Enchanted Evenings at Dr. Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Gardens: Music concerts

Check out these special concerts at the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Chinese Classical Gardens in Vancouver's Historic Chinatown.

The Enchanted Evenings concert series was originally created by my friend Qiu Xia He of the Silk Road Music
ensemble.  July 29th featured Qiu Xia's other group Joutou – which
blends together music and style from Quebec, China, Ireland and South

And I can proudly say that my cousin, architect Joe Y. Wai was one of the main architects designing the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Gardens.  I absolutely love the gardens, and each year I take my dragon boat team there for a tour and tai chi lesson.

Check out these very special remaining concerts!

August 26 – Sawagi Taiko
Canada's first all-women, all Asian taiko drumming
group strives to encourage cultural connections among different
Asian Canadian communities and explores members’ ancestral
legacies. The instrument originates in China but the artistic
form comes from rural communities of Japan.

Sept. 2 – Silk Road
An award winning ensemble that takes Chinese music
in daring new directions, incorporating jazz improvisation,
Latin rhythms, French Canadian folk elements and Celtic strains.
These world musicians are Qiu Xia He (pipa), Zhi Min Yu (ruan),
Feng Jun Wang (vocals), Willy Miles (bass and vocals) and
Andre Thibault (guitar, oud, percussion). They will present
new works from a CD being compiled and due to be released

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