Monthly Archives: June 2005

Gim Wong's Ride for Redress in Calgary

Here are the latest updates from Gim's Ride for Redress in Calgary.
Sid Tan told me that Gim has safely made it to Medicine Hat now.

Check out the Shared Vision article featuring Gim,
Sid Tan and Sean Gunn.

The following are e-mail reports from Victor Wong and Teresa

Hi, All:
I apologize for not updating you earlier.........I was stuck in a
conference until 3 yesterday, it was May 5-Chinese commitment
etc...........anyways, I managed to organize a press conference for
Gim and Jeff......they arrived Calgary midnight Friday.........

Gim is exhausted as always, Press Conference went well........we had
the Calgary Sun, CFCN[CTV], Global, A-Channel and CBC showed up.......all
the major madia except the Herald and Fairchild---which really surprised
me. We also had a local wrtier Dale, who used to work for Global T.V. and
some supporter and activist show up.

I only managed to see the coverage on Global and A-Channel but didn't
get to taping them or check on the other sources. He was very well received
by the media.

I choose the Chinese Cultual Centre in Chinatown at 3:30 thinking that
was end of Chinese School time and hadn't realized the biggest chinese
school has moved outside of chinatown altogether.

So, I was pleased with the media turnout but there were only about
15-20 supporters and onlookers.
I offered for Gim and Jeff to stay at my place last night as they
don't want to spend money on hotels or motels if they don't need to. I managed to
make them steamed pork with salted fish, salted eggs and gai choy---Gim's
favorite food before I went over to my grandma's for half an hour with

My rice was too hard for him lastnight!
Gim lost his glassess on route to Calgary and Jeff got him a new pair
yesterday. There's a leak from one of the bikes and Jeff is trying to
fix it right now. They were planning to leave this morning , then this

My husband is making congee with salted pork and perserved eggs for
Gim and he is still napping [he decided to take a nap around 9am but actually
hit the bed after 10am].

I spoke to Jeff about being flexible with their pace of travel, if they get
to Ottawa by July 1, great, if not, I am sure there are many other
ways people can organize activities for Gim in Manitoba and Ontario etc.
I also told Jeff to suggest to Gim at the appropriate time if he can
prepare a couple of 20-30 second soundbits for the media in addition to his
stories would be very helpful for the media as I think he will attract media
attention if the local people / group is able to organize something.

That's all for now, folks!!

A few suggestions from me:
1. I think we should work on getting him the Order of Canada
2. It would be helpful if someone can suggest the next organizing
group[s] to not only povide background information on the issues but also a little more info on Gim and
have it printed out on the day of the event
would be helpful......the media received the backgroun info I
emailed them, but the person showed up to the press event didn't have it, or have access to it etc. hence
not too terribly informed.


Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 9:47 AM
Subject: update on Gim

Hi everyone:
I just spoke with Gim. He's in Calgary and he and Jeffrey are
fixing the van today. Gim said he's exhausted. I asked him to take a couple of
days to rest. Teresa is back tomorrow. Gim plans to ride out maybe tomorrow
night but best we wait til he speaks with Teresa.

Re the fundraising...if folks prefer, I can set up a separate bank
account: Gim Wong - Ride for Redress. Its just easier to use CCNC and I will
separate out the donations. I think Yew said that this would cost a few

It would be great if we could help to cover some of it. Could we start
with a ball-park $5000 for Gim's travel expenses?
Anyways I still need help for Regina and Winnipeg. Will try to
connect with Wanda from the NARCC list and Keiko of NAJC.

More later

Gung Haggis Dragon Boat practice review for Sunday June 12

Hi everybody...

just to let you know...
my body is real sore today, after practice
My left thigh is charley horsed - this is most likely to
1) paddling on the right side and pushing off the
inside left leg and/or
2) paddling on the left side and pushing off the left leg to initiate my power

cure: eat bananas for potassium to avoid muscle spasms
/ cramps - drink more water... lots more water

Tough practice today.
Bob was working us hard to:
1) build strength
2) provide interval training to develop lactic acid
release efficiency
3) show us what we are capable of

We started off the practice with a fun exercise...
sorry we didn't get to the one-finger lift. We will
do this Saturday morning of the race.

