Dragon Boat Practice for Sunday April 18th, 1pm

Hi Everybody,

Practice begins at 1pm.  We will do warm-ups and stretches and paddle instruction for new people.  Please give yourself extra time this Sunday, as the Sun Run is on – We need to start on time so we don't waste our boat rental time.

Cost to join the team is $130, including registration for Alcan Dragon Boat Festival.  Student rate is available – call me.  Please bring your cheques so I can pay for boat rentals and order team t-shirts.

The team is rounding out nicely on paper.  Now if everybody can be at the same practices it would look great.  Alas, some people will be out of town this weekend or attending the Dalai Lama talks at the Pacific Coliseum, or even running the Sun Run!!!  (See more below for map and road closures)

I will also introduce Dave Montrose as a manager/coach for the team.  Dave will share information presented at the ADBF Manager's meeting on Wed night.  Dave has paddled with Gung Haggis in Kelowna in '02, Seattle and Portland in '03. He has also raced with me on the Civil Serpents in Victoria '98, Victoria '00 and ADBF '01.  We also raced in San Francisco together in '99 with Spirit of Vancouver.  We have won medals together at novice, recreational and competitive levels.  Dave has been instrumental in helping to build the army dragon boat team for the 39th Brigade over the past two years.

Sun Run is on Sunday.  The bulk of runners will long be finished by 1pm, as the race starts at 9am.  The big challenge for us will be parking.  Usually I will still find parking along Pacific Blvd or Expo Blvd East of Carrall St.  Also try Quebec St.  If you must use a lot – try the Chinatown Parkade at Keefer and Quebec St.  Best bets are to park farther away such as 2nd Ave, bring your bike or rollerblades, or take public transit.

For a map route check:  http://www.canada.com/vancouver/specials/sunrun/racedetails/srroutemap.jpg

Watch for Road closures:

Pacific Boulevard: Hornby to Seymour (eastbound lanes)     6:00 a.m. – noon
Cambie Street to Abbott Street      6:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Abbott Street to Quebec Street       8:00 a.m. – 9:00 am

Burrard Bridge: All Northbound traffic closed      8:30 a.m. – noon

2nd Ave & FirAll traffic closed from 2nd Ave at Burrard to Fir and Fir to 4th Ave 8:30 a.m. – noon

4th Ave – 6th Ave
All traffic closed from 4th Ave at Fir Street to 6th Ave at Cambie  8:30 a.m. – noon

Cambie Bridge: All Northbound traffic closed      8:30 a.m. – noon

Cheers, Todd

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