Gung Haggis Fat Choy Poetry Night – January 12, 2004, Monday – 7:30pm Vancouver Public Library

There will be a free Gung Haggis Fat Choy Poetry Night on Monday January 12, 2004 at 7:30p.m. at the Vancouver Public Library (350 West Georgia St) in the Alice Mackay Room.

Todd writes: “Take a mixture of Scottish Canadian poets, Chinese Canadian poets, a Chilean poet, a bagpiper who likes Chinese food, a Vancouver Book Award nominee born in Scotland who happens to be of Chinese ancestry, – and give them a stage… sure to promote good will and inter-culturalism everywhere!”

This event is organized by Asian Canadian Writers Workshop, World Poetry Reading Series, and the Vancouver Public Library.

Featured poets and performers:

Neil Gray: (Scotland) to recite Robbie Burns

Fiona Tin Wei Lam: (Born in Scotland – raised in Canada) – Vancouver Book Award finalist for “Intimate Distances”

Joe McDonald: bagpipes

Norman Morrison: (Scotland) reciting Canadian poet Robert Service

Louie Hummer : (Scotland) vocals

Jacinda Oldale: Scottish Canadian

Trev Sue-A-Quan: (Guayana) author of “Cane Reapers”

Jim Wong-Chu: (Canada) author of “Chinatown Ghosts”, editor of anthologies “Swallowing Clouds,” and “Many-Mouthed Birds,” and the just released Chinese Canadian fiction anthology “Strike the Wok.”

Mr. Yizhong: Chinese (Mandarin)

and special guest Hernan Bravo: (Chilean)

Hosted by Todd Wong, Ariadne Sawyer and Alejandro Mujica-Olea.

Admission is FREE and ALL are welcome!

See you there!

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