The race visualization will be part of our race
preparation that we will do before every race. Bob is
telling us that we are not producing our potential
until 30 to 40 minutes of practice on the water. But
we don't have that luxury. But we can visualize what
we do on the water to get to that level of
performance. We can visualize and imagine how we feel
in the middle of our practice.

Sports Psychology works. I studied at SFU, and I used the same
techniques for mental training during my recovery from
cancer, 16 years ago. Please read the visualization
exercise that I sent out yesterday.

Very good for us to be in the Gemini for practice
today. It gave us the experience we need for our
races next week, and allowed us to try different
seating and leg positions.
Gemini boats are the developing standard for Dragon
Boat Sport Racing, and are recognized by the
International Dragon Boat Federation. The boats were
brought to Vancouver last year, a few weeks before
ADBF, and provide the least amount of variables
between boats.

I found the following worked for me.

1) Brace your inside leg under your seat with your
outside leg forward - braced under the wooden gunwale
of the boat. Push against your inside leg to "almost"
raise your bum off your seat - this initiates your hip
movement to provide the power in your stroke.

2) Really lean outside the boat... Make sure your top
hand is outside the boat so you can keep your paddle
vertical and pull the boat up to your solidly planted

3) Drop your outside shoulder, and lean slightly
forward. You will get 3 more inches reach.

4) for timing... you should be able to look right
upside the outside of the boat - because you are
leaning so far out the boat.

The Gemini Boat is very sensitive to movement. Make
sure you brace yourself before the start of the race.
If you shift around during a race, it can upset the
balance of the boat, causing everybody else in the
boat to shift in reaction.

We have to really emphasize every aspect of proper
paddling technique training that Bob and I have given
It will really make the difference in a Gemini. The
6-16 boats have 2 1/2 more inches between the seats
and are much more forgiving than the Geminis.

1) Remember to push off your inside leg, so you can
get your bum off your seat....
2) Get your paddle deep... I can still see some
paddles that are not buried to the shaft.
3) GRUNT! You will feel the sound resonate in your
body and inspire you! Consider this to be "Sound
Therapy" It also helps if you are visualizing your
"power animal"

Great exercise with alternate "zig-zag" seats.
Very good to give your seat buddy encouragement and
constructive feedback. I was working with Carl, and
he made great improvement with the feedback that gave
him more awareness of what he does with his paddle.
Pretty tough for Carl then to critique me... but I
asked him what he liked, and he said I was very smooth
and efficient. He could see how I dropped my outside
shoulder and rotated - "very subtle and smooth" he
said. 12 years of paddling experience, and we are
trying to give it to all of you in 2 months. You are
all better paddlers than I was when I first started
paddling, over my first 3 years!

Good practice all around - Thanks to Bob for leading
He is giving us good feedback on our performance and

The hamburgers and drinks were a good treat. Remember
to eat right away after any intense workout.

Wednesday's practice will be focussed on race
strategies and technique foundations. We will not be
doing an intense workout as we are now in the tapering
phase to allow the body to rest and recover and be
ready for lots of racing on Saturday and Sunday!

Good work everybody!
Remember dinner at 7pm on Friday - details to follow.
Come and recieve your team shirt, and your race pass,
if I did not give it to you today.


Changing times for British Columbia Scots – article from

Check out this story about how times are changing for the
previously dominant ethnic group of BC: The Scots. Paula Baker has
written an article titled Changing Times for British Columbia Scots for the

There are interviews with my friends Harry McGrath, coordinator for the
SFU Scottish Studies program and Jim Bain, leader for the Sons of
Scotland, as well he is an organizer of the BC Scottish Games. (special
note: Jim's wife is of Chinese descent, and his two lovely
Scottish-Chinese-Canadian daughters were competing Highland dancers!)

“Scottish societies began springing up in the 1930s but the decline began a
quarter century ago. Since then the original number of societies in the greater
Vancouver area has declined from almost half of the original 28,” writes Baker.

“Our club consists of 50 Scottish males that are ageing and their children
(first- and second-generation Canadians) don't really seem to be interested in
being part of the society,” says Ian Mason, who is president of Vancouver Burns
Club (VBC) and at 67 joins McGrath in being one of the youngest members.

