Gim Wong completes his “Ride for Redress” in Montreal – flying back to Vancouver for Wednesday

It's been a long ride for 83
year old Gim Wong, starting from Victoria BC on June 5th to Calgary,
Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa for July 1st, and finally Montreal on July


The Chinese Canadian National Council had asked for meetings with Prime
Minister Martin on Wong's behalf, to discuss redress and discrimination
issues for Chinese
Tax and the 1923 Chinese “Exclusion” Act, but received no response..
While he only managed to view Prime Minister Paul Martin from the
Canada Day Celebrations VIP section, before being escorted away by RCMP
officers because he approached the stage area. .  Gim Wong had
made headlines all across Canada.

Click here for all the collected stories about Gim Wong on


Here is the latest on Gim Wong's “Ride for Redress”

courtesey of William Dere in Montreal.

Wong successfully completed his cross Canada ride for redress in Montreal
tonight at a fundraising dinner attended by over 100 people.

community leaders spoke to thank Gim for his heroic efforts and leadership
in mobilizing the community to pressure the government for redress. A
representative of the City of Montreal gave a solidarity message on behalf
of the City. Over $3,000 were raised to help pay for Gim and his
son Jeff's

Prior to the dinner tonight, Gim visited James Wing, Montreal's
youngest surviving Head Tax Payer at the hospital. They had a very good and
long discussion (hour and a half). Walter will forward the photos of Gim and
James as well as from the dinner later.

Yesterday, Monday, the
reception and signing of the Montreal City hall Book of Honour was a
success, as we got good media coverage from CFCF television and the Montreal
Gazette. Also representatives from all the different
Chinese community
associations in Montreal participated and the City of Montreal reiterated its
support of the Redress campaign.

Much thanks to the main organizers,
Walter Tom, Jack Lee, Timothy Chan and Kenneth Cheung. The unity of the
various community organizations including the Quebec Chapter of the National
Congress of Chinese Canadians, the Chinese Canadian National Council, and
the Chinese Canadian Redress Alliance was strengthened by Gim Wong's valiant
efforts for Redress.

The organizers in Montreal purchased a plane ticket
for Gim. He will be flying back to Vancouver tomorrow.

All of us
involved in the Redress Movement in Montreal owe a great debt of thanks to
Gim and his son Jeff for sucessfully and safely competing their ride for
redress. Gim is an inspiration for all of us.

William Dere
for the
organizing committee in Montreal

click here for more stories on this website about Gim Wong and Chinese head tax redress go to:

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