Global Discories Festival on the Drive: Vancouver's first World Music Festival

Check out the 1st annual
Global Discoveries
Festival on the Drive.

here are some highlights, for more details click here:


venues on Commercial Drive will host a variety of unique presentations
featuring music from Iran, Spain, Syria, Zimbabwe, India, Nigeria,
Brazil, and more. Some of these events have been
commissioned specifically for this festival, involving unique collaborations between different groups of artists.
Croatian Cultural Centre (3250 Commercial Drive)
Ticketmaster (604) 280-3311 or Zulu and Highlife Records
$23 adults, $18 students, $10 Children (12 and under)

Friday, April 29, 8 pm

featuring members of Sangha, the Honari Family, and the Amir Haghighi Ensemble

Saturday, April 30, 8 pm
Ache Brasil and Kokoma African Heritage

Saturday, April 30, 8 pm – midnight
Drum 'n' Dance
presented in Collaboration with HARMONY ROSE MUSIC SOCIETY and VRAD (Vancouver Rhythm and Dance)
Aboubacar Camara and Doundounba – Afrobeat funksters from Guinee
Pepe Danza & the Rhythm Fools – Afro-Latin percussion and rhythms
The Carnival Band – festive frolickers
Jacky Essombe – Infectious Cameroonian dancer/teacher

Friday, April 29, 9:30 pm
Flamenco Heresy, with Oscar Nieto

Saturday, April 30, 9:30 pm
Rayhan – Mediterranean and Middle-Eastern music

Sunday, May 1, 8:30 pm
Taal Mala  & Brejera  Brazilian Dance band

Friday, April 29, 9:00 pm

Feso – Zimbabwean Afro-beat band

Saturday, April 30, 9:00 pm
Adama – Mediterranean-flavoured World-Jazz ensemble

Family Weekend in Grandview Park
Saturday, April 30 & Sunday, May 1
12 pm – 6 pm     FREE

Percussion Procession – Along Commercial Drive

Saturday, April 30, 12 pm Noon

Performances and Workshops
will display their diverse cultures through music, dance, and
story-telling on the Grandview park stage.  They will also teach the
basics of their traditions, including Zimbabwean gumboot dancing,
French-Canadian spoon percussion, Hungarian circle-dances, African
Story-telling and more. Groups include: Vazzy Acadian duo, Forras
Hungarian Music and Dance, Nyenyedzi and Kutapira Youth Percussion
Ensembles, Jean-Pierre Makosso (MC & African story-telling), World
Medicine: Andrew Kim (sitar & guitar) & Joe McDonald
Alcvin Ramos (shakuhachi flute), Jacky Essombe (African
dance), Boris Sichon (one-man 25-piece percussion show), Tashi Tibetan
singer, and more.

Drum Cafe – Introduction to Global Rhythms
Coordinated by Vancouver Drum and Dance
between performances, Vancouver's top drum-circle leaders will
introduce you to the joy of percussion and rhythm. You can bring your
own drum, or borrow one generously supplied by the Drum Cafe.  No
Experience Necessary!
Unite, Uplift, and Inspire with the Drum Cafe –

Children's Global Activity Tent
and adults alike can partake in arts, crafts, and games from different
cultures, including African hair-braiding and face-painting, Indian
henna painting, and more.

Global Discoveries Showcases

part of the Festival, we are featuring new, undiscovered artists in two
Global Discoveries Showcases. These emerging world music groups will
also perform at other events in the festival.  Keep your eye out for
these up-and-coming global talents!

New Latin Sounds Showcase
Friday April 29, 8pm –  1am
Croatian Cultural Centre (3250 Commercial Dr.)
Presented by Havana Restaurant
in collaboration with Latin Summer Fest
Featuring 3 high-energy innovative Latin bands:
Santa Lucia, Myles Bigelow Trio, and Adonis Puentes
Ticketmaster (604) 280-3311 or Zulu and Highlife Records
$15 advance / $18 at the door (Children 12 and under $5)

Santa Lucia
– 7-piece band bringing a contemporary sound to traditional Latin dance
music, blending elements of funk, rock, and Nuyorican bugaloo.  Their
music is backed by polyrhythmic Cuban grooves and monstrous horns. Get
ready to have lots of Fun!

