Dave Samis and Bob Brinson laying out the design for the dragon head
Monthly Archives: February 2005
Carving a dragon boat head and tail is easier than we thought!
Here are pictures from Monday nights carving.
Imagine the sweet aroma of freshly cut red cedar.
Deb Martin takes the saw as one of the initial steps to releasing the dragon from the cedar. Deb Martin and Bob Brinson – photo by Dave Samis
Feel the rich grain of wood beneath your fingertips as you caress the bark and grain.
Deb Martin
Step on wood chips hewn by your own hands.
“The Boys” survive the first evening of wood carving!
Dave Samis, Chip Frank, Todd Wong and Bob Brinson.
Carving out the Dragon Boat head – Revealing the Inner Dragon!
Carving out the Dragon Boat head – Revealing the Inner Dragon!
We started carving our red cedar logs into dragon boat heads and tails today!
Todd Wong is shown the art of working with the grain of the wood by team mate and fellow co-coach and carver Bob Brinson. – photo Dave Samis.
I walked into the Roundhouse Community Centre at 3:30pm. And
there were bright lights and a tv camera crew, and the Abreast in a
Boat team furiously chipping away…
And I thought to myself… “Damn I missed a media opportunity.”
The CBC TV crew was filming for a pilot project about events in the
community. The producer/director is Moyra Rodgers who
produced/directed the CBC TV performance special “Gung Haggis Fat
I really like Moyra. She is one of those women whom you know
always has something going on in her head. She is president of
her own production company Out To See Productions, and she also
produced the CBC events for Vancouver Art Awards and the Bill Reid
Tribute Concert at the Chan Centre. Working with her on the Gung
Haggis Fat Choy television special was a great journey. From the
time we did “blue sky” idea brainstorming, to the meetings of fleshing
out concepts, to the filming of the musical performance segments for
the Paper Boys in the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Gardens and Silk Road Music on
Keefer St. in Vancouver’s Chinatown. Moyra is always easy to work
with. Even when she makes you unbuckle and buckle your kilts
repeatedly… for the camera! Okay… we did a segment showing me
dressing in Scottish dress as part of the origin of Toddish McWong and
Gung Haggis Fat Choy.
Moyra did lament that it was too bad CBC TV National Programming
Directors didn't go for the proposed expanded one hour “Gung Haggis Fat
Choy” performance special that would have embraced Chinese/Scottish
Cultural interactions from BC to Nova Scotia. “It feels like its not
finished yet,” said Moyra.
But enough about me and Moyra… what about the carving?
Hacking away at red cedar with only a wooden mallet and a chisel is
hard work. Chip, chip, chip and the pieces of wood fly
away. Your arm gets tired. And the log still looks the same 5
minutes later. I’ve never done this stuff before! It’s a
good thing Bob Brinson knows what he is doing – at least I think he
does. Bob taught me today about working with the grain of the
wood. We don’t want to be chipping and causing deep splits into
the wood. My girlfriend Deb was right into the chipping
too! She shared with us the story of how her family project was
making a cedar strip canoe, led by her father. My carpentry
skills are basically helping my sign writer father paint 4’x8’ plywood
sheets and driving 2’’x4’’ stakes into the ground with a sledge hammer
for sign post displays.
While Bob got to work taking a saw to the log, Deb helped me trace our
design pattern onto other sheets of paper, so I could create more
pictures of our design. One for the log, and one for the wall
display. I also drew up the front and top views, and drew the
front view directly onto the log, so Bob could tell where to start
carving, and where to leave.
The camera crew always seemed to pop in and out when you least expected
it. One moment, they were filming the Wong Way dragon boat team,
the next they were at the Abreast in a Boat table, then suddenly they
were watching us. It felt like being on a Reality TV show… I
joked to Moyra. But really! Something like X-treme dragon
boat carving. Each team is given 2 logs, a set of chisels and 5
days to create a dragon boat head and tail. No power tools can be
used. Ready, set, goal!
of a hard first day's work. Dave Samis, Todd Wong, Chip Frank,
Bob Brinson – all stand with instructor Eric Neighbor beside the former
cedar log now showing signs of the dragon it will son become.
