One thought on “Gung Haggis racing on Sunday at 9:23 am – meet at tent at 8am

  1. Anonymous

    (This message is intened to send to Todd Wong. Sorry if this is going to be posted for other people.)
    Hi Todd,
    My name is Vincent. I was paddling with Spirit of Vancouver during Alcan this year. There was one Wednesday that I was late for my team practice and I ended up practicing with your boat. Thanks again for it.
    I remember you have mentioned that you have some practices on Friday night and everyone is welcomed to give it a try. I have two friends who have only dragon boat once in life but wouldn't mind try it again — just to see if you'd like to continue. I thought this may be a great chance for them to try your team(s). Also you're a great coach — it would be great if they can learn dragonboat from you.
    What do you think? Are you still have those practices for people who would like to just “test the water”? No worry if the changes have passed. I totally understand. It's late in the season anyway. They can try it again next year.
    Please let me know either way. My email address is:
    Thank you in advance.
    (I found this website by searching “Todd Wong Vancouver Dragon Boat”. I hope you don't mind people trace you in this way.)


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