Eastside Culture Crawl – I am no longer a culture crawl virgin

Eastside Culture Crawl – I am no longer a culture crawl virgin

There were people everywhere when I went to 1000 Parker Street on Saturday afternoon, as part of the Eastside Culture Crawl
And this is only one of 37 building sites where 59 artists had opened
their studios to the public.  No wonder it takes 2 whole days and
1 whole evening to explore.  There are so many people in the
building, the crowds have to move at at snail's pace – no wonder it is
called a “crawl.”

My main priority was to visit my cousin Janice Wong
who is a visual artist concentrating on monotypes.  Janice has
been really busy for the past two months also promoting her book CHOW,
which includes recipes from her father's chinese food restaurant in
Prince Albert + stories about her family and our shared ancestors.

We talk with Janice's husband George, as Janice talks to some of the
many friends that drop in to visit.  Huge canvasses line the
studio walls priced at $1000 and up, as well as little ones for only

We wander in and out of the many studios where I bump into Arleigh Wood
Arleigh is half Japanese and she is combining visual art with a zen
approach, integrating her East and West cultures. Crows and circles
dominate her work.  I spot a photograph of a Japanese man on a
fishing boat – she tells me that it is her grandfather.  We have a
good chat – I tell her what I am up to, and promise to introduce her to
Ricepaper Magazine.

 When I walk into artist Michael Fitzsimmon's
studio, his paintings are luminescent with his own mix of special
paints that glow as if they have lights inside them.  Check this

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