CBC French Television: films Save Kogawa House committee in action at City Council Nov 3
Great News today!
Just watched Radio Canada – French television
Our segment looks GREAT!
We taped it! – now to digitalize and convert to a
webcast… hmmm…. new technology….
I am having enough of a challenge working on the new weblog www.kogawahouse.com
Shots showed the house, Obasan cover, One Book One
Vancouver stickers, etc…
Short interviews with Todd, and Joy, pictures of
Ann-Marie, Diane Switzer, our lunch meeting at Kirin Restaurant with Marion Quednau, Jackie Byrn and my girlfriend Deb Martin.
And… it showed city councillors taking out their
wallets and donating immediately to the cause, led by
Councillor Raymond Louie's challenge for other councillors to meet his $100 donation.
Our committee worked well, and each speakers covered
their points, without any real overlaps.
Also this morning… CBC Radio had news segment with
interviews by Todd and Joy at 6:30, 7:30 and 8:30am.
All good work everybody! Well Done!