We made Malcolm Parry's column in Saturday's Vancouver Sun!

Wow… we are making the Arts and Cultural Society pages now.  Jim Wong-Chu is president of ACWW, and my arts and cultural mentor.  He has been instrumental in helping to guide Gung Haggis Fat Choy from the first fundraiser dinner in 1999.

From Malcolm Perry's Vancouver Sun column, Saturday, January 17, 2004)

JIM WONG-CHU, the Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop sparkplug, says the Robbie Burns Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner and concert is such a hit, it'll run two nights this year — Jan. 24 and 25 — to benefit ACWW and the Gung Haggis Dragon Boat Team.

Sino-Caledonian gourmets may relish a new dish: deep-fried haggis won tons. No word on the traditional accompanying bashed neeps (mashed turnips).

More at www.gunghaggisfatchoy.com or 604-987-7124.

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