This is the hot ticket for Asian Heritage Month. Hot discussion
is sure to come up with how the media represents/misrepresents Asian
Canadian arts and culture.
Max Wyman is the author of The Defiant Imagination,
and incredible book about Canadian culture and how Multiculturalism is
important to expanding how we see ourselves. I first met Max when
I was able to invite him to see Terracotta Warriors, because I felt
that Asian Arts were being unfairly reviewed by the media. Click
here for my commentary that was turned into a CBC Radio commentary.
Barb Lee, Sherry Yoon, Donna Spencer, Ken Lum are all accomplished artistic producers, and should have a lot to say:
See you there!
explorMEDIA Forum
7:00 pm
UBC Robson Square, Theatre
Join us at UBC Robson Square for a community forum organized in partnership
with the UBC, Laurier Institution and CBC Radio as part of the ninth annual
explorASIAN Festival celebrating Pan-Asian arts and culture.
Vancouver's arts and culture scene ranges from CantoPop to Bangra to
Shakespeare. But does this reflect a unique cultural fusion or a confusion
of cultures? Join a diverse panel of artists and critics in an exploration
of Vancouver's Cultural (Con) Fusion.
This forum is open to the public and all media organziations are invited to
attend and participate in the discussion.
Moderators: Paul Grant, CBC Radio and Rena Heer, Channel M
Barbara Lee, founder of Vancouver Asian Film Festival Society, writer and
Ken Lum, one of Canada's most celebrated and internationally exhibited
Donna Spencer, Artistic Director, Firehall Arts Centre
Max Wyman, Vancouver writer, founder and former editor of The Vancouver Sun
Review of Books and one of Canada's leading cultural commentators
Sherry Yoon, Artistic Director, Boca del Lupo
Time: 7 pm
Place: UBC Robson Square, Theatre
To find out more and reserve your seat, call 604-822-1444 or visit
UP 335 S05A
This forum will be recorded by CBC Radio for future broadcast.