Chinese Head Tax: Open letter from Kwok Gin and Meena Wong

Chinese Head Tax: Open letter from Kwok Gin and Meena Wong

Dear Mr. Owen,
Government has tried everything in the book to silence those of us who
refuses to accept their preset conditions of no apology, no
compensation, including cynical manipulation of the private members
legislative process to pass Bill C-333. Despite our loud opposition,
the Minister of Multiculturalism is quietly processing the paperwork
out of the spotlight to hand over the $12.5 million dollars to The
National Congress Of Chinese Canadians even before the terms and
conditions of the so-called ACE Program have been finalized. I would
like to know if there are any members of this congress with any real
remote connections with the Head Tax community or the issues at stake.
Nov.17th last Thursday, Chan Ping Ting of The NCCC held a press
conference at Ruby’s in Scarborough on how they would use the 12.5
million etc…Why weren't any Head Tax descendants informed of this ?
It was only by chance that I spoke to a Journalist colleague who was
there for 1 of the local Chinese Medias. I was informed that not only
was Chan avoiding issues of fundamental justice but this reporter
feels threaten now that her career might be jeopardized with future
media blacklist if she continues to be persistent. Does freedom of
speech mean nothing in this country anymore? Is that where this
Government is heading ? If it is…then I shouldn’t really care too much
concerning this Government’s other messages; that the Head Tax
community’s contributions in Canada were worthless; that we were not
welcome in Canada ; & we will continue to be unwelcome in the
future of Canada.

is totally irresponsible of your Government to empty the funds before
the Head Taxpayers and families even have the chance to seek justice.
We've been on their case for over 20 years and they’ve done zilch until
now. So why the sudden rush ?  If they’re going to throw
money out the window like that, at least take the time to hear out
those who directly suffered from 62 years of legislated racism.
Isn't that what these funds are all about ? Your Government must be
diligent & not just give the money out with no accountability. I
like to remind you in case you’ve forgotten that it is your
responsibility & one of the reasons you were elected into office to
begin with ! 

Our friend
& social justice activist, June Callwood said ‘to favour one group
selected by the Government is unacceptable. I haven't seen such
highhandedness for a very long time’ while she wonders ‘what are
they hiding?’ Tony Chan, ex-CBC broadcaster now broadcast prof/writer
said ‘This is worst than the W-5, ‘campus giveaway’ CTV program in
1979!’ If you remember the noise from the community back in ’79…that
was nothing compare to what you’ll be hearing this time around. 
  I've been getting overwhelming support from as far as Washington State
& MPs from B.C. but nothing from my local MP…That really pisses me off !

Again I ask you…”How can the Liberal Government negotiate with these
privileged and self-important members of so-called national group with
no historical/community understanding or connections to the issues at
a direct descendant of a Chinese Head Tax payer, I want you & your
Government to know that I’m not interested in your ‘Guilt Money’&
empty political gestures. The irresponsible rush to pawn off this money
to The NCCC without any true representation of my community is
essentially what this money is & the message it carries. What I
want for my ancestors’ are sincere recognitions for their contributions
to this country & a meaningful apology to put their souls to rest. 
  You’ll be hearing from my wide circle loud & clear at the polls this coming election !    Regards, Kwok K. Gin      Trinity Spadina       M6G 1H8 Meena Wong     Vancouver Central    V6K 2S4   Thank
you all for your recent overwhelming solidarity. Please copy and paste
the letter into a new message and place your names under this list with
your riding, postal code & forward it to your MP (google them on
line). For Liberal MPs in BC:
Vancouver Quadra Stephen Owen Vancouver Centre, Hedy Fry Vancouver Kingsway David Emerson Vancouver South, Ujjal Dosanjh Richmond, it is Raymond Chan Victoria, it is David Anderson North Vancouver, it is Don Bell

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