Janice Wong's Book CHOW at Vancouver Public Library January 18th + Panel Discussion

Janice Wong's Book CHOW at Vancouver Public Library January 18th + Panel Discussion

Wednesday January 18
7:30 pm
Peter Kaye Room, Lower Level
Central Library
350 West Georgia Street

Janice Wong presents her book, Chow from China to Canada: Tales of Food and Family.
A collection of over 50 traditional Chinese village dishes, it contains
early photographs, immigration documents, 1940s restaurant menus and
handwritten recipes from some of Canada's first ethnic restaurants.

, a Vancouver-based artist and daughter of a Chinese restaurateur,
has assembled her father's recipes and her family's history in this
unique cookbook;

Panel Discussion on Chinese food and Chinese Restaurants:
Janice is joined by by: 

of the Chinese Canadian Historical Society
Todd Wong of the creator of Gung Haggis Fat Choy
Stephen Wong, celebrity chef

Here is the inside story on the event

Janice is my 2nd cousin-once-removed.
We are descendants of Rev. Chan Yu Tan, who arrived in Canada in 1891.
  And I only met her earlier this year when she announced that her
book was coming out.  We immediately bonded, and I have enjoyed
helping her promote her book.  We did a panel discussion together
with Larry Wong at the West Vancouver Library and had so much fun, we
decided to do it for Vancouver.

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