Is there a prize? Well, maybe the satisfaction of a job well
done, and the chance to be part of something never done before, and be
filmed for television… But maybe the Alcan Dragon Boat festival
will arrange something. After we had finished for the evening, I
talked with one of the Wong Way members suggesting that the ADBF could
put up some prizes. Peter Wong, is currently the chair of the Canadian
International Dragon Boat Festival Society which governs the
ADBF. When I suggested that the public could be encouraged to
vote for their favorite carving, and have the chance to win a prize,
his eyes lit up when I said this would be a great media opportunity.
So… maybe something will yet happen.
At about 4pm, Dave Samis showed up to help us, very excited about his
new truck. Dave is actually a member of the GVRD dragon boat team
but ever since I first coached their team for 2003, he has joined the
Gung Haggis Fat Choy team to paddle with us in Seattle, Victoria, UBC
Day of the Longboats and the Ft. Langley Canoe Regatta. Dave
loves our team, and now he is loving the experience of wood
carving. At 5:20pm, I brought back pizza and drinks for our crew
and we took a little break. I tell Dave about the plan to make
the dragon’s horns resemble the pipes of a bagpipe. Somehow we
get on the idea of using hockey stick blades to create the dragon’s
spikes down his back. We will definitely have an OUTRAGEOUS
looking dragon head. Sort of a cross between Roger Rabbit, Puff
the Magic Dragon mixed together with Bob and Doug Mackenzie from SCTV.
Chip Frank showed up soon afterwards to join us around 5:45pm. I
quickly bring Chip up to speed by showing him our drawing plans taped
to the wall. He likes them. It turns out that Chip loves
working with wood, and immediately wished he had brought his tools with
him. Chip and I start squaring off the log destined to become our
tail. Chip shows me how to work with the grain, and starts
putting in saw marks for us to start chiseling into. He teaches
me to center the wood by finding the core, marking squares on each end,
and keeping our planes level as we chisel away… We make short work of
one side and the top. Another 1 ½ hours and it will be square,
and ready to start its transformational journey to become a tail
Throughout the evening’s process, we are constantly aware of what the
other team’s are doing or not doing. For instance, while the 3
other teams are clearing off their logs outer husks and making 2’’x4’’
wedges to fit into a dragon boat, we are working on our head piece and
giving it shape – ignoring the 2×4 fittings. We figure that if we
ignore the tail, at least we will have a great looking head
piece. We figure that if we ignore the fitting section, at least
we will have a great looking dragon face. 5 days is not that much
time to carve and paint a set of dragon head and tail for a dragon
boat. We can always work on the 2×4 fitting segments later.
But for now, with the tv cameras coming back, we’d rather have the best
looking dragon boat head around.
Dave took digital pictures of our evening, and he will send them to me asap to post on this website.
Carving a dragon boat heads with Eric Neighbor – First step is Design
Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team at Alcan Dragon Boat Festival 2004.
Carving dragon boat heads with Eric Neighbor:
Sunday 1:45 to 5:00pm
At the Roundhouse Community Centre, on Sunday Feb 20, Eric Neighbor
introduced the teams to the project. We each paid $100 for the
workshop that provided carving tools, 8 logs of seasonsed red cedar to
create 4 sets of heads and tails, and his expert advice, as he has
taught more than 4000 people how to carve.
Day One would see us organize our carving schedules, familiarize
ourselves with Eric and the program's goals, conceive sketch and design
life-size plans. There was a good friendly atmosphere in the
room. Eric made everybody feel welcome and excited. Our
team members that showed up for Day One were our coaching team – Bob
Brinson and myself, our keener rookie of the year from 2004 – Naoko
Watanabe who only arrived in Canada the month before meeting us at the
Alcan Dragon Boat Festival, and my friend Gordon Bradford.
My team coaching partner Bob Brinson and I knew many of the people on
the other teams, as we had either coached the other teams or paddled
with some of the paddlers. Only four teams signed up to be part
of the pilot project for carving dragon boat heads and tails: Women on
Water from Fort Langley, The Wong Way organized by the “Modernize
Tailor” William Wong family, Abreast in a Boat, and us – Gung Haggis
Fat Choy. Bob had formerly coached Abreast in a Boat, the team
made up of breast cancer survivors, and he was now presently coaching
Women on Water – whom he lead to their first medal at the Peachland
dragon boat reaces this past summer. I had paddled with Ming Wong
from The Wong Way + their patriarch William Wong had grown up with many
of my aunts and uncles in Chinatown.
