CBC's The National urban road show on Vancouver gets blogged

The National's show on Vancouver's cultural fusion and integrated cultures had far reaching impact.  Many bloggers posted their comments such as: 

Derek Miller writing about his daughter growing up in what he considers post-ethnicity, and comments on the Vancouver urban road show.

X Marks the Scot has a forum about everything kilts.  A topic was started called Haggis Fat Choi (sp?) and the topics included my wearing of a Bear Kilt made by my friend Terry “Bear” Varga, and the cultural fusion topics of www.gunghaggisfatchoy.com

One thought on “CBC's The National urban road show on Vancouver gets blogged

  1. Anonymous

    Hello Toddish McWong,
    All this talk about cross culture and dragon boats makes me feel right at home! (I am a Chinese/Scottish Canadian, and also I participated in the very first dragon boat event, back in the year of Expo.)
    My husband and I look forward to attending your Gung Haggis Fat Choy event in January! It sounds like a lot of fun.
    I wish there was an email contact, as I would like to email a question to you.
    Best regards,
    Sylvi McJang


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