Win tickets for Gung Haggis Fat Choy, by naming the dragonboat go-cart for SFU's Gung Haggis Fat Choy “Canadian Games”

Win Tickets to
attend Gung Haggis Fat Choy: Toddish McWong's Robbie Burns Dinner –
January 30th, 2005, at Floata Restaurant in Vancouver's Chinatown


We need help naming our Dragoncarts for the First Annual Gung Haggis Fat Choy Canadian Games.  Read more to find out details on this exciting contest or check out the whole event.

Gung Haggis Fat Choy

Canadian Games

Friday January 28, 2005

NOON Convocation Mall


EXCITING “Name the Dragoncarts” CONTEST
additional perk to being participants in the First Annual Gung Haggis
Fat Choy Canadian Games is the chance to name the Dragoncarts.

Recreation has had two Dragoncarts built for the inaugural Gung Haggis
Fat Choy Canadian Games. These two dragon carts will be used for years
to come as part of the annual Gung Haggis festivities here at SFU.

To have one cart named after a prominent Scottish-Canadian pioneer in
BC, and the other named after a prominent Chinese-Canadian pioneer. A
name for each must be submitted!  Submissions must be received at by midnight on Thursday, January 27th, 2005.

Award: One pair of tickets to the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner at the Floata Restaurant in Vancouver,
valued at $120.00 to the best pair of names. Prizes will be awarded
during the Gung Haggis Fat Choy Canadian Games in Convocation Mall on
Friday January 28th, 2005.

Here are some suggested names for you to nominate or vote for:

Possible suggestions:

Sir James Douglas, known as the "father of British Columbia" as governor, he was reluctant to give up
power and hold elections as ordered.

Amelia Douglas, the mixed-blood wife of Sir James, who most certainly tempered his treatment to First Nations
people, and had to put up with his airs and haughtiness. "Definitely the more interesting one," according to
Joan Siedl, history curator for Vancouver Museum.

Alexander Mackenzie, explorer of Mackenzie River.

Simon Fraser, explorer of the Fraser River - a university even got named after this guy, and
he was born in Vemont - a yankee!

Alexander Won Cumyow, first Chinese born in BC (1861), first Chinese Canadian court interpreter, liason
between First Nations and White communities.

Chan Sing Kai (1854-1952) and his younger brother Rev. Chan Yu Tan (1863-1948), first Chinese ministers ordained in
Canada. Helped to found the Chinese Methodist Church in Vancouver. Helped to teach english to Chinese.
Also Todd Wong's great great granduncle, and great great grandfather.

Yip Sang, one of the first and most successful and influential merchants in Chinatown. Chinese agent for the
Canadian Pacific Railway.

Hok Tak Louie, one of Chinatown's successful merchants, patriarch of the Louie Clan that developed
H.Y. Louie, which bought IGA franchises in BC, and later London Drugs under son Tong's presidency.
Grandson Brandt is currently Chair of SFU's Board of Govenors and nominated to be the next SFU Chancellor.

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