Most of the teams got off to a quick start working on their drawings
while our team concentrated on the logistics of how the design would
work. My friend Gordon Bradford is an industrial designer who brought
in some great design concepts of function and application. Bob
Brinson is a former CBC television carpenter who had worked on the
Beachcombers production and has reconditioned the original 1986 teak
dragon boats as well as refitted the 10 year old Taiwanese dragon boats
that only arrived in Vancouver in 2003. So our team started
working with 3-D drawings and concepts of which boats we would connect
the heads to, and the best way to utilize the carving material.
While Gordon has never been in a dragon boat before, he is an avid
canoeist and our team worked well together.
Bob and I wanted to utilize both the Scottish and Chinese elements of
our team's origins to create a unique multicultural design. We
built upon the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon head logo that my architect
friend David Wong of e-Atelier Architects had designed in 2002. Naoko
and I exchanged ideas about some design concepts, went to get drinks
and potatoe chips for everybody – then fleshed out the design details
once Gord mapped out the outline on paper. Our dragon head design
would transform from a flat siloutted outline figure into a
3-D lively cartoonish personality – complete with wagging
tongue and tilted tam-o-shanter hat.
We are all very anxious to start taking chips out of the cedar wood,
and to see our design coloured and taped up to the wall. CBC TV
cameras will come by on Monday night to film us beginning our work
comparing the raw logs to our creative concepts of ink and pastels on
paper. They will return on Friday to see how much we have
accomplished or didn't accomplish. Meanwhile, I shall take
digital pictures to document the process and keep you updated on our
While our team isn't full nor set, a number of team paddlers and
friends will join us for the carving experience. Some wanna-be
paddlers, new recruits and former paddlers will also drop in and
hopefully take their tentative steps at carving a dragon boat head and
tail. There is still lots of room for eager beavers, as four to
eight people can work at a time on the heads and tails. If you
would like to join us or watch – please call me at 604-987-7124 or drop
in on us at the Roundhouse Community Centre. We will be carving
on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday – from 3pm to 8pm, and on
Tuesday from 10:30am to 5pm.
Team debriefing meeting after a race, while being filmed for the Thalassa French PBS station, France 3.
Who wants to design and/or carve a dragon boat head and tail? This week Feb 20 to 25 at Round House Community Centre!
Who wants to design and/or carve a wooden dragon boat head and tail? in Vancouver?
The Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team will be one of only four
participating teams in a spcecial pilot project organized by Master
carver Eric Neighbor and the Alcan Dragon Boat Festival at the Round
House Community Centre – starting Sunday Feb 20 and going to Friday Feb
25. This is a great opportunity to have some fun, and to create
something as a collective “team”.
If you are a “retired” paddler or a “new recruit” or want to bring “a
friend” – that is fine – I just have to know
the numbers and who wants to participate. Become an active team member
or a honourary team member. You will be in great company as Vancouver
Mayor Larry Campbell has asked for one of our team shirts after
attending our January 30th Chinese Robbie Burns fundraiser dinner – the
infamous “Gung Haggis Fat Choy”!
If you can only attend one day that is okay…
if you can attend every carving session… that is okay too.
I just need to recruit you onto the “carving team.”
The introduction meeting is Sunday February 20th, at the Roundhouse
Community Centre at Davie St. and Pacific Blvd. in Yaletown. 1:45 to
CBC Television will film the 4 teams carving on Monday evening and Friday evening – as the schedule
for carving runs like this:
Sunday – Introduction / design & sketches 1:45pm to 5:00 pm
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday – carving sessions are late afternoon to evening 3pm to 9pm?
Tuesday is late afternoon only 3pm to 5:30pm?
No power tools will be used. The workshop instructor is Eric
Neighbor. There is lots of Bio information on his web site,
www.klorker.com .
Eric says:
“The project originated from watching the boats on race day,
looking so proud with their beautiful heads and tails on and thinking
to myself “I bet some of those teams would like to make their own boat
decorations”. Regarding what to expect from the
workshop; I'm not sure what to expect myself. Although I have taught
carving to more than 4,000 people, I have not taught this workshop. I
will try to make it as flexible to team's needs as possible. Having
said that, I envision interested team members to pair up with another
member to work together on a head or tail, for at least two of the five
carving sessions.
A schedule of carving times will be made up at our
planning/design session, which everyone should come to, on Sunday February 20th.
