New Year Dinner

growing Vancouver legend featuring a 10 course cultural fusion dinner
featuring haggis won ton and haggis lettuce wrap.  Lots of great
performers such as Rick Scott and Harry Wong, Joy Kogawa, Joe McDonald
and Brave Waves, LaLa, The Shirleys, Sean Gunn + many more surprises.

January 22nd, Floata Restaurant, #400 – 180 Keefere Street, Vancouver Chinatown.
Tickets: call Firehall Arts Centre 604-689-0926

for single seat at premium table with wine, $60 for regular table
seating.  10 per table. Children are $35 and $30.  All adults
recieve one year subscription to Ricepaper Magazine ($20 value).

Saturday afternoon in Kitsilano – Oh the people you meet!

It's Saturday in Kitsilano – Oh the people you meet!

Kitsilano is a great neighborhood.  Filled with low income basement suites, students, expensive waterfront homes.
I went for a walk on Saturday afternoon with my girlfriend to pick up a
birthday cake for my father.  Little did I know it would be such
an adventure.

On a short walk we bumped into Liberal candidate Stephen Owen the
imcumbent MP for Vancouver Quadra. Owen is mainstreeting, along with
his wife and extended family including his cousin former Mayor Phillip
Owen.  I ask two women what he is minister for, and his wife
correctly tells me he is
Minister for Western
Economic Diversification and Minister of State (Sport).  She
introduces me to her husband Stephen, and I invite him to attend Gung Haggis Fat Choy,
my Robbie Burns Chinese New Year Dinner.  Owen is in good spirits,
he has heard of the event and he spontaneously these words fall from
his tongue:

Wee, sleekit, cowrin', tim'rous beastie,

O, what a panic's in thy breastie!

With this year's Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner falling on
Election Eve, it may be doubtful that many federal candidates may
attend.  But Stephen Owen doesn't say no. 

Former Mayor Philip Owen greets me as well and says he remembers
meeting me.  I am sure it was at a Terry Fox Run where we both
were speakers.  Of course I tell him that Mayor Sam Sullivan will
be at this year's GHFC dinner and last year then Mayor Larry Campbell
was our special guest.

Down the street we drop by Tanglewood Books.  Inside working
behind the cash register is James Mullin.  My girlfriend asks
James if he is all ready for Monday night for the Gung Haggis Fat Choy
World Poetry Night.  “Oh my God, yes!” says James who says he
might have to borrow a kilt because he doesn't own one.

We find that the Notte's Bon Ton Pastry & Confectionary
is closed for annual holidays.  Too bad.  So sad.  My
father will not get his favorite cake – The Mexican Hat cake.  My
2 1/2 year old nephew will not get a marzipan animal.  He really
loved the marzipan alligator I gave him in September for my mother's

Vancouver Kidsbooks
is one of my favorite places in Vancouver.  I
could spend hours hanging out in this Vancouver cultural institution
created by Phyllis Whitney.  I searched for Paul Yee's
book Struggle and Hope: The Story of Chinese Canadians, which I have
been recommending to people to show/give to anybody that opposes
redress for Chinese Canadian head tax/exclusion issues.  But it is
now out of print.  I read through Paul's new book Bamboo, and vow to purchase it the next time I attend a book signing with him.  I purchase two copies of Half and Half by Lensey Namioka
about a family that is half Scottish and half Chinese.  (Trivia:
way around 1984 I silk screened t-shirts for Phyllis when she first
opened her store.)

I bump into Shirley Chan
at Safeway, where we go to shop for a birthday cake.  Shirley
married a Scottish Canadian descendant, and her daughter has attended
Gung Haggis Fat Choy wearing a Chinese top, a mini-kilt and loves the
image.  I gave Shirley a copy of Half and Half as a spontaneous
gift.  We talk about Joy Kogawa
appearing at the upcoming Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner, and she tells me
she had recently purchased Naomi's Road and was shocked to hear about
the potetial demolition of Kogawa House, Joy's childhood home.  Funny to bump into Shirley after only seeing her two days before at the launch for Mother Tongue,
Susan Poizner's new television documentary series about women who have
made a difference in their many ethnic communities.  It was
Shirley's mother, Mary Lee Chan, who had helped lead the protest
opposition to destroying Chinatown with a freeway.  Shirley
herself, ran as a Liberal candidate in the last election, and had been
Mike Harcourt's personal assistant while he had been Mayor at City
Hall.  Hopefully we will see Shirley at
Gung Haggis Fat Choy.

