Tickets to Gung Haggis Fat Choy – if you are buying on the weekend

Tickets to Gung Haggis Fat Choy

if you are buying on the weekend

For people wishing to come to Gung Haggis Fat Choy… there are still tickets available at the door.

The Firehall Arts Centre has now finished their part in handling advance sales. We thank them for graciously handling advance sales for us.
There will be tickets at the door.  But there are only about 30 seats left.

$60 for Regular seating – further from the stage.
All adult price seats include subscription to Ricepaper magazine (value $20)
Prices are $70 for Premium seating – closer seating + 2 bottles of wine on the table
Childrens price is 50% off.
All tickets subject to $2.50 handling charge.

Please call me in advance to reserve these seats – but they must be claimed by 5:30pm
After that we will release them to the people waiting in line for tickets.

My number is 604-240-7090
but please acknowledge we are very busy with preparations for the dinner.

– please see links on the left hand column of the website.  Free
parking in Chinatown Parkade – at Keefer and Columbia (Quebec) St.
Drive up to the 4th level – and walk directly to the Floata
Restaurant's parkade entrance.

NOTE:  We have changed the seating for the restaurant
have moved the staging to the corner stage of the restaurant and are
limiting audience size to 450 maximum.  This provides for better
viewing for everybody

A new site map with table numbers will be posted asap  – it will also be available at event reception on Sunday.

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