Win Tickets to Gung Haggis Fat Choy – listen to CBC Radio 690 Early Edition

Win Tickets to Gung Haggis Fat Choy
– listen to CBC Radio 690 Early Edition

Win a pair of tickets to Gung Haggis Fat Choy on CBC Radio's Early Edition Friday show

Listen on Friday, Thursday Jan 19th, somewhere between 7am and 9am on 690
AM CBC Radio One for co-host Margaret Gallagher to give away tix as
part of “690 to Go
as she gives away tickets to the “city's hottest events.”  This
will be the third year Margaret has given away GHFC tickets to CBC
listeners.  We must be hot!  We think Margaret is hot. 
Margaret has both performed and co-hosted for Gung Haggis Fat Choy in
past years.  Margaret guest paddled in our dragon boat entry in
the St. Patrick's Day Parade in 2005. We always sing “When Chi-rish
Eyes Are Smiling” –
only for Margaret.

Margaret will also be introducing one of the
Scottish descendant Early Edition crew members to Haggis Won Ton. 
Margaret grabbed some from our taste testing on Wednesday Night. 
This is going to be fun!  Gung Haggis Fat Choy
Canadian cultural fusion

– More raffle prizes coming….

tickets for Vancouver Asian Canadian Theatre's next installment of SEX IN VANCOUVER: Doin’ It Again.

tickets for Firehall Arts Centre

swag from City TV

tickets for Curious? restaurant

passes for Maxfit fitness classes

tickets for Chinese Cultural Centre Museum

win a seat in a dragon boat for the St. Patrick's Day Parade!

lots of books on Asian Canadians and Asian Canadian culture from Harbour Publishing, including BC Almanac's Greatest Britishc Columbians

Chow from China to Canada: Tales of Food and Family from Whitecap Books

lots more prizes to be announced.

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