The carving sessions will last for 5 hours each and run Monday, February 21
– Friday February 25. The actual hours will be decided with team participation,
on Sunday Feb 20.
“I anticipate most sessions will start late afternoon and run into the evening,
except for Tuesday, Feb 22, when I am not available after 5:30pm. The workshops
will be happening in the Round House main space and will be viewable by the public
– from a distance. I will provide all tools/materials, but people are encouraged to bring
their own as well.No power tools. I encourage team's to discuss potential designs
before we meet.
“Does the majority want a traditional design or a non-traditional design?
Please forward any further questions. I'm so excited!”
– Eric Neighbour
CBC RADIO hosts 4th Annual NATIONAL POETRY FACE-OFF event in Vancouver Feb 21st.
Come see my poetic friends Fiona Tinwei Lam and Kuldip Gill face-off in a poetry slam against other poets.
Poetic punches will fly during CBC Radio's fourth annual POETRY FACE-OFF.
This popular Canada-wide competition brings together 65 primed poets in 13 cities stretching from Vancouver to St. John's.
From January to March, five poets in each locale will face off before a
live audience and deliver their words on this year's theme –
“Play”. The poets are commissioned by CBC producers to
reflect local voices. At each poetry event, the spectators vote
for a favourite, and the winner goes on to compete in the national
final on CBC Radio.
Vancouver's finest poets go word-to-word Monday February 21
at 8 pm at the Café Deux Soleils, 2096 Commercial Drive.
Margaret Gallagher of CBC Radio's The Early Edition hosts as
poets Barbara Adler, Fiona Tinwei
Lam, Kuldip Gill, C.R. Avery and Ms. Spelt present their work.
The audience chooses the winner. Admission is $5 and is part of
the regular Monday night Vancouver poetry slam with slam master Graham
Olds. The Face-Off will
be broadcast February 26 on CBC Radio One's North by Northwest between
8:30 and 9 am.
April is National Poetry Month, so the final round of this poetic
competition will air April 4 to 7 on CBC Radio One's The
Roundup. Listeners across the country will have a chance to
hear all of the 13 finalists
and then vote for their favourite performance by calling a
toll-free telephone number (to be announced) or by logging onto
our website. The grand champion will be announced on April 14 on
The Roundup.
CBC TV's Artspots will create short films of poems by some of the regional winners.
From its inception four years ago, CBC Radio's POETRY FACE-OFF has been
a cross-country event. This year, face-offs are being held in
Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Regina, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Toronto,
Halifax, Charlottetown, Moncton, St. John's and Yellowknife.
Listeners are invited to visit www.cbc.ca/poetryfaceoff for detailed
information about each of the local poetry face-offs. The site will
include interviews with participants as the events unfold.
For further information, contact:
Joan Athey, CBC Communications
604-662-6605 joan_athey@cbc.ca
Joy Kogawa's Obasan: for One Book One Vancouver program at VPL
Joy Kogawa's Obasan is the perfect nomination choice for One Book One Vancouver 2005 program at VPL
Wayson Choy's “Jade Peony” was the introductory choice for the
inaugural One Book One Vancouver program by the Vancouver Public
Library in 2002. OBOV was an exciting book club for the entire
city. Based on similar programs in other cities, library patrons
were all invited to read “Jade Peony” and programs featuring Wayson
Choy and related issues and authors were created such as “Dim Sum with
Wayson Choy”, a film showing of “Unfolding the Butterfuly” – a
documentary about Wayson, readings by noted Chinese-Canadian authors
Paul Yee, SKY Lee and Jim Wong Chu, walking tours in Vancouver's
Chinatown where the book was set. I was a member of the inaugural
committee that helped develop programming.
For 2005, I have nominated Joy Kogawa's Obasan, because I believe it
is the best choice for a book “All Vancouverites should read.”
is a novelist born and raised in Vancouver that has recieved the
Order of Canada and had November 7th pronounced “National Joy Kogawa
Day.” And Obasan is widely considered to be one of Canada's most
important and influential works ever created.
I present to you 20 reasons that create a “ready-made” One Book One Vancouver program – that no other possible choice can touch.
“Obasan, a novel that I believe is the most important literary work of
the past 30 years for understanding Canadian history. – Roy Miki
– SFU University Professor and 2003 Governor General's Award Winner for
2. 11th most influential novel – named by Quill & Quire.