May Chiu could knock out Paul Martin: More news stories on head tax apology

May Chiu could knock out Paul Martin: More news stories on head tax apology

Gilles Duceppe poses with candidate May Chiu during a campaign stop in Montreal on Saturday. (CP Photo)

some news reports:
May Chiu is the Bloc Quebecois candidate running against Paul Martin.  She has fought for head tax redress for years, as well as Walter Tom.  They are mentioned in this CBC report
Duceppe says Martin could lose his seat
National Post article mentions Raymond and HT issue
2 from Richmond Review (Raymond`s riding)
the Globe article below has the Conservatives projected at 152 seats:
and the BLOC within stiking distance of becoming Official Opposition.

Saltwater City TV: See how the head tax redress protest got started in Vancouver

Saltwater City TV:  
See how the head tax redress protest got started in Vancouver

Paul Martin walks past angry protestors drowned out by a friendly Lion Dancer when he
arrived to sign the Agreement-in-Principle for "No Apology" and "No Compensation" as
the first part of $2.5 Million for Acknowledgement, Commemoration and Education."
Little did he know that Chinese Canadians really wanted "Apology, Compensation and
Education" - photo Harvey Lee

It was November 26, 2005 when Prime Minister Paul Martin came to Vancouver to sign the
Agreement-In-Principle with the National Congress of Chinese Canadians at the SUCCESS
building in Vancouver's Chinatown.

Chinese Canadians came from throughout the Vancouver Lower Mainland to combine their
voices in protest against an "agreement" that contained pre-conditional clauses of "No Apology"
and "No Compensation."

Saltwater City film crews were there to record the action.
Watch Saltwater City on
on Shaw cable 4 in Greater Vancouver and Fraser Valley.
1:00pm Sunday Jan. 15
10:30pm Monday Jan. 16
2:30pm Thursday Jan. 19
11:30am Saturday Jan. 21

See Chinese Canadian seniors from leafletting and information
line in action.

See a music video by the Running Dog Lackeys produced by the
Nugget Peak Railway Collective celebrating Gim Wong's Ride for Redress.

See a short video with Pierre Berton and Gim Wong's presentation from
the Last Spike event Nov. 7, 2003.

“Our Story” head tax sound bites and turn table hip hop by No Luck Club

“Our Story” head tax sound bites and turntable hip hop by No Luck Club

Trevor Chan, the laptop samplist, of
No Luck Club has created a mashup called “Our Story.”

It address the head tax issue and 62 years or legislated
racism.   It is an amazing aural soundscape that splices
together historical and documentary sound bites including quotes from Martin Luther King Jr.  The juxtaposition of positive and negative statements for racial equlality is striking.

January 15th is Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the United States.  This is a great way to celebrate racial equality and justice for all.

Listen to such quotes as:

“We don't want Chinamen in Canada.  This is a white man's country and white men will keep it.”

“The people of Canada do not wish to make a fundamental alteration to the character of our population”

“Large scale immigration from the Orient would change the fundamental composition of the population the  of Canada”

“He's telling us what he wants us to know.  That's his story not our story.”

“The government passed a special
legisalation which places a tax of $50 on every Chinese entering the
country.  The Head tax was raised to $100 and eventually in 1903
to $500.”

“We have suffered political
oppression, economic exploitation and social degradation.  The
government has failed us.  You can't deny that.”

Vancouver seethed with racial hatred.  An Anti-Asiatic league was formed.”

“You know how I want to think of myself – as a human being.”

Trevor has given me permission to post it.

Listen to it on
Dogma Radio