“I understand what we offer – an intellectual social club that thinks about
Scottish poetry, history and heritage – isn't what a 22-year-old male would be
interested in. But even so, I don't know what I'm going to do about our sliding

Hmmm… maybe the answer is to have a 5th generation Vancouverite of
Chinese heritage going around the country promoting Robbie Burns, kilts
nights, haggis won-ton and dragon boat racing…. Especially since I've recently been
invited to do all of the above at Loch Lomand. 

“I think you've identified Vancouver's Two Solitidudes: Chinese and
Scottish,” Joan Siedl, Vancouver Museum history curator told me back in
January, after I told her how my great-great-grandfather Rev. Chan Yu
Tan had successfully appealed the wrongful arrest of Wong Foo-Sing for
the murder of Scottish nanny Janet Smith – one of Vancouver's longest
unsolved murders shrouded with intrigue in the toney Shaughnessey
neighborhood with touches of Scotland Yard.

Speaking of which – come out to the Alcan Dragon Boat Festival and
cheer on the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team.  We will be
wearing the Fraser “Sport” tartan.  2-day passes available for $12
instead of $10 per day – just e-mail me or call 604-987-7124.

Gim Wong in Calgary: motocycle ride for Chinese Head Tax Redress

Gim and son Jefferey at “Mile 0” in Victoria

Here is the report on Gim Wong's arrival in Calgary AB, from Sid Tan


Yo All.
Great news Gim and Jeffrey are in Calgary. I feel quite relieved the
difficult part of the trip is over and they are in the Teresa's capable
hands. Am getting b-roll together of Mile 0 and Vancouver events.
I've added Bernie Yen, Andrea Lum, Todd Wong (Vancouver) and Cary Chiu
(Victoria) onto list. They have been very supportive of redress and the
ride. We are currently brainstorming a welcome home event and/or
fundraiser to help Gim with expenses. Except for updates of national
importance, we will limit our emails on organising this to Vancouver
and Victoria. Todd has already put photos, G&M article, etc on his 
On the Wong home front, I noted the Globe and Mail article stated Gim
banged his face in motorcycle mishap. It's quite distinguished in the
8X10 photo in a macho way. Hmmm, wonder what's going to happen when Jan
(his wife) finds out the banged face was not from walking into a door.
Jan has scolded me about Gim not getting enough rest and sleep and
consequently banging his head into the door! This after getting scolded
for Gim's, "Jan, honey, I'm only going to Calgary" and not getting out 
of town fast enough. Damn that westcoast rain!!!
Take care.   anon   Sid

Calgary Press Release for Gim Wong's Ride for Redress by CCNC

Gim and son Jeffery in Vancouver's Chinatown – photo Chow Gim Tan

On Fri, 10 Jun 2005, CCNC National wrote:

Press Conference Saturday, June 11, 2005

Gim Wong's Ride for Redress A Call for Justice Now.  The
83-years old World War II air-force veteran is riding his motorcycle across Canada for Chinese head tax and exclusion redress

When:  Saturday, June 11, 2005        3:30 p.m.

Where: Outside of the Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre
              197 – 1 St. S.W.
For information: contact Teresa Woo-Paw  (403) 870-0430

Foon Wong has a dream of riding his motorcycle across Canada. He will
try to fulfill his dream and bring a message to all Canadians about
Canada's infamous Chinese Head Tax and Exclusion Acts and the
devastation they caused Chinese Canadian families over generations.

want to do this ride for the Chinese railway workers and all those
Chinese pioneers. I want to do it for my good friend Charlie Quan, who
is a 98-year old head taxpayer living in Vancouver. I want to do it for
my family."

"This is a pensioner's call on the on the government
to quit dragging its feet. This ride is about respect for the
generations of Chinese Canadians who build this country. It's time
for the government to apologize and make the tax refund."

Foon Wong, born in Vancouver's Strathcona neigbourhood over 83-years
ago and a World War II air-force veteran, is riding his motorcycle
across Canada for Chinese head tax and exclusion redress.  With
his son Jeffrey, Gim left Mile 0 in Victoria's Beacon Hill Park on June
3.  His stops will include Calgary, Regina, Winnipeg, Sudbury,
Toronto and Montreal.  He plans to arrive in Ottawa on July 1,
2005 - Canada Day.

Gim's father and uncles paid the head tax
when they came to Canada as 11 and 12-year olds in the early
1900's.  Gim Wong's Ride for Redress is a pensioner's call to
Canadians of good conscience to join and assist him in this struggle of
almost a quarter century.  Many of the affected
seniors are over ninety and redress will lose much of its meaning if they do not
survive to receive it.