Myles Bigelow Trio
– Myles leads a group of high-energy adventurous musicians, fusing
Latin rhythms with electronic music and jazz elements.  Myles leads the
group with his masterful playing on the congas and electronic
programming. Joining him are Rahim Gaidar on Drums and Davidian Charley
on sax, flute, and laptop.

Adonis Puentes (of the Puentes Brothers) – Venturing
into a solo career, Adonis has recently released his first recording,
Vida, which embodies a contemporary vision of authentic Cuban Sonora.
Adonis' crisp and compelling tenor soars above masterful
instrumentation with heartfelt confidence. He is accompanied by a
top-notch 6-piece band.

Sounds from Around the Globe Showcase
Vancouver East Cultural Centre (1895 Venables Street)
Saturday, April 30, 1pm  5pm
By Donation (Suggested $5-$10) The program will include:

Nada Brahma – South Indian (Carnatic) traditional music fused with western
influences featuring vocalists Vidyasagar Vankayala and Sheinagh Anderson,
percussionist Sri Prabakhar Sarma, and multi-instrumentalist Patrick Pennefather.
Ivan Tucakov and Tambura Rasa 
Ivan, of Serbian origin, brings together influences of Afro-Latin,
Middle-Eastern, Indian, Balkan, and jazz music.  A delicious recipe!
Alladin and the Sudanaires 
Fronted by the charismatic Ala'aEldin Abdalla on vocals and oud, the
group performs traditional songs from various regions of Sudan,
including ancient songs from the Darfour region.
Satya  Electronic-World Music and Dance Fusion group
unique collective of young artists, integrating live world music,
electronica, contact dance, and fire arts. Together they create a
darkly evocative mythological experience for listeners and dancers
Myles Bigelow (See Bio in Latin Showcase).

Global Discoveries Lecture-Demonstrations

RIME CAFE (1130 Commercial Drive) By donation

about the world's musical traditions! Join us at the Rime Café for
interactive talks led by some of Vancouver's most knowledgeable world
music artists.

Tuesday, April 26, 78 pm
Latin and African Music Traditions, with Hector Navarro
is an experienced Latin percussionist and educator, playing in a number
of local bands, including Spacious Couch. He will demonstrate through
words and sounds the evolution of Latin music and its relationship to
its African roots.

Wednesday, April 27, 7-8pm
Persian Sufi and Folk Music and Poetry, with Amir Hagighi and members of the Honari Family
music has a rich and long history, spanning three thousand years, and
has been deeply influenced by Sufi mysticism and poetry. Singer Amir
will demystify this rich history, and sing a few songs with
accompaniment by Hidayat on Tar (Persian lute).

Thursday, April 28, 7-8pm
South Indian Music and Spirituality with members of Nada Brahma
most people are familiar with the North Indian music tradition (tablas,
sitar), the South Indian (Carnatic) tradition is equally as rich in
history and development. The similarities and differences between these
traditions will be explored by vocalist Vidyasagar Vankayala, with
accompaniment on percussion.

Sunday, May 1, 23pm
Zen and the Art of the Shakuhachi Flute, with Alcvin Ramos
is one of Canada's most accomplished Japanese shakuhachi flute players.
He was also the organizer for the Vancouver Shakuhachi Festival and
Symposium in 2004.
Professional Development Workshops

Britannia Community Centre – Family Activity Room (FREE)
Sunday, May 1, 12:30pm – 5pm
workshops are intended for emerging world music artists to learn more
about the music profession. Experienced industry people will be
speaking about the following topics: how to get booked at festivals,
publicity and self-promotion, CD distribution and Internet marketing,
electronic-world music collaboration, and other topics. Space is
Please call 604-813-7907 to confirm your participation.

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