Win Gung Haggis Fat Choy tickets on CBC's Canada Now

Watch the CBC news program Canada Now at 7pm each day this week for a chance to win tickets to Sunday night's dinner performance of Gung Haggis Fat Choy!

Lucky winners will be seated at two ringside tables with CBC news anchors attending the dinner also! 

Watch for CBC ads for the television performance special Gung Haggis Fat Choy featuring Silk Road Music, Brave Waves, The Paper Boys and George Sampson.

Also in the media this week:

Urban Rush – doing the taping on Wednesday, airing later this week.

CBC National News – filming on Tuesday, airing Wednesday or Thursday?

City Cooks on City TV, 12 noon, Thursday, with host Simi Sara , Toddish McWong and Flamingo Restaurant owner/manager Joseph Lee, learning to make haggis wun-tun, spring rolls and stuffed tofu!

Early Edition, CBC Radio One 690 – win tickets on “690 to Go” – Thursday Morning 6-9am

The Afternoon Show, CBC Radio One 690, Catch Toddish McWong on a panel discussion about Chinese New Year and multiculturalism – live at the Aberdeen Centre in Richmond BC. 4 to 6pm

Gung Haggis Fat Choy, CBC television performance special.  7:30pm. Friday, January 23rd.  Prime time television! repeating Saturday evening following Hockey Night in Canada

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