Tonight! Watch CBC TV – Gung Haggis Fat Choy, 7:30pm

Tonight… tonight… the stars align tonight…

Tonight we get to see how well CBC Regional Director Rae Hull's
vision of a multicultural television performance special has been
realized by producer Moyra Rodger.  I sat in on our first blue sky
conception meetings that were rejected.  I
recommended performers, locations and concepts in my role as

I watched the music video filmings at Dr. Sun Yat Sen Garden and on
Keefer St in Chinatown.  I brought my family in for filming a
simulated Chinese New Year Dinner.  I modeled a kilt on a late
night Gastown street. I listened to Moyra say that she is happy with
the production and that she is proud to have her name on it.

What can we expect?  Expect the unexpected!  Look for the
intersections between two of Canada's oldest non-official founding
cultures on the West Coast.  Look at how stereotypes are
flipped, racial images are juxtaposed with cultural images in ways
you never imagined before.  Think outside the box.  Think…
“What if?”

But most of all… think of how much fun all the performers had of
being a part of this show.  Think how much they enjoyed pushing
the boundaries of stereotypes and playing cheekily with the
traditional.  I haven't seen the final product.  I look
forward to seeing the show tonight with my girlfriend, Deb Martin, and
her parents who have travelled all the way from Vernon BC to attend the

I look forward to hearing comments from my parents and my 93 year
old grandmother who was born in Victoria BC, the grand-daughter of Rev.
Chan Yu Tan who came to Canada in 1896.  In each subsequent
generation we have had inter-racial marriages in the family.  The
blending of Scots and Chinese is truly nothing new to us!

2 thoughts on “Tonight! Watch CBC TV – Gung Haggis Fat Choy, 7:30pm

  1. Anonymous

    Please tell me that you have videotape sales of this wonderful special! I am in Seattle, and caught the CBC Saturday night broadcast of your special. What a hoot!
    If you are selling video tape copies of this special, PLEASE LET ME KNOW I WILL BUY ONE, AND MORE FOR ALL MY FRIENDS!
    Thank you,
    Harry Hasegawa

  2. Anonymous

    My wife and I also saw a goodly portion of the CBC special at home in Olympia, Washington and just loved it!! Please tell me how to get a video copy of the special or tell me that it will be re-broadcast next year. It's been weeks since we saw the special but the music is still buzzing around in snatches inside my brain. Please help me get a copy of the show so I can see the performances and hear the beautiful music again properly — I'm not sure I can wait 'til next year and I would surely be terribly disappointed if I never saw or heard it again. Please help — thanks!!


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