3. Partially set in Vancouver.
4. Vancouver born and raised author.
5. Joy named Order of Canada in 1986.
Obasan is studied in universities and colleges – It is this important
that literary critiques about the book itself are published.
7. “An old jewel” – forgotten by many readers, unknown to many people – definitely a book Vancouverites MUST read!!!
Vancouver Opera is doing a touring production of “Naomi's Road” – her
children's story to debut in September/October – perfect for Word on
the Street cross-over.
9. New edition of Naomi's Road is re-published set for book launch in May 2005.
10. Movement to save the Kogawa Homestead http://kogawa.homestead.com/
11. Book is historically relevant as it helped to launch and support the Japanese redress movement.
12. Timely with growing support of Chinese head-tax redress movement.
Vancouver Opera just did Madama Butterfly and created a whole list of
Japanese Community events and links that VPL could tap into. kind of a
“One Book One Opera” type program.
14. Asian Heritage Month
coincides with One Book One Vancouver launch and Central Library's 10th
Anniversary celebrations. Ideal cross-over for Joy Kogawa
15. Strong Asian-Canadian and Japanese Canadian
community festivals and events already in place to support it eg. Asian
Heritage Month, and Powell Street Festival.
16. Asian Canadian
Writers' Workshop will be doing a Community Builder's dinner to honour
Joy Kogawa (post-poned since November 2004 -possibly reset for May).
17. Lots of Japanese-Canadian authors to support a related author program eg. Roy Miki, Hiromi Goto, Harry Aoki, David Suzuki
Obasan is available in paperback and easily accessible to millions
of readers throughout Vancouver, Canada and the world.
19. Nikkei Heritage Centre and Museum – Vancouver Museum possible tie-ins.
20. Joy will be accessible to Vancouver based programs, as she will be featured by Vancouver Opera and other programs.
Please consider Joy Kogawa's Obasan for OBOV 2005.
Contact Vancouver Public Library at www.vpl.ca
Send a letter to
Jane White
One Book One Vancouver Committee
Vancouver Public Library
350 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 6B1
George Elliott Clarke at the Vancouver Public Library
George Elliott Clarke at the Vancouver Public Library: reads from new novel “George and Rue”
February 16th, 2005
Alice Mackay Room
George Elliott Clarke is an amazing speaker. This
award winning poet, author of Canada Reads' “Whyllah Falls,” and
Governor General Awards' “The Executioner's Song,” is always
entertaining, his warm exuding manner makes any literary event seem to
be an intimate gathering of friends. At Wednesday night's reading at the Vancouver Public Library's Central Branch, he greeted friends upon arrival. After
an almost embarrassing laudatory introduction by VPL's Mary Paz, he
himself recognized and introduced friends and his Harper Collins
representatives to the packed audience of 60.
on Wednesday night, the natural good-heartedness of the author
contrasted with dark violent story of his latest work, George and Rue.
It is a novel based on real life events in which the cousins of
Clarke's mother commit a heinous and unforgivable murder in Halifax
that rocks the Afro-Acadian community in Nova Scotia.
first became a fan of George Elliott Clarke when I serendipitously
popped into a Vancouver Public Library's Alice Mackay room one evening
in Fall 2003, to find Shelagh Rogers moderating a panel about the jazz
opera “Quebecite,” organized by the Coastal Jazz and Blues Society. On stage with Shelagh were poet/opera librettist Clarke, musician/composer D.D. Jackson, and two of the singer/performers. The music and performances were so amazing, I went to the last of the two weekend performances. It
is a wonderfully Canadian story about a Canadian woman of Chinese
ancestry falling in love with a Nova Scotian of African heritage, while
their friends an Indian immigrant woman and a Haitian immigrant man
also meet and fall in love – all in Montreal. Oh – the wonders of our
multicultural tapestry.
The story of George and Rue, is also a part of our Canadian intercultural landscape. Only two generations removed from American slavery, two brothers in 1949 murder a white taxi driver out of sheer greed. They
are both later hanged, and a crowd of thousands turns out in the
streets of Halifax creating a carnival atmosphere that includes the
Salvation Army band, and the Ku Klux Klan. Clarke
fictionally explores the social climates that raise these two brothers
of African and remote MicMac First Nation's heritage.
