Paul Yee's “The Bone Collector's Son” is runner up for Vancouver Book Award

Paul Yee's “The Bone Collector's Son” was a finalist for the 2004 City of Vancouver Book Award.  Paul was the winner of the inaugural 1989 City of Vancouver Book Award for his nonfiction work “Saltwater City: An Illustrated history of Vancouver's Chinatown.

I remember going to the award dinner at Flamingo Chinese Restaurant in 1989 with the committe for the Saltwater City exhibition, that Paul had chaired.  In 1986, we had created a museum exhibit celebrating 100 years of Chinese history in Vancouver.

2004 Vancouver Book Award Finalists are:

Daniel Francis  WINNERL.D.: Mayor Louis Taylor and the Rise of Vancouver | Arsenal Pulp Press
A lively, though serious, history of Vancouver from the city’s near beginnings presented in a biography of our most persistent mayor who matched this rowdy and growing city step for step. [more information]

Annabel LyonThe Best Thing for You | McClelland & Stewart
Three subtle but evocative novellas about Vancouver in different eras, each with their own temper and mood, but all deftly handled with discipline, richness and economy of form. [more information]

Paul YeeThe Bone Collector’s SonTradewind Books
A great ghost story, assembled with masterful prose and a sense of history that draws you into 1907 Chinatown and the journey of this fantastic young hero. [more information]

The short list for the 2004 City of Vancouver Book Award was chosen by an independent jury. The works range from a biography, to a compilation of three novellas, to juvenile fiction.

Mayor Larry Campbell will present the award to the winning author in Council Chamber at City Hall on Tuesday, October 19, 2004.

For more information see:

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