Prizes for LIVE Auction, Raffle and Door prizes.

Door & Raffle Prizes for Saturday and Sunday

$25 gift certificate to The Boathouse Restaurant at New West Quay

Family Courtesy Passes for New Westminster Parks & Recreation

Luxury Manicure at Head to Toes Estheticare Spa

gift certificate for shampoo, cut and style at Hair to Dye For

$50 gift certificate for a personal training session with Brian Earle

gift certificate for three yoga classes at Yoga Tree Centre

gift of chocolates from The Captain's Deck at New West Quay

A massage treatment at the West Coast College of Massage

fruit baskets (from by Tom Yee)

Chinese Zodiac Books (from Todd Wong)

Bottle of Calona Vineyards Chardonnay (white) (From Jim & Marlene)

Bottle of Calona Vineyards Gamay Noir Blush (From Jim & Marlene)

Books (from Jim Wong-Chu)

Metamorphosis: Stages in a Life by David Suzuki

The Red Thread by Nicholas Jose1

Daughter of the River by Hong Ying
The Samurai’s Wife by Laura Joh Rowland

Salmon House on the Hill Cookbook by Dan Atkinson1

50 Great Curries of India by Camellia Panjabi

Peking Duck Dinner from Flamingo Chinese Restaurant

1 music cd from Silk Road Music (from Qiu Xia He)

Opening night pass for two for Plum Tree from Firehall Arts Centre- directed by Adrienne Wong)

Opening Night tickets to Terracotta Warriors at Centre in Vancouver for Performing Arts

Alcan Dragon Boat Festival – Weekend pass for two

Dr. Sun Yat Sen Garden passes

Gift basker from CBC including book, mug and valet case

Opening Night tickets to Sex in Vancouver: Chapter 2 Vancouver Asian Canadian Theatre

Two tickets for Burnaby Lyric Opera


Gung Haggis Fat Choy in your home – Dinner for 8 with Toddish McWong & Joe McDonald

Dragon Boat rental and coaching session with coaches Todd Wong, Adrian Lee and Bob Brinson

Your own personal Book Club meeting with Vancouver City Librarian Paul Whitney and ACWW president Jim Wong-Chu – a discussion of Wayson Choy's Jade Peony (inaugural One Book One Vancouver selection) + 10 copies of Jade Peony  (Sunday Only)

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