Clarke's novel reading style spits out words with hard short hits of sounds that stick in the air then cut to the ground. It reveals his true calling of poet, and fascination and meticulous attention to the sound of words. After
reading several passages of the novel, he tells a story (he always
tells stories about stories) about how he loved the way his uncle
described the exploits of cousins George and Rufus. How he loved the
way his uncle and his father used words. How he loved the way the rhythm of the Haligonian African-Canadian language expressed itself. How he loved the way it revealed a time and place in Canadian culture.
asked a question referring to his comments about how it was important
to explore the topic or racism, and the impact of the murder in his
family history. “Like the internment of
Japanese Canadians in Joy Kogawa's “Obasan,” the head tax and Exclusion
Act of Chinese Canadians in Wayson Choy's “Jade Peony,” and the
Residential School issues of First Nations peoples, it seems that it
takes a few generations to go through the initial negative identity and
shame, before we can talk about it. It appears that now it is okay to talk about racism, whereas we couldn't talk about it twenty years ago. Can you please comment on its impact on Canadian literature and society?”
obviously enjoyed the question, and turned to the audience and
playfully asked, “Is it okay if I give my patriotic speech now about
how great it is to live in Canada?”
is the greatest county to live in,” Clarke began and went into an
explanation about how 40% of Americans don't have health care. “But it
is important for us to address our own issues before we criticize
others,” he said. “Racism is part of our history, it has shaped us. I
don't want to hear another mention about the Underground Railroad,
about how great we are as Canadians because of the Underground Railroad
that helped American Blacks escape to Canada. I want to know about what happened when they got here, how they were treated with similar inhospitable attitudes. Slavery
was abolished in New England before it was in Canada, and there was an
underground railway from Canada to New England where slaves fled to.” Clarke
then went on to name each of the years when slavery was abolished in
the United States, the British Empire and Brazil in the 1890's.
“That's only just over one hundred years ago. There are people in Brazil today, whose parents were slaves. You can't just abolish slavery and expect everything to be all-okay, its effects linger on, and it takes time to deal with it. My father's grandfather was a slave in America. I'm only the 3rd
generation removed from being a slave,” remarked the English professor
from University of Toronto – before he went on to talk about his
disgust of racial profiling experiences at banks and by the Canadian
government's department of Justice.
The World Poetry Reading Series – Fourth Anniversary Gala Celebration!
The World Poetry Reading Series @ the Vancouver Public Library
Fourth Anniversary Gala Celebration!
February 11, 7:30 PM, 2003
Vancouver Public Library,
Alice McKay Room,
350 W. Georgia,
Vancouver, BC
It was a big evening for festivities and accolades as Ariadne Sawyer
and Alejandro Mujica-Olea presented World Poetry Life Time Achievement
Awards were presented to Addena Sumter Freitag, poet and actress and
also to Dugald Christie, poet and crusader for justice.
Addena is a 7th Generation Nova Scotian African-Canadian who grew up in
Winnipeg Manitoba and has also spent time in the North West
Territories. She is a compelling performer, reading her poem
accompanied by African drumming, with a commanding stage
presence. She was definitely the highlight of the evening for
me. Michelle Lee Williams, editor of The Afro Newspaper,
introduced Sumter-Freitag, commenting how wonderful it was to publish
Addena's work in the Afro Newspaper, and how fitting it was to present
the award during Black History Month.
Dugald Christie, whom I first met last month at the Gung Haggis Fat
Choy World Poetry evening, told some revealing stories about himself
including his frustrations with the Canadian justice system, as well as
racial and social inequity in Canada. The Honourable Mr. Justice
Duncan Shaw, BC Supreme Court Justice, introduced him by telling a
story about how Christie had rode a bicycle from Vancouver to Ottawa in
order to burn his robes on the front steps of Parliament.
World Poetry Special Group Recognition Award went to Pandora’s
Collective: Bonnie Nish and Sita Carboni. They were introduced by
Strathcona Branch Library's Mary Duffy. Filipina native Anita
Aguire Nieveras was given a World Poetry Ambassador Medallion.
The evening ended with a Woven Word Tapestry Group Poem: “Oh, Canada”
by Alejandro Mujica-Olea. 15 poets participated in the reading of
the poem by each reading a few lines in different languages. A
wonderful way to demonstrate the global heritage that is uniquely
Canadian and easily found in Vancouver.