CBC archives News clip: Brian Mulroney apologizes to Japanese Canadians

CBC archives News clip: Brian Mulroney apologizes to Japanese Canadians

Look what I found!

“I know that I speak for Members on all sides of the House today in
offering to Japanese Canadians the formal and sincere apology of this
Parliament for those past injustices against them, against their
families, against their heritage, and our solemn commitment and
undertaking to Canadians of every origin that such violations will
never again in this country be countenanced or repeated.” – Prime
Minister Brian Mulroney, House of Commons, September 22, 1988.

This news clip shows the Liberals what a REAL apology sounds like. Not the flimsy Paul Martin apology that the Prime Minister stammered to Fairchild Radio in an interview taped in
Victoria Tuesday and broadcast Wednesday.

“As I have said many times, do I regret this? The answer is yes. Do
I apologize? Yes,”  “I don't know how anyone could not regret what occurred.”

Ooops – but don't let Hedy Fry hear it – she will say it was a mistake
to give individual compensation to the Japanese Canadians.  Then next,
she will have to say that Ronald Reagan made a mistake in giving
compensation to the Japanese Americans.  And the New Zealanders made a
mistake in giving compensation to the Chinese-New Zealanders, to which Chan says they have a different kind of legal system.

Has anybody noticed that it is both Chan and Fry, present and past
ministers of multiculturalism that are both immigrants?  And that while they
do lots for new immigrants – but seem to forget about honouring the
pioneer immigrants that fought decades of
discrimination and racial prejudice, demonstrating that we could be
Good Canadians too, finally allowing the government to open the
immigration doors to them personally?

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