On July 1, 2004, Gim made a successful "shakedown" run to 
Craigallachie, BC, site of the last spike completing the trans-Canada railway.
Canada Day marks a significant anniversary for Chinese Canadians.  It 
was on July 1, 1923 that the Canadian Government enacted the Chinese 
Exclusion Act and until it was repealed in 1947, the Lo Wah Kiu (old overseas 
Chinese) referred to it as Humiliation Day.
Background: History of Racism Towards the Chinese in Canada
When the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) was constructed between 1881 
and 1885, Chinese workers were brought in from China as a source of cheap 
land reliable labour.  They were also willing to perform the most 
dangerous tasks in building the railway.  Due to the racist public sentiment against 
more Chinese immigrants arriving in Canada when the CPR was completed in 
1885, the Canadian government imposed a "head tax" on them.  In 1923, the 
Canadian government passed the Chinese Immigration Act, which virtually 
excluded all persons of Chinese descent from coming to Canada.  This "Chinese 
Exclusion Act" was repealed in 1947.
Chinese workers made a major contribution to the construction of the
Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR).  Chinese labourers were paid about 
half the wages of other railway workers, and often performed the most 
dangerous tasks. After the CPR was completed in 1885, due to racist public 
sentiment, the Canadian government imposed a "head tax" on Chinese immigrants.  
In 1923, the Canadian government passed the Chinese Immigration Act, 
which virtually excluded all persons of Chinese descent from coming to 
Canada. This "Chinese Exclusion Act" was not repealed until 1947.
The 24 years of Chinese exclusion separated families, condemned 
generations of men to a life of isolation and loneliness, and acutely impeded the
economic and political development of Chinese communities in Canada.

Lunch with Andrew Winstanley of the Vancouver Canadian Club

Today I had lunch with Andrew Winstanley of the Canadian Club.  We first met back in 2003, at a Laurier Institution reception following an event for Asian Heritage Month at the Vancouver Museum. Last month in May, we met again, at the COPE fundraiser Encouraging Women in Politics, where I was one of the featured guest performers.  It turned out that Andrew's daughter had been the lead organizer of the event.

we made our way past all the crowds of people attending the Aga Khan's
visit to Vancouver today (June 10, 2005).  We were amazed to see
so many Ismali people in downtown Vancouver.  Interestingly
enough, Andrew said that the Aga Khan is an honourary companion to the Order of Canada for his philanthropy, given early in 2005.  Wow!

Surprisingly, the Imperial restaurant
on Burrard was not that crowded.  We were quickly seated upstairs
and ordered a variety of dim sum staples such as har-gau and sui-mai.
   Andrew also really enjoyed my favorite lo-bak goh (turnip
cake) and he enjoyed the story of how I presented lo-bak-go and haggis
won-ton to Shelagh Rogers at a CBC Reception welcoming her and the
Sounds Like Canada crew to Vancouver in Septemeber 2003.

We had
a wonderful talk about our experiences of being Canadian.  Andrew
shared that he had lived in Quebec during the rise of the Bloc
Quebecois, and had been in the middle of things hired as a token
anglophile to help write political speeches amongst other things. I
shared with him that I had visited Montreal and Quebec City as part of
a college exchange program, that had me speaking french until I spoke
english with a very bad Quebecker accent.

Recently the Canadian
Club hosted its annual luncheon for Order of Canada recipients and he
showed me pictures, where 11 of the 17 Vancouver area recipients
attended including Vancouver city councillor Sam Sullivan. 
Another former recipient Bing Thom gave the address.

Down to
business… Andrew told me about the Canadian Club and how he has been
involved as a president, and past president. And invited me to become a
member…  He likes what I have done in Vancouver,
event-wise.  And he would like me to help the club with some

Do I have the stuff to be a member of the one of
Canada's oldest associations, begun in 1893?  hmm… what would my
Great Great Grandfather Rev. Chan Yu Tan, who arrived in 1896, think?

Michael Dangeli is Very Cool! I have a heart to heat talk with the Nishga'a artist

Michael Dangeli is very cool!

I am using his studio at the Aboriginal Friendship Centre in Vancouver to carve a cedar wood dragon boat tail for the SeaVancouver Festival. We are under the coordination of carver Eric Neighbor.  I am carving an interpretation of the Gung Haggis Fat Choy logo, designed by my friend David Wong of e-Atelier.  Michael is carving a First Nations design that may have transformation qualities.
Dangeli is from the Nisga’a, Tlinget and Tsimshian Nation; his
traditional name is Goothl T’similx, which means “the heart of the
beaver lodge”.  We spend some time talking about First Nations
art, connecting with spirit, similarities between Chinese and Native

He had just gotten off the phone with Robert Davidson,
whom he calls a big mentor figure for him. I quickly share that I have
Robert Davidson's “Split Beaver” design hanging on my bedroom wall,
along with Susan Point's “Spirit of an Eagle.”

is interested in hearing more about the Gung Haggis Fat Choy: Robbie
Burns Chinese New Year Dinner that I organize.  He likes the
fusion quality of the event.  He tells me about a story that
inspired the creation of a “Wild Woman” mask, that began with his
teenage son's accidental meeting a transvestite in Vancouver. 
There are no accidents, he explains… His son was fresh from Alaska
and not used to the big city.  Spirits appear sometimes to
challenge us in many ways… Michael created a “Wild Woman” that fuses
urban elements.  Maybe she will appear at the next Gung Haggis Fat
Choy dinner, January 22, 2006?

I like Michael Dangeli.  After our conversation, I really feel the word “Namaste
resonate inside me. It is a Hindu/Sanskrit term that means “the
spirit/presence in me, recognizes the spirit/presence in you…” 
I will ask Michael for a Nisga'a word equivalent.

Roy Miki lectures on Redress + Vancouver Opera's version of Naomi's Road by Joy Kogawa – June 13

Roy Miki, between Rev. Tim Nakayama and author Joy Kogawa – at the
Vancouver Public Library premiere for One Book One Vancouver featuring
Joy Kogawa and her novel Obasan – photo Todd Wong

This event should be very interesting.  Roy Miki is a fascinating speaker and I have featured him at readings at the Vancouver Public Library during Asian Heritage Month.  I am really looking forward to hearing Vancouver Opera's songs for their new opera based on Joy Kogawa's children's novel Naomi's Road.  This should be a One Book One Vancouver program at the Vancouver Public Library.  The Chan Centre is always one of my favorite concert or lecture halls.


Featuring Guest Lecturer Dr. Roy Miki speaking on Redress: Dealing with Past Injustices

Vancouver Opera opens the evening with scenes from Naomi's Road based on Joy Kogawa's novel

  • Date: Monday, June 13th, 2005
  • Time: Concert starts at 7:00, 7:30 – 9:00 Talk and Q&A session.
  • Place: The Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, UBC Campus
  • To reserve a seat call 604-822-1444 or visit multilecture
  • FREE of charge

How can past injustices be recognized by today's generation? In an
evening of dialogue and reflection, Roy Miki explores personal and
collective memories of the 1980's redress movement that saw Japanese
Canadians obtain a settlement with the Canadian government. He
speculates on the continuing importance of redress as a principle of
human rights and democratic governance.

Dr. Roy Miki is a writer, poet, editor and teacher. Born in Winnipeg,
he relocated to the West Coast in the late 1960s. He is the author of Justice in Our Time (co-authored with Cassandra Kobayashi); two books of poems, Saving Face and Random Access File; and a collection of critical essays, Broken Entries: Race, Subjectivity, Writing. He has also edited numerous books, including Pacific Windows: Collected Poems of Roy K. Kiyooka, which won the 1997 Poetry Award from the Association of Asian American Studies, and more recently, Meanwhile: The Critical Writings of bp Nichol. His third book of poems, Surrender, received the Governor General's Award for Poetry. His latest book is Redress: Inside the Japanese Canadian Call for Justice. Dr. Miki teaches contemporary literature in the English Department at Simon Fraser University.

About the UBC – Laurier Institution Multiculturalism Lecture:
The annual UBC – Laurier Institution Multiculturalism Lecture was
launched to celebrate Canada's diversity by examining the various
aspects of today's multicultural society. The lecture series, sponsored
by UBC and The Laurier Institution, brings together speakers from many
cultural backgrounds who share their views as Canadians and shed light
on the many threads which make up our mosaic. It is proudly presented
by CBC and will be broadcast on their IDEAS program.