New 2005 Gung Haggis Fat Choy poster!

Here is the 2005 Gung Haggis Fat Choy poster, draft only… actual poster will be printed and distributed in a day or so.

designed by Jamie Griffiths – an incredible dancer and multi-media artist + all round human being.

Isn't it fabulous?

Ticket prices were deliberately left off – Here they are as follows:

Early Bird Rate until January 2nd $50 for Adult, $45 for Student, $35 for 12 & Under.  After Janary 2nd – Regular rate is $60 for Adult, $55 for Student, $45 for children. 

Book early for best seating… Only fully paid tables of 10 will go into the queue lineup – book an entire table for yourself and friends – or book individual seats and make 9 new best friends!

For tickets: Call Firehall Arts Centre Box Office: 